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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<chapter xml:id="noauth" xmlns="" version="5.0" xml:lang="en"
<title>Disabling authentication</title>
<primary>disabling authentication</primary>
<para>Guacamole normally enforces authentication, requiring all users to have a corresponding
set of credentials. If you would rather just type in your server's URL and gain access to
your computer, you can do this with the so-called "NoAuth" extension.</para>
<para>The NoAuth extension still performs authentication, but does not validate any credentials,
giving anyone that visits your server access to the same set of connections dictated by an
XML configuration file. It is an authentication implementation in its own right, and thus
doesn't truly "disable" authentication. It simply grants anyone access without requesting a
username or password.</para>
<para>The security implications of this should be obvious - anyone with access to your
Guacamole instance will have access to your remote desktops. If you wish to effectively
disable authentication using NoAuth, do so with caution.</para>
<title>Downloading the NoAuth extension</title>
<para xmlns:xlink="">The NoAuth authentication extension is
available separately from the main <filename>guacamole.war</filename>. The link for this
and all other officially-supported and compatible extensions for a particular version of
Guacamole are provided on the release notes for that version. You can find the release
notes for current versions of Guacamole here: <link
<para xmlns:xlink="">The NoAuth authentication extension is
packaged as a <filename>.tar.gz</filename> file containing:</para>
<para>The NoAuth extension itself, which must be placed in
<para>Contains an example configuration file:
<section xml:id="installing-noauth">
<title>Installing the NoAuth extension</title>
<para>Guacamole extensions are self-contained <filename>.jar</filename> files which are
located within the <filename>GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions</filename> directory. To install
the NoAuth authentication extension, you must:</para>
<para>Create the <filename>GUACAMOLE_HOME/extensions</filename> directory, if it
does not already exist.</para>
<para>Copy <filename>guacamole-auth-noauth-0.9.10-incubating.jar</filename> within
<para>Configure Guacamole to use NoAuth, as described below.</para>
<para>You will need to restart Guacamole by restarting your servlet container in order
to complete the installation. Doing this will disconnect all active users, so be
sure that it is safe to do so prior to attempting installation. If you do not
configure the NoAuth extension properly, Guacamole will not start up again until the
configuration is fixed.</para>
<title>Configuring Guacamole for NoAuth</title>
<para>An additional property must be added to <filename></filename>
such that Guacamole will load the NoAuth extension and locate its configuration
<programlisting># NoAuth properties
noauth-config: <replaceable>/etc/guacamole/noauth-config.xml</replaceable></programlisting>
<para>The <property>noauth-config</property> property defines the location of the XML
configuration file required by NoAuth. This file describes the connections available
to any user of your Guacamole instance and can be placed anywhere so long as its
location is given in <filename></filename>. On Linux servers,
<filename>/etc/guacamole</filename> is a good location for Guacamole
configuration files, including the configuration file used by NoAuth.</para>
<section xml:id="noauth-configuration">
<title>The NoAuth configuration file</title>
<primary>configuring NoAuth</primary>
<para>Although the NoAuth extension does not check credentials, it still requires a
configuration file describing which connections are available and the protocols
to use. This configuration is an XML file, typically called
<para>An example configuration file is provided in the
<filename>doc/example/</filename> directory of the
<filename>.tar.gz</filename> file downloadable from the Guacamole site. The
format is fairly straightforward, and consists only of a list of connections
(configurations) and parameters:</para>
&lt;config name="myconfig" protocol="rdp">
&lt;param name="hostname" value="rdp-server" />
&lt;param name="port" value="3389" />
<para>The file consists of a single <code>&lt;configs></code> tag that contains
any number of <code>&lt;config></code> tags, each representing a distinct
connection available for use.</para>
<para>Each <code>&lt;config></code> tag has a corresponding <code>name</code>
and <code>protocol</code>. The <code>name</code> attribute defines a unique
identifier for the connection and tells Guacamole what text should be
displayed when identifying the connection. The <code>protocol</code>
attribute defines the standard remote desktop protocol to use, such as
"<constant>vnc</constant>", "<constant>rdp</constant>", or
"<constant>ssh</constant>". These protocols must be specified as
lowercase due to the naming convention used by the libraries providing
protocol support. If the wrong case is used, Guacamole will be unable to
load the corresponding protocol support and the connection will fail.</para>
<para>The <code>&lt;param></code> tags are placed within
<code>&lt;config></code> tags, describing a parameter name/value pair.
The parameters available, their names, and their allowed values are
protocol-specific and documented in <xref linkend="configuring-guacamole"
<para>The example above creates a new connection called "myconfig" that uses RDP
to connect to the server at "rdp-server" on port 3389.</para>
<title>Completing the installation</title>
<para>Guacamole will only reread <filename></filename> and load
newly-installed extensions during startup, so your servlet container will need to be
restarted before the disabled authentication will take effect. Restart your servlet
container and check whether your changes have been successful.</para>
<para>You only need to restart your servlet container. <emphasis>You do not need
to restart <package>guacd</package></emphasis>.</para>
<para><package>guacd</package> is completely independent of the web application
and does not deal with <filename></filename> or the
authentication system in any way. Since you are already restarting the
servlet container, restarting <package>guacd</package> as well technically
won't hurt anything, but doing so is completely pointless.</para>
<para>If Guacamole does not come back online after restarting your servlet container, or
you are prompted for a username and password, check the logs. Problems in the
configuration of NoAuth extension will prevent Guacamole from starting up, and any
such errors will be recorded in the logs of your servlet container.</para>