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/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
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* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
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* The Original Code is guacamole-common-js.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
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* Namespace for all Guacamole JavaScript objects.
* @namespace
var Guacamole = Guacamole || {};
* Provides cross-browser and cross-keyboard keyboard for a specific element.
* Browser and keyboard layout variation is abstracted away, providing events
* which represent keys as their corresponding X11 keysym.
* @constructor
* @param {Element} element The Element to use to provide keyboard events.
Guacamole.Keyboard = function(element) {
* Reference to this Guacamole.Keyboard.
* @private
var guac_keyboard = this;
* Fired whenever the user presses a key with the element associated
* with this Guacamole.Keyboard in focus.
* @event
* @param {Number} keysym The keysym of the key being pressed.
this.onkeydown = null;
* Fired whenever the user releases a key with the element associated
* with this Guacamole.Keyboard in focus.
* @event
* @param {Number} keysym The keysym of the key being released.
this.onkeyup = null;
* Map of known JavaScript keycodes which do not map to typable characters
* to their unshifted X11 keysym equivalents.
* @private
var unshiftedKeysym = {
8: [0xFF08], // backspace
9: [0xFF09], // tab
13: [0xFF0D], // enter
16: [0xFFE1, 0xFFE1, 0xFFE2], // shift
17: [0xFFE3, 0xFFE3, 0xFFE4], // ctrl
18: [0xFFE9, 0xFFE9, 0xFFEA], // alt
19: [0xFF13], // pause/break
20: [0xFFE5], // caps lock
27: [0xFF1B], // escape
32: [0x0020], // space
33: [0xFF55], // page up
34: [0xFF56], // page down
35: [0xFF57], // end
36: [0xFF50], // home
37: [0xFF51], // left arrow
38: [0xFF52], // up arrow
39: [0xFF53], // right arrow
40: [0xFF54], // down arrow
45: [0xFF63], // insert
46: [0xFFFF], // delete
91: [0xFFEB], // left window key (super_l)
92: [0xFF67], // right window key (menu key?)
93: null, // select key
112: [0xFFBE], // f1
113: [0xFFBF], // f2
114: [0xFFC0], // f3
115: [0xFFC1], // f4
116: [0xFFC2], // f5
117: [0xFFC3], // f6
118: [0xFFC4], // f7
119: [0xFFC5], // f8
120: [0xFFC6], // f9
121: [0xFFC7], // f10
122: [0xFFC8], // f11
123: [0xFFC9], // f12
144: [0xFF7F], // num lock
145: [0xFF14] // scroll lock
* Map of known JavaScript keyidentifiers which do not map to typable
* characters to their unshifted X11 keysym equivalents.
* @private
var keyidentifier_keysym = {
"AllCandidates": [0xFF3D],
"Alphanumeric": [0xFF30],
"Alt": [0xFFE9, 0xFFE9, 0xFFEA],
"Attn": [0xFD0E],
"AltGraph": [0xFFEA],
"CapsLock": [0xFFE5],
"Clear": [0xFF0B],
"Convert": [0xFF21],
"Copy": [0xFD15],
"Crsel": [0xFD1C],
"CodeInput": [0xFF37],
"Control": [0xFFE3, 0xFFE3, 0xFFE4],
"Down": [0xFF54],
"End": [0xFF57],
"Enter": [0xFF0D],
"EraseEof": [0xFD06],
"Execute": [0xFF62],
"Exsel": [0xFD1D],
"F1": [0xFFBE],
"F2": [0xFFBF],
"F3": [0xFFC0],
"F4": [0xFFC1],
"F5": [0xFFC2],
"F6": [0xFFC3],
"F7": [0xFFC4],
"F8": [0xFFC5],
"F9": [0xFFC6],
"F10": [0xFFC7],
"F11": [0xFFC8],
"F12": [0xFFC9],
"F13": [0xFFCA],
"F14": [0xFFCB],
"F15": [0xFFCC],
"F16": [0xFFCD],
"F17": [0xFFCE],
"F18": [0xFFCF],
"F19": [0xFFD0],
"F20": [0xFFD1],
"F21": [0xFFD2],
"F22": [0xFFD3],
"F23": [0xFFD4],
"F24": [0xFFD5],
"Find": [0xFF68],
"FullWidth": null,
"HalfWidth": null,
"HangulMode": [0xFF31],
"HanjaMode": [0xFF34],
"Help": [0xFF6A],
"Hiragana": [0xFF25],
"Home": [0xFF50],
"Insert": [0xFF63],
"JapaneseHiragana": [0xFF25],
"JapaneseKatakana": [0xFF26],
"JapaneseRomaji": [0xFF24],
"JunjaMode": [0xFF38],
"KanaMode": [0xFF2D],
"KanjiMode": [0xFF21],
"Katakana": [0xFF26],
"Left": [0xFF51],
"Meta": [0xFFE7],
"NumLock": [0xFF7F],
"PageDown": [0xFF55],
"PageUp": [0xFF56],
"Pause": [0xFF13],
"PreviousCandidate": [0xFF3E],
"PrintScreen": [0xFD1D],
"Right": [0xFF53],
"RomanCharacters": null,
"Scroll": [0xFF14],
"Select": [0xFF60],
"Shift": [0xFFE1, 0xFFE1, 0xFFE2],
"Up": [0xFF52],
"Undo": [0xFF65],
"Win": [0xFFEB]
* Map of known JavaScript keycodes which do not map to typable characters
* to their shifted X11 keysym equivalents. Keycodes must only be listed
* here if their shifted X11 keysym equivalents differ from their unshifted
* equivalents.
* @private
var shiftedKeysym = {
18: [0xFFE7, 0xFFE7, 0xFFEA] // alt
* All keysyms which should not repeat when held down.
* @private
var no_repeat = {
0xFFE1: true, // Left shift
0xFFE2: true, // Right shift
0xFFE3: true, // Left ctrl
0xFFE4: true, // Right ctrl
0xFFE9: true, // Left alt
0xFFEA: true // Right alt (or AltGr)
* All modifiers and their states.
this.modifiers = {
* Whether shift is currently pressed.
"shift": false,
* Whether ctrl is currently pressed.
"ctrl" : false,
* Whether alt is currently pressed.
"alt" : false,
* Whether meta (apple key) is currently pressed.
"meta" : false
* The state of every key, indexed by keysym. If a particular key is
* pressed, the value of pressed for that keysym will be true. If a key
* is not currently pressed, it will not be defined.
this.pressed = {};
* The keysym associated with a given keycode when keydown fired.
* @private
var keydownChar = [];
* Timeout before key repeat starts.
* @private
var key_repeat_timeout = null;
* Interval which presses and releases the last key pressed while that
* key is still being held down.
* @private
var key_repeat_interval = null;
* Given an array of keysyms indexed by location, returns the keysym
* for the given location, or the keysym for the standard location if
* undefined.
* @param {Array} keysyms An array of keysyms, where the index of the
* keysym in the array is the location value.
* @param {Number} location The location on the keyboard corresponding to
* the key pressed, as defined at:
function get_keysym(keysyms, location) {
if (!keysyms)
return null;
return keysyms[location] || keysyms[0];
function keysym_from_key_identifier(shifted, keyIdentifier, location) {
var unicodePrefixLocation = keyIdentifier.indexOf("U+");
if (unicodePrefixLocation >= 0) {
var hex = keyIdentifier.substring(unicodePrefixLocation+2);
var codepoint = parseInt(hex, 16);
var typedCharacter;
// Convert case if shifted
if (shifted == 0)
typedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(codepoint).toLowerCase();
typedCharacter = String.fromCharCode(codepoint).toUpperCase();
// Get codepoint
codepoint = typedCharacter.charCodeAt(0);
return keysym_from_charcode(codepoint);
return get_keysym(keyidentifier_keysym[keyIdentifier], location);
function isControlCharacter(codepoint) {
return codepoint <= 0x1F || (codepoint >= 0x7F && codepoint <= 0x9F);
function keysym_from_charcode(codepoint) {
// Keysyms for control characters
if (isControlCharacter(codepoint)) return 0xFF00 | codepoint;
// Keysyms for ASCII chars
if (codepoint >= 0x0000 && codepoint <= 0x00FF)
return codepoint;
// Keysyms for Unicode
if (codepoint >= 0x0100 && codepoint <= 0x10FFFF)
return 0x01000000 | codepoint;
return null;
function keysym_from_keycode(keyCode, location) {
var keysyms;
// If not shifted, just return unshifted keysym
if (!guac_keyboard.modifiers.shift)
keysyms = unshiftedKeysym[keyCode];
// Otherwise, return shifted keysym, if defined
keysyms = shiftedKeysym[keyCode] || unshiftedKeysym[keyCode];
return get_keysym(keysyms, location);
* Marks a key as pressed, firing the keydown event if registered. Key
* repeat for the pressed key will start after a delay if that key is
* not a modifier.
* @private
function press_key(keysym) {
// Don't bother with pressing the key if the key is unknown
if (keysym == null) return;
// Only press if released
if (!guac_keyboard.pressed[keysym]) {
// Mark key as pressed
guac_keyboard.pressed[keysym] = true;
// Send key event
if (guac_keyboard.onkeydown) {
// Stop any current repeat
// Repeat after a delay as long as pressed
if (!no_repeat[keysym])
key_repeat_timeout = window.setTimeout(function() {
key_repeat_interval = window.setInterval(function() {
}, 50);
}, 500);
* Marks a key as released, firing the keyup event if registered.
* @private
function release_key(keysym) {
// Only release if pressed
if (guac_keyboard.pressed[keysym]) {
// Mark key as released
delete guac_keyboard.pressed[keysym];
// Stop repeat
// Send key event
if (keysym != null && guac_keyboard.onkeyup)
function isTypable(keyIdentifier) {
// Find unicode prefix
var unicodePrefixLocation = keyIdentifier.indexOf("U+");
if (unicodePrefixLocation == -1)
return false;
// Parse codepoint value
var hex = keyIdentifier.substring(unicodePrefixLocation+2);
var codepoint = parseInt(hex, 16);
// If control character, not typable
if (isControlCharacter(codepoint)) return false;
// Otherwise, typable
return true;
* Given a keyboard event, updates the local modifier state and remote
* key state based on the modifier flags within the event. This function
* pays no attention to keycodes.
* @param {KeyboardEvent} e The keyboard event containing the flags to update.
function update_modifier_state(e) {
// Release alt if implicitly released
if (guac_keyboard.modifiers.alt && e.altKey === false) {
release_key(0xFFE9); // Left alt
release_key(0xFFEA); // Right alt (or AltGr)
guac_keyboard.modifiers.alt = false;
// Release shift if implicitly released
if (guac_keyboard.modifiers.shift && e.shiftKey === false) {
release_key(0xFFE1); // Left shift
release_key(0xFFE2); // Right shift
guac_keyboard.modifiers.shift = false;
// Release ctrl if implicitly released
if (guac_keyboard.modifiers.ctrl && e.ctrlKey === false) {
release_key(0xFFE3); // Left ctrl
release_key(0xFFE4); // Right ctrl
guac_keyboard.modifiers.ctrl = false;
// When key pressed
element.addEventListener("keydown", function(e) {
// Only intercept if handler set
if (!guac_keyboard.onkeydown) return;
var keynum;
if (window.event) keynum = window.event.keyCode;
else if (e.which) keynum = e.which;
// Get key location
var location = e.location || e.keyLocation || 0;
// Ignore any unknown key events
if (keynum == 0 && !e.keyIdentifier) {
// Fix modifier states
// Ctrl/Alt/Shift/Meta
if (keynum == 16) guac_keyboard.modifiers.shift = true;
else if (keynum == 17) guac_keyboard.modifiers.ctrl = true;
else if (keynum == 18) guac_keyboard.modifiers.alt = true;
else if (keynum == 91) guac_keyboard.modifiers.meta = true;
// Try to get keysym from keycode
var keysym = keysym_from_keycode(keynum, location);
// By default, we expect a corresponding keypress event
var expect_keypress = true;
// If key is known from keycode, prevent default
if (keysym)
expect_keypress = false;
// Also try to get get keysym from keyIdentifier
if (e.keyIdentifier) {
keysym = keysym ||
e.keyIdentifier, location);
// Prevent default if non-typable character or if modifier combination
// likely to be eaten by browser otherwise (NOTE: We must not prevent
// default for Ctrl+Alt, as that combination is commonly used for
// AltGr. If we receive AltGr, we need to handle keypress, which
// means we cannot cancel keydown).
if (!isTypable(e.keyIdentifier)
|| ( guac_keyboard.modifiers.ctrl && !guac_keyboard.modifiers.alt)
|| (!guac_keyboard.modifiers.ctrl && guac_keyboard.modifiers.alt)
|| (guac_keyboard.modifiers.meta))
expect_keypress = false;
// If we do not expect to handle via keypress, handle now
if (!expect_keypress) {
// Press key if known
if (keysym != null) {
keydownChar[keynum] = keysym;
// If a key is pressed while meta is held down, the keyup will never be sent in Chrome, so send it now. (bug #108404)
if(guac_keyboard.modifiers.meta) {
}, true);
// When key pressed
element.addEventListener("keypress", function(e) {
// Only intercept if handler set
if (!guac_keyboard.onkeydown && !guac_keyboard.onkeyup) return;
var keynum;
if (window.event) keynum = window.event.keyCode;
else if (e.which) keynum = e.which;
var keysym = keysym_from_charcode(keynum);
// Fix modifier states
// If event identified as a typable character, and we're holding Ctrl+Alt,
// assume Ctrl+Alt is actually AltGr, and release both.
if (!isControlCharacter(keynum) && guac_keyboard.modifiers.ctrl && guac_keyboard.modifiers.alt) {
release_key(0xFFE3); // Left ctrl
release_key(0xFFE4); // Right ctrl
release_key(0xFFE9); // Left alt
release_key(0xFFEA); // Right alt
// Send press + release if keysym known
if (keysym != null) {
}, true);
// When key released
element.addEventListener("keyup", function(e) {
// Only intercept if handler set
if (!guac_keyboard.onkeyup) return;
var keynum;
if (window.event) keynum = window.event.keyCode;
else if (e.which) keynum = e.which;
// Fix modifier states
// Ctrl/Alt/Shift/Meta
if (keynum == 16) guac_keyboard.modifiers.shift = false;
else if (keynum == 17) guac_keyboard.modifiers.ctrl = false;
else if (keynum == 18) guac_keyboard.modifiers.alt = false;
else if (keynum == 91) guac_keyboard.modifiers.meta = false;
// Send release event if original key known
var keydown_keysym = keydownChar[keynum];
if (keydown_keysym != null)
// Clear character record
keydownChar[keynum] = null;
}, true);