blob: e25458e04f93eabb972124096af20f1268a55f16 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Service which defines the ColorScheme class.
angular.module('form').factory('ColorScheme', [function defineColorScheme() {
* Intermediate representation of a custom color scheme which can be
* converted to the color scheme format used by Guacamole's terminal
* emulator. All colors must be represented in the six-digit hexadecimal
* RGB notation used by HTML ("#000000" for black, etc.).
* @constructor
* @param {ColorScheme|Object} [template={}]
* The object whose properties should be copied within the new
* ColorScheme.
var ColorScheme = function ColorScheme(template) {
// Use empty object by default
template = template || {};
* The terminal background color. This will be the default foreground
* color of the Guacamole terminal emulator ("#000000") by default.
* @type {String}
this.background = template.background || '#000000';
* The terminal foreground color. This will be the default foreground
* color of the Guacamole terminal emulator ("#999999") by default.
* @type {String}
this.foreground = template.foreground || '#999999';
* The terminal color palette. Default values are provided for the
* normal 16 terminal colors using the default values of the Guacamole
* terminal emulator, however the terminal emulator and this
* representation support up to 256 colors.
* @type {String[]}
this.colors = template.colors || [
// Normal colors
'#000000', // Black
'#993E3E', // Red
'#3E993E', // Green
'#99993E', // Brown
'#3E3E99', // Blue
'#993E99', // Magenta
'#3E9999', // Cyan
'#999999', // White
// Intense colors
'#3E3E3E', // Black
'#FF6767', // Red
'#67FF67', // Green
'#FFFF67', // Brown
'#6767FF', // Blue
'#FF67FF', // Magenta
'#67FFFF', // Cyan
'#FFFFFF' // White
* Given a color string in the standard 6-digit hexadecimal RGB format,
* returns a X11 color spec which represents the same color.
* @param {String} color
* The hexadecimal color string to convert.
* @returns {String}
* The X11 color spec representing the same color as the given
* hexadecimal string, or null if the given string is not a valid
* 6-digit hexadecimal RGB color.
var fromHexColor = function fromHexColor(color) {
var groups = /^#([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})([0-9a-fA-F]{2})$/.exec(color);
if (!groups)
return null;
return 'rgb:' + groups[1] + '/' + groups[2] + '/' + groups[3];
* Parses the same subset of the X11 color spec supported by the Guacamole
* terminal emulator (the "rgb:*" format), returning the equivalent 6-digit
* hexadecimal color string supported by the ColorScheme representation.
* The X11 color spec defined by Xlib's XParseColor(). The human-readable
* color names supported by the Guacamole terminal emulator (the same color
* names as supported by xterm) may also be used.
* @param {String} color
* The X11 color spec to parse, or the name of a known named color.
* @returns {String}
* The 6-digit hexadecimal color string which represents the same color
* as the given X11 color spec/name, or null if the given spec/name is
* invalid.
var toHexColor = function toHexColor(color) {
* Shifts or truncates the given hexadecimal string such that it
* contains exactly two hexadecimal digits, as required by any
* individual color component of the 6-digit hexadecimal RGB format.
* @param {String} component
* The hexadecimal string to shift or truncate to two digits.
* @returns {String}
* A new 2-digit hexadecimal string containing the same digits as
* the provided string, shifted or truncated as necessary to fit
* within the 2-digit length limit.
var toHexComponent = function toHexComponent(component) {
return (component + '0').substring(0, 2).toUpperCase();
// Attempt to parse any non-RGB color as a named color
var groups = /^rgb:([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})\/([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})\/([0-9A-Fa-f]{1,4})$/.exec(color);
if (!groups)
return ColorScheme.NAMED_COLORS[color.toLowerCase()] || null;
// Convert to standard 6-digit hexadecimal RGB format
return '#' + toHexComponent(groups[1]) + toHexComponent(groups[2]) + toHexComponent(groups[3]);
* Converts the given string representation of a color scheme which is
* supported by the Guacamole terminal emulator to a corresponding,
* intermediate ColorScheme object.
* @param {String} str
* An arbitrary color scheme, in the string format supported by the
* Guacamole terminal emulator.
* @returns {ColorScheme}
* A new ColorScheme instance which represents the same color scheme as
* the given string.
ColorScheme.fromString = function fromString(str) {
var scheme = new ColorScheme();
// For each semicolon-separated statement in the provided color scheme
var statements = str.split(/;/);
for (var i = 0; i < statements.length; i++) {
// Skip any statements which cannot be parsed
var statement = statements[i];
var groups = /^\s*(background|foreground|color([0-9]+))\s*:\s*(\S*)\s*$/.exec(statement);
if (!groups)
// If the statement is valid and contains a valid color, map that
// color to the appropriate property of the ColorScheme object
var color = toHexColor(groups[3]);
if (color) {
if (groups[1] === 'background')
scheme.background = color;
else if (groups[1] === 'foreground')
scheme.foreground = color;
scheme.colors[parseInt(groups[2])] = color;
return scheme;
* Converts the given ColorScheme to a string representation which is
* supported by the Guacamole terminal emulator.
* @param {ColorScheme} scheme
* The ColorScheme to convert to a string.
* @returns {String}
* The given color scheme, converted to the string format supported by
* the Guacamole terminal emulator.
ColorScheme.toString = function toString(scheme) {
// Add background and foreground
var str = 'background: ' + fromHexColor(scheme.background) + ';\n'
+ 'foreground: ' + fromHexColor(scheme.foreground) + ';';
// Add color definitions for each palette entry
for (var index in scheme.colors)
str += '\ncolor' + index + ': ' + fromHexColor(scheme.colors[index]) + ';';
return str;
* The set of all named colors supported by the Guacamole terminal
* emulator and their corresponding 6-digit hexadecimal RGB
* representations. This set should contain all colors supported by xterm.
* @constant
* @type {Object.<String, String>}
ColorScheme.NAMED_COLORS = {
'aliceblue' : '#F0F8FF',
'antiquewhite' : '#FAEBD7',
'antiquewhite1' : '#FFEFDB',
'antiquewhite2' : '#EEDFCC',
'antiquewhite3' : '#CDC0B0',
'antiquewhite4' : '#8B8378',
'aqua' : '#00FFFF',
'aquamarine' : '#7FFFD4',
'aquamarine1' : '#7FFFD4',
'aquamarine2' : '#76EEC6',
'aquamarine3' : '#66CDAA',
'aquamarine4' : '#458B74',
'azure' : '#F0FFFF',
'azure1' : '#F0FFFF',
'azure2' : '#E0EEEE',
'azure3' : '#C1CDCD',
'azure4' : '#838B8B',
'beige' : '#F5F5DC',
'bisque' : '#FFE4C4',
'bisque1' : '#FFE4C4',
'bisque2' : '#EED5B7',
'bisque3' : '#CDB79E',
'bisque4' : '#8B7D6B',
'black' : '#000000',
'blanchedalmond' : '#FFEBCD',
'blue' : '#0000FF',
'blue1' : '#0000FF',
'blue2' : '#0000EE',
'blue3' : '#0000CD',
'blue4' : '#00008B',
'blueviolet' : '#8A2BE2',
'brown' : '#A52A2A',
'brown1' : '#FF4040',
'brown2' : '#EE3B3B',
'brown3' : '#CD3333',
'brown4' : '#8B2323',
'burlywood' : '#DEB887',
'burlywood1' : '#FFD39B',
'burlywood2' : '#EEC591',
'burlywood3' : '#CDAA7D',
'burlywood4' : '#8B7355',
'cadetblue' : '#5F9EA0',
'cadetblue1' : '#98F5FF',
'cadetblue2' : '#8EE5EE',
'cadetblue3' : '#7AC5CD',
'cadetblue4' : '#53868B',
'chartreuse' : '#7FFF00',
'chartreuse1' : '#7FFF00',
'chartreuse2' : '#76EE00',
'chartreuse3' : '#66CD00',
'chartreuse4' : '#458B00',
'chocolate' : '#D2691E',
'chocolate1' : '#FF7F24',
'chocolate2' : '#EE7621',
'chocolate3' : '#CD661D',
'chocolate4' : '#8B4513',
'coral' : '#FF7F50',
'coral1' : '#FF7256',
'coral2' : '#EE6A50',
'coral3' : '#CD5B45',
'coral4' : '#8B3E2F',
'cornflowerblue' : '#6495ED',
'cornsilk' : '#FFF8DC',
'cornsilk1' : '#FFF8DC',
'cornsilk2' : '#EEE8CD',
'cornsilk3' : '#CDC8B1',
'cornsilk4' : '#8B8878',
'crimson' : '#DC143C',
'cyan' : '#00FFFF',
'cyan1' : '#00FFFF',
'cyan2' : '#00EEEE',
'cyan3' : '#00CDCD',
'cyan4' : '#008B8B',
'darkblue' : '#00008B',
'darkcyan' : '#008B8B',
'darkgoldenrod' : '#B8860B',
'darkgoldenrod1' : '#FFB90F',
'darkgoldenrod2' : '#EEAD0E',
'darkgoldenrod3' : '#CD950C',
'darkgoldenrod4' : '#8B6508',
'darkgray' : '#A9A9A9',
'darkgreen' : '#006400',
'darkgrey' : '#A9A9A9',
'darkkhaki' : '#BDB76B',
'darkmagenta' : '#8B008B',
'darkolivegreen' : '#556B2F',
'darkolivegreen1' : '#CAFF70',
'darkolivegreen2' : '#BCEE68',
'darkolivegreen3' : '#A2CD5A',
'darkolivegreen4' : '#6E8B3D',
'darkorange' : '#FF8C00',
'darkorange1' : '#FF7F00',
'darkorange2' : '#EE7600',
'darkorange3' : '#CD6600',
'darkorange4' : '#8B4500',
'darkorchid' : '#9932CC',
'darkorchid1' : '#BF3EFF',
'darkorchid2' : '#B23AEE',
'darkorchid3' : '#9A32CD',
'darkorchid4' : '#68228B',
'darkred' : '#8B0000',
'darksalmon' : '#E9967A',
'darkseagreen' : '#8FBC8F',
'darkseagreen1' : '#C1FFC1',
'darkseagreen2' : '#B4EEB4',
'darkseagreen3' : '#9BCD9B',
'darkseagreen4' : '#698B69',
'darkslateblue' : '#483D8B',
'darkslategray' : '#2F4F4F',
'darkslategray1' : '#97FFFF',
'darkslategray2' : '#8DEEEE',
'darkslategray3' : '#79CDCD',
'darkslategray4' : '#528B8B',
'darkslategrey' : '#2F4F4F',
'darkturquoise' : '#00CED1',
'darkviolet' : '#9400D3',
'deeppink' : '#FF1493',
'deeppink1' : '#FF1493',
'deeppink2' : '#EE1289',
'deeppink3' : '#CD1076',
'deeppink4' : '#8B0A50',
'deepskyblue' : '#00BFFF',
'deepskyblue1' : '#00BFFF',
'deepskyblue2' : '#00B2EE',
'deepskyblue3' : '#009ACD',
'deepskyblue4' : '#00688B',
'dimgray' : '#696969',
'dimgrey' : '#696969',
'dodgerblue' : '#1E90FF',
'dodgerblue1' : '#1E90FF',
'dodgerblue2' : '#1C86EE',
'dodgerblue3' : '#1874CD',
'dodgerblue4' : '#104E8B',
'firebrick' : '#B22222',
'firebrick1' : '#FF3030',
'firebrick2' : '#EE2C2C',
'firebrick3' : '#CD2626',
'firebrick4' : '#8B1A1A',
'floralwhite' : '#FFFAF0',
'forestgreen' : '#228B22',
'fuchsia' : '#FF00FF',
'gainsboro' : '#DCDCDC',
'ghostwhite' : '#F8F8FF',
'gold' : '#FFD700',
'gold1' : '#FFD700',
'gold2' : '#EEC900',
'gold3' : '#CDAD00',
'gold4' : '#8B7500',
'goldenrod' : '#DAA520',
'goldenrod1' : '#FFC125',
'goldenrod2' : '#EEB422',
'goldenrod3' : '#CD9B1D',
'goldenrod4' : '#8B6914',
'gray' : '#BEBEBE',
'gray0' : '#000000',
'gray1' : '#030303',
'gray10' : '#1A1A1A',
'gray100' : '#FFFFFF',
'gray11' : '#1C1C1C',
'gray12' : '#1F1F1F',
'gray13' : '#212121',
'gray14' : '#242424',
'gray15' : '#262626',
'gray16' : '#292929',
'gray17' : '#2B2B2B',
'gray18' : '#2E2E2E',
'gray19' : '#303030',
'gray2' : '#050505',
'gray20' : '#333333',
'gray21' : '#363636',
'gray22' : '#383838',
'gray23' : '#3B3B3B',
'gray24' : '#3D3D3D',
'gray25' : '#404040',
'gray26' : '#424242',
'gray27' : '#454545',
'gray28' : '#474747',
'gray29' : '#4A4A4A',
'gray3' : '#080808',
'gray30' : '#4D4D4D',
'gray31' : '#4F4F4F',
'gray32' : '#525252',
'gray33' : '#545454',
'gray34' : '#575757',
'gray35' : '#595959',
'gray36' : '#5C5C5C',
'gray37' : '#5E5E5E',
'gray38' : '#616161',
'gray39' : '#636363',
'gray4' : '#0A0A0A',
'gray40' : '#666666',
'gray41' : '#696969',
'gray42' : '#6B6B6B',
'gray43' : '#6E6E6E',
'gray44' : '#707070',
'gray45' : '#737373',
'gray46' : '#757575',
'gray47' : '#787878',
'gray48' : '#7A7A7A',
'gray49' : '#7D7D7D',
'gray5' : '#0D0D0D',
'gray50' : '#7F7F7F',
'gray51' : '#828282',
'gray52' : '#858585',
'gray53' : '#878787',
'gray54' : '#8A8A8A',
'gray55' : '#8C8C8C',
'gray56' : '#8F8F8F',
'gray57' : '#919191',
'gray58' : '#949494',
'gray59' : '#969696',
'gray6' : '#0F0F0F',
'gray60' : '#999999',
'gray61' : '#9C9C9C',
'gray62' : '#9E9E9E',
'gray63' : '#A1A1A1',
'gray64' : '#A3A3A3',
'gray65' : '#A6A6A6',
'gray66' : '#A8A8A8',
'gray67' : '#ABABAB',
'gray68' : '#ADADAD',
'gray69' : '#B0B0B0',
'gray7' : '#121212',
'gray70' : '#B3B3B3',
'gray71' : '#B5B5B5',
'gray72' : '#B8B8B8',
'gray73' : '#BABABA',
'gray74' : '#BDBDBD',
'gray75' : '#BFBFBF',
'gray76' : '#C2C2C2',
'gray77' : '#C4C4C4',
'gray78' : '#C7C7C7',
'gray79' : '#C9C9C9',
'gray8' : '#141414',
'gray80' : '#CCCCCC',
'gray81' : '#CFCFCF',
'gray82' : '#D1D1D1',
'gray83' : '#D4D4D4',
'gray84' : '#D6D6D6',
'gray85' : '#D9D9D9',
'gray86' : '#DBDBDB',
'gray87' : '#DEDEDE',
'gray88' : '#E0E0E0',
'gray89' : '#E3E3E3',
'gray9' : '#171717',
'gray90' : '#E5E5E5',
'gray91' : '#E8E8E8',
'gray92' : '#EBEBEB',
'gray93' : '#EDEDED',
'gray94' : '#F0F0F0',
'gray95' : '#F2F2F2',
'gray96' : '#F5F5F5',
'gray97' : '#F7F7F7',
'gray98' : '#FAFAFA',
'gray99' : '#FCFCFC',
'green' : '#00FF00',
'green1' : '#00FF00',
'green2' : '#00EE00',
'green3' : '#00CD00',
'green4' : '#008B00',
'greenyellow' : '#ADFF2F',
'grey' : '#BEBEBE',
'grey0' : '#000000',
'grey1' : '#030303',
'grey10' : '#1A1A1A',
'grey100' : '#FFFFFF',
'grey11' : '#1C1C1C',
'grey12' : '#1F1F1F',
'grey13' : '#212121',
'grey14' : '#242424',
'grey15' : '#262626',
'grey16' : '#292929',
'grey17' : '#2B2B2B',
'grey18' : '#2E2E2E',
'grey19' : '#303030',
'grey2' : '#050505',
'grey20' : '#333333',
'grey21' : '#363636',
'grey22' : '#383838',
'grey23' : '#3B3B3B',
'grey24' : '#3D3D3D',
'grey25' : '#404040',
'grey26' : '#424242',
'grey27' : '#454545',
'grey28' : '#474747',
'grey29' : '#4A4A4A',
'grey3' : '#080808',
'grey30' : '#4D4D4D',
'grey31' : '#4F4F4F',
'grey32' : '#525252',
'grey33' : '#545454',
'grey34' : '#575757',
'grey35' : '#595959',
'grey36' : '#5C5C5C',
'grey37' : '#5E5E5E',
'grey38' : '#616161',
'grey39' : '#636363',
'grey4' : '#0A0A0A',
'grey40' : '#666666',
'grey41' : '#696969',
'grey42' : '#6B6B6B',
'grey43' : '#6E6E6E',
'grey44' : '#707070',
'grey45' : '#737373',
'grey46' : '#757575',
'grey47' : '#787878',
'grey48' : '#7A7A7A',
'grey49' : '#7D7D7D',
'grey5' : '#0D0D0D',
'grey50' : '#7F7F7F',
'grey51' : '#828282',
'grey52' : '#858585',
'grey53' : '#878787',
'grey54' : '#8A8A8A',
'grey55' : '#8C8C8C',
'grey56' : '#8F8F8F',
'grey57' : '#919191',
'grey58' : '#949494',
'grey59' : '#969696',
'grey6' : '#0F0F0F',
'grey60' : '#999999',
'grey61' : '#9C9C9C',
'grey62' : '#9E9E9E',
'grey63' : '#A1A1A1',
'grey64' : '#A3A3A3',
'grey65' : '#A6A6A6',
'grey66' : '#A8A8A8',
'grey67' : '#ABABAB',
'grey68' : '#ADADAD',
'grey69' : '#B0B0B0',
'grey7' : '#121212',
'grey70' : '#B3B3B3',
'grey71' : '#B5B5B5',
'grey72' : '#B8B8B8',
'grey73' : '#BABABA',
'grey74' : '#BDBDBD',
'grey75' : '#BFBFBF',
'grey76' : '#C2C2C2',
'grey77' : '#C4C4C4',
'grey78' : '#C7C7C7',
'grey79' : '#C9C9C9',
'grey8' : '#141414',
'grey80' : '#CCCCCC',
'grey81' : '#CFCFCF',
'grey82' : '#D1D1D1',
'grey83' : '#D4D4D4',
'grey84' : '#D6D6D6',
'grey85' : '#D9D9D9',
'grey86' : '#DBDBDB',
'grey87' : '#DEDEDE',
'grey88' : '#E0E0E0',
'grey89' : '#E3E3E3',
'grey9' : '#171717',
'grey90' : '#E5E5E5',
'grey91' : '#E8E8E8',
'grey92' : '#EBEBEB',
'grey93' : '#EDEDED',
'grey94' : '#F0F0F0',
'grey95' : '#F2F2F2',
'grey96' : '#F5F5F5',
'grey97' : '#F7F7F7',
'grey98' : '#FAFAFA',
'grey99' : '#FCFCFC',
'honeydew' : '#F0FFF0',
'honeydew1' : '#F0FFF0',
'honeydew2' : '#E0EEE0',
'honeydew3' : '#C1CDC1',
'honeydew4' : '#838B83',
'hotpink' : '#FF69B4',
'hotpink1' : '#FF6EB4',
'hotpink2' : '#EE6AA7',
'hotpink3' : '#CD6090',
'hotpink4' : '#8B3A62',
'indianred' : '#CD5C5C',
'indianred1' : '#FF6A6A',
'indianred2' : '#EE6363',
'indianred3' : '#CD5555',
'indianred4' : '#8B3A3A',
'indigo' : '#4B0082',
'ivory' : '#FFFFF0',
'ivory1' : '#FFFFF0',
'ivory2' : '#EEEEE0',
'ivory3' : '#CDCDC1',
'ivory4' : '#8B8B83',
'khaki' : '#F0E68C',
'khaki1' : '#FFF68F',
'khaki2' : '#EEE685',
'khaki3' : '#CDC673',
'khaki4' : '#8B864E',
'lavender' : '#E6E6FA',
'lavenderblush' : '#FFF0F5',
'lavenderblush1' : '#FFF0F5',
'lavenderblush2' : '#EEE0E5',
'lavenderblush3' : '#CDC1C5',
'lavenderblush4' : '#8B8386',
'lawngreen' : '#7CFC00',
'lemonchiffon' : '#FFFACD',
'lemonchiffon1' : '#FFFACD',
'lemonchiffon2' : '#EEE9BF',
'lemonchiffon3' : '#CDC9A5',
'lemonchiffon4' : '#8B8970',
'lightblue' : '#ADD8E6',
'lightblue1' : '#BFEFFF',
'lightblue2' : '#B2DFEE',
'lightblue3' : '#9AC0CD',
'lightblue4' : '#68838B',
'lightcoral' : '#F08080',
'lightcyan' : '#E0FFFF',
'lightcyan1' : '#E0FFFF',
'lightcyan2' : '#D1EEEE',
'lightcyan3' : '#B4CDCD',
'lightcyan4' : '#7A8B8B',
'lightgoldenrod' : '#EEDD82',
'lightgoldenrod1' : '#FFEC8B',
'lightgoldenrod2' : '#EEDC82',
'lightgoldenrod3' : '#CDBE70',
'lightgoldenrod4' : '#8B814C',
'lightgoldenrodyellow' : '#FAFAD2',
'lightgray' : '#D3D3D3',
'lightgreen' : '#90EE90',
'lightgrey' : '#D3D3D3',
'lightpink' : '#FFB6C1',
'lightpink1' : '#FFAEB9',
'lightpink2' : '#EEA2AD',
'lightpink3' : '#CD8C95',
'lightpink4' : '#8B5F65',
'lightsalmon' : '#FFA07A',
'lightsalmon1' : '#FFA07A',
'lightsalmon2' : '#EE9572',
'lightsalmon3' : '#CD8162',
'lightsalmon4' : '#8B5742',
'lightseagreen' : '#20B2AA',
'lightskyblue' : '#87CEFA',
'lightskyblue1' : '#B0E2FF',
'lightskyblue2' : '#A4D3EE',
'lightskyblue3' : '#8DB6CD',
'lightskyblue4' : '#607B8B',
'lightslateblue' : '#8470FF',
'lightslategray' : '#778899',
'lightslategrey' : '#778899',
'lightsteelblue' : '#B0C4DE',
'lightsteelblue1' : '#CAE1FF',
'lightsteelblue2' : '#BCD2EE',
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'lightsteelblue4' : '#6E7B8B',
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'lightyellow1' : '#FFFFE0',
'lightyellow2' : '#EEEED1',
'lightyellow3' : '#CDCDB4',
'lightyellow4' : '#8B8B7A',
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'linen' : '#FAF0E6',
'magenta' : '#FF00FF',
'magenta1' : '#FF00FF',
'magenta2' : '#EE00EE',
'magenta3' : '#CD00CD',
'magenta4' : '#8B008B',
'maroon' : '#B03060',
'maroon1' : '#FF34B3',
'maroon2' : '#EE30A7',
'maroon3' : '#CD2990',
'maroon4' : '#8B1C62',
'mediumaquamarine' : '#66CDAA',
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'mediumorchid' : '#BA55D3',
'mediumorchid1' : '#E066FF',
'mediumorchid2' : '#D15FEE',
'mediumorchid3' : '#B452CD',
'mediumorchid4' : '#7A378B',
'mediumpurple' : '#9370DB',
'mediumpurple1' : '#AB82FF',
'mediumpurple2' : '#9F79EE',
'mediumpurple3' : '#8968CD',
'mediumpurple4' : '#5D478B',
'mediumseagreen' : '#3CB371',
'mediumslateblue' : '#7B68EE',
'mediumspringgreen' : '#00FA9A',
'mediumturquoise' : '#48D1CC',
'mediumvioletred' : '#C71585',
'midnightblue' : '#191970',
'mintcream' : '#F5FFFA',
'mistyrose' : '#FFE4E1',
'mistyrose1' : '#FFE4E1',
'mistyrose2' : '#EED5D2',
'mistyrose3' : '#CDB7B5',
'mistyrose4' : '#8B7D7B',
'moccasin' : '#FFE4B5',
'navajowhite' : '#FFDEAD',
'navajowhite1' : '#FFDEAD',
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'navajowhite4' : '#8B795E',
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'olivedrab4' : '#698B22',
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'orangered' : '#FF4500',
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'palegreen4' : '#548B54',
'paleturquoise' : '#AFEEEE',
'paleturquoise1' : '#BBFFFF',
'paleturquoise2' : '#AEEEEE',
'paleturquoise3' : '#96CDCD',
'paleturquoise4' : '#668B8B',
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'palevioletred4' : '#8B475D',
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'pink4' : '#8B636C',
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'purple3' : '#7D26CD',
'purple4' : '#551A8B',
'rebeccapurple' : '#663399',
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'rosybrown4' : '#8B6969',
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'sandybrown' : '#F4A460',
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'seagreen1' : '#54FF9F',
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'seagreen3' : '#43CD80',
'seagreen4' : '#2E8B57',
'seashell' : '#FFF5EE',
'seashell1' : '#FFF5EE',
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'seashell4' : '#8B8682',
'sienna' : '#A0522D',
'sienna1' : '#FF8247',
'sienna2' : '#EE7942',
'sienna3' : '#CD6839',
'sienna4' : '#8B4726',
'silver' : '#C0C0C0',
'skyblue' : '#87CEEB',
'skyblue1' : '#87CEFF',
'skyblue2' : '#7EC0EE',
'skyblue3' : '#6CA6CD',
'skyblue4' : '#4A708B',
'slateblue' : '#6A5ACD',
'slateblue1' : '#836FFF',
'slateblue2' : '#7A67EE',
'slateblue3' : '#6959CD',
'slateblue4' : '#473C8B',
'slategray' : '#708090',
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'slategray2' : '#B9D3EE',
'slategray3' : '#9FB6CD',
'slategray4' : '#6C7B8B',
'slategrey' : '#708090',
'snow' : '#FFFAFA',
'snow1' : '#FFFAFA',
'snow2' : '#EEE9E9',
'snow3' : '#CDC9C9',
'snow4' : '#8B8989',
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'springgreen1' : '#00FF7F',
'springgreen2' : '#00EE76',
'springgreen3' : '#00CD66',
'springgreen4' : '#008B45',
'steelblue' : '#4682B4',
'steelblue1' : '#63B8FF',
'steelblue2' : '#5CACEE',
'steelblue3' : '#4F94CD',
'steelblue4' : '#36648B',
'tan' : '#D2B48C',
'tan1' : '#FFA54F',
'tan2' : '#EE9A49',
'tan3' : '#CD853F',
'tan4' : '#8B5A2B',
'teal' : '#008080',
'thistle' : '#D8BFD8',
'thistle1' : '#FFE1FF',
'thistle2' : '#EED2EE',
'thistle3' : '#CDB5CD',
'thistle4' : '#8B7B8B',
'tomato' : '#FF6347',
'tomato1' : '#FF6347',
'tomato2' : '#EE5C42',
'tomato3' : '#CD4F39',
'tomato4' : '#8B3626',
'turquoise' : '#40E0D0',
'turquoise1' : '#00F5FF',
'turquoise2' : '#00E5EE',
'turquoise3' : '#00C5CD',
'turquoise4' : '#00868B',
'violet' : '#EE82EE',
'violetred' : '#D02090',
'violetred1' : '#FF3E96',
'violetred2' : '#EE3A8C',
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'wheat3' : '#CDBA96',
'wheat4' : '#8B7E66',
'white' : '#FFFFFF',
'whitesmoke' : '#F5F5F5',
'x11gray' : '#BEBEBE',
'x11green' : '#00FF00',
'x11grey' : '#BEBEBE',
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'yellow1' : '#FFFF00',
'yellow2' : '#EEEE00',
'yellow3' : '#CDCD00',
'yellow4' : '#8B8B00',
'yellowgreen' : '#9ACD32'
return ColorScheme;