blob: 375ce0a2a090c1628b7ed240739379a16de71bef [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* 'License'); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
/* global _ */
// A suffix that indicates that a particular header refers to a parameter
const PARAMETER_SUFFIX = ' (parameter)';
// A suffix that indicates that a particular header refers to an attribute
const ATTRIBUTE_SUFFIX = ' (attribute)';
* A service for parsing user-provided CSV connection data for bulk import.
['$injector', function connectionCSVService($injector) {
// Required types
const ParseError = $injector.get('ParseError');
const ImportConnection = $injector.get('ImportConnection');
const TranslatableMessage = $injector.get('TranslatableMessage');
// Required services
const $q = $injector.get('$q');
const $routeParams = $injector.get('$routeParams');
const schemaService = $injector.get('schemaService');
const service = {};
* Returns a promise that resolves to a object detailing the connection
* attributes for the current data source, as well as the connection
* paremeters for every protocol, for the current data source.
* The object that the promise will contain an "attributes" key that maps to
* a set of attribute names, and a "protocolParameters" key that maps to an
* object mapping protocol names to sets of parameter names for that protocol.
* The intended use case for this object is to determine if there is a
* connection parameter or attribute with a given name, by e.g. checking the
* path `.protocolParameters[protocolName]` to see if a protocol exists,
* checking the path `.protocolParameters[protocolName][fieldName]` to see
* if a parameter exists for a given protocol, or checking the path
* `.attributes[fieldName]` to check if a connection attribute exists.
* @returns {Promise.<Object>}
* A promise that resolves to a object detailing the connection
* attributes and parameters for every protocol, for the current data
* source.
function getFieldLookups() {
// The current data source - the one that the connections will be
// imported into
const dataSource = $routeParams.dataSource;
// Fetch connection attributes and protocols for the current data source
return $q.all({
attributes : schemaService.getConnectionAttributes(dataSource),
protocols : schemaService.getProtocols(dataSource)
.then(function connectionStructureRetrieved({attributes, protocols}) {
return {
// Translate the forms and fields into a flat map of attribute
// name to `true` boolean value
attributes: attributes.reduce(
(attributeMap, form) => {
field => attributeMap[] = true);
return attributeMap
}, {}),
// Translate the protocol definitions into a map of protocol
// name to map of field name to `true` boolean value
protocolParameters: _.mapValues(
protocols, protocol => protocol.connectionForms.reduce(
(protocolFieldMap, form) => {
field => protocolFieldMap[] = true);
return protocolFieldMap;
}, {}))
* Split a raw user-provided, semicolon-seperated list of identifiers into
* an array of identifiers. If identifiers contain semicolons, they can be
* escaped with backslashes, and backslashes can also be escaped using other
* backslashes.
* @param {String} rawIdentifiers
* The raw string value as fetched from the CSV.
* @returns {Array.<String>}
* An array of identifier values.
function splitIdentifiers(rawIdentifiers) {
// Keep track of whether a backslash was seen
let escaped = false;
return _.reduce(rawIdentifiers, (identifiers, ch) => {
// The current identifier will be the last one in the final list
let identifier = identifiers[identifiers.length - 1];
// If a semicolon is seen, set the "escaped" flag and continue
// to the next character
if (!escaped && ch == '\\') {
escaped = true;
return identifiers;
// End the current identifier and start a new one if there's an
// unescaped semicolon
else if (!escaped && ch == ';') {
return identifiers;
// In all other cases, just append to the identifier
else {
identifier += ch;
escaped = false;
// Save the updated identifier to the list
identifiers[identifiers.length - 1] = identifier;
return identifiers;
}, [''])
// Filter out any 0-length (empty) identifiers
.filter(identifier => identifier.length);
* Given a CSV header row, create and return a promise that will resolve to
* a function that can take a CSV data row and return a ImportConnection
* object. If an error occurs while parsing a particular row, the resolved
* function will throw a ParseError describing the failure.
* The provided CSV must contain columns for name and protocol. Optionally,
* the parentIdentifier of the target parent connection group, or a connection
* name path e.g. "ROOT/parent/child" may be included. Additionallty,
* connection parameters or attributes can be included.
* The names of connection attributes and parameters are not guaranteed to
* be mutually exclusive, so the CSV import format supports a distinguishing
* suffix. A column may be explicitly declared to be a parameter using a
* " (parameter)" suffix, or an attribute using an " (attribute)" suffix.
* No suffix is required if the name is unique across connections and
* attributes.
* If a parameter or attribute name conflicts with the standard
* "name", "protocol", "group", or "parentIdentifier" fields, the suffix is
* required.
* If a failure occurs while attempting to create the transformer function,
* the promise will be rejected with a ParseError describing the failure.
* @returns {Promise.<Function.<String[], ImportConnection>>}
* A promise that will resolve to a function that translates a CSV data
* row (array of strings) to a ImportConnection object.
service.getCSVTransformer = function getCSVTransformer(headerRow) {
// A promise that will be resolved with the transformer or rejected if
// an error occurs
const deferred = $q.defer();
getFieldLookups().then(({attributes, protocolParameters}) => {
// All configuration required to generate a function that can
// transform a row of CSV into a connection object.
// NOTE: This is a single object instead of a collection of variables
// to ensure that no stale references are used - e.g. when one getter
// invokes another getter
const transformConfig = {
// Callbacks for required fields
nameGetter: undefined,
protocolGetter: undefined,
// Callbacks for a parent group ID or group path
groupGetter: undefined,
parentIdentifierGetter: undefined,
// Callbacks for user and user group identifiers
usersGetter: () => [],
userGroupsGetter: () => [],
// Callbacks that will generate either connection attributes or
// parameters. These callbacks will return a {type, name, value}
// object containing the type ("parameter" or "attribute"),
// the name of the attribute or parameter, and the corresponding
// value.
parameterOrAttributeGetters: []
// A set of all headers that have been seen so far. If any of these
// are duplicated, the CSV is invalid.
const headerSet = {};
// Iterate through the headers one by one
headerRow.forEach((rawHeader, index) => {
// Trim to normalize all headers
const header = rawHeader.trim();
// Check if the header is duplicated
if (headerSet[header]) {
deferred.reject(new ParseError({
message: 'Duplicate CSV Header: ' + header,
translatableMessage: new TranslatableMessage({
variables: { HEADER: header }
// Mark that this particular header has already been seen
headerSet[header] = true;
// A callback that returns the field at the current index
const fetchFieldAtIndex = row => row[index];
// A callback that splits raw string identifier lists by
// semicolon characters into an array of identifiers
const identifierListCallback = row =>
// Set up the name callback
if (header == 'name')
transformConfig.nameGetter = fetchFieldAtIndex;
// Set up the protocol callback
else if (header == 'protocol')
transformConfig.protocolGetter = fetchFieldAtIndex;
// Set up the group callback
else if (header == 'group')
transformConfig.groupGetter = fetchFieldAtIndex;
// Set up the group parent ID callback
else if (header == 'parentIdentifier')
transformConfig.parentIdentifierGetter = fetchFieldAtIndex;
// Set the user identifiers callback
else if (header == 'users')
transformConfig.usersGetter = (
// Set the user group identifiers callback
else if (header == 'groups')
transformConfig.userGroupsGetter = (
// At this point, any other header might refer to a connection
// parameter or to an attribute
// A field may be explicitly specified as a parameter
else if (header.endsWith(PARAMETER_SUFFIX)) {
// Push as an explicit parameter getter
const parameterName = header.replace(PARAMETER_SUFFIX, '');
row => ({
type: 'parameters',
name: parameterName,
value: fetchFieldAtIndex(row)
// A field may be explicitly specified as a parameter
else if (header.endsWith(ATTRIBUTE_SUFFIX)) {
// Push as an explicit attribute getter
const attributeName = header.replace(ATTRIBUTE_SUFFIX, '');
row => ({
type: 'attributes',
name: attributeName,
value: fetchFieldAtIndex(row)
// The field is ambiguous, either an attribute or parameter,
// so the getter will have to determine this for every row
transformConfig.parameterOrAttributeGetters.push(row => {
// The name is just the value of the current header
const name = header;
// The value is at the index that matches the position
// of the header
const value = fetchFieldAtIndex(row);
// If no value is provided, do not check the validity
// of the parameter/attribute. Doing so would prevent
// the import of a list of mixed protocol types, where
// fields are only populated for protocols for which
// they are valid parameters. If a value IS provided,
// it must be a valid parameter or attribute for the
// current protocol, which will be checked below.
if (!value)
return {};
// The protocol may determine whether a field is
// a parameter or an attribute (or both)
const protocol = transformConfig.protocolGetter(row);
// Any errors encountered while processing this row
const errors = [];
// Before checking whether it's an attribute or protocol,
// make sure this is a valid protocol to start
if (!protocolParameters[protocol])
// If the protocol is invalid, do not throw an error
// here - this will be handled further downstream
// by non-CSV-specific error handling
return {};
// Determine if the field refers to an attribute or a
// parameter (or both, which is an error)
const isAttribute = !!attributes[name];
const isParameter = !!_.get(
protocolParameters, [protocol, name]);
// If there is both an attribute and a protocol-specific
// parameter with the provided name, it's impossible to
// figure out which this should be
if (isAttribute && isParameter)
errors.push(new ParseError({
message: 'Ambiguous CSV Header: ' + header,
variables: { HEADER: header }
// It's neither an attribute or a parameter
else if (!isAttribute && !isParameter)
errors.push(new ParseError({
message: 'Invalid CSV Header: ' + header,
variables: { HEADER: header }
// Choose the appropriate type
const type = isAttribute ? 'attributes' : 'parameters';
return { type, name, value, errors };
const {
nameGetter, protocolGetter,
parentIdentifierGetter, groupGetter,
usersGetter, userGroupsGetter,
} = transformConfig;
// Fail if the name wasn't provided. Note that this is a file-level
// error, not specific to any connection.
if (!nameGetter)
deferred.reject(new ParseError({
message: 'The connection name must be provided',
// Fail if the protocol wasn't provided
if (!protocolGetter)
deferred.reject(new ParseError({
message: 'The connection protocol must be provided',
// The function to transform a CSV row into a connection object
deferred.resolve(function transformCSVRow(row) {
// Get name and protocol
const name = nameGetter(row);
const protocol = protocolGetter(row);
// Get any users or user groups who should be granted access
const users = usersGetter(row);
const groups = userGroupsGetter(row);
// Get the parent group ID and/or group path
const group = groupGetter && groupGetter(row);
const parentIdentifier = (
parentIdentifierGetter && parentIdentifierGetter(row));
return new ImportConnection({
// Fields that are not protocol-specific
// Fields that might potentially be either attributes or
// parameters, depending on the protocol
...parameterOrAttributeGetters.reduce((values, getter) => {
// Determine the type, name, and value
const { type, name, value, errors } = getter(row);
// Set the value if available
if (type && name && value)
values[type][name] = value;
// If there were errors
if (errors && errors.length)
values.errors = [...values.errors, ...errors];
// Continue on to the next attribute or parameter
return values;
}, {parameters: {}, attributes: {}, errors: []})
return deferred.promise;
return service;