blob: 2ebb08bd7827c92b2e5686ef624928b78fda93d1 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Service for operating on the tunnels of in-progress connections (and their
* underlying objects) via the REST API.
angular.module('rest').factory('tunnelService', ['$injector',
function tunnelService($injector) {
// Required types
var Error = $injector.get('Error');
// Required services
var $q = $injector.get('$q');
var $window = $injector.get('$window');
var authenticationService = $injector.get('authenticationService');
var requestService = $injector.get('requestService');
var service = {};
* Reference to the window.document object.
* @private
* @type HTMLDocument
var document = $window.document;
* The number of milliseconds to wait after a stream download has completed
* before cleaning up related DOM resources, if the browser does not
* otherwise notify us that cleanup is safe.
* @private
* @constant
* @type Number
* The maximum size a chunk may be during uploadToStream() in bytes.
* @private
* @constant
* @type Number
const CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 1024 * 4;
* Makes a request to the REST API to get the list of all tunnels
* associated with in-progress connections, returning a promise that
* provides an array of their UUIDs (strings) if successful.
* @returns {Promise.<String[]>>}
* A promise which will resolve with an array of UUID strings, uniquely
* identifying each active tunnel.
service.getTunnels = function getTunnels() {
// Retrieve tunnels
return authenticationService.request({
method : 'GET',
url : 'api/session/tunnels'
* Makes a request to the REST API to retrieve the underlying protocol of
* the connection associated with a particular tunnel, returning a promise
* that provides a @link{Protocol} object if successful.
* @param {String} tunnel
* The UUID of the tunnel associated with the Guacamole connection
* whose underlying protocol is being retrieved.
* @returns {Promise.<Protocol>}
* A promise which will resolve with a @link{Protocol} object upon
* success.
service.getProtocol = function getProtocol(tunnel) {
return authenticationService.request({
method : 'GET',
url : 'api/session/tunnels/' + encodeURIComponent(tunnel)
+ '/protocol'
* Retrieves the set of sharing profiles that the current user can use to
* share the active connection of the given tunnel.
* @param {String} tunnel
* The UUID of the tunnel associated with the Guacamole connection
* whose sharing profiles are being retrieved.
* @returns {Promise.<Object.<String, SharingProfile>>}
* A promise which will resolve with a map of @link{SharingProfile}
* objects where each key is the identifier of the corresponding
* sharing profile.
service.getSharingProfiles = function getSharingProfiles(tunnel) {
// Retrieve all associated sharing profiles
return authenticationService.request({
method : 'GET',
url : 'api/session/tunnels/' + encodeURIComponent(tunnel)
+ '/activeConnection/connection/sharingProfiles'
* Makes a request to the REST API to generate credentials which have
* access strictly to the active connection associated with the given
* tunnel, using the restrictions defined by the given sharing profile,
* returning a promise that provides the resulting @link{UserCredentials}
* object if successful.
* @param {String} tunnel
* The UUID of the tunnel associated with the Guacamole connection
* being shared.
* @param {String} sharingProfile
* The identifier of the connection object dictating the
* semantics/restrictions which apply to the shared session.
* @returns {Promise.<UserCredentials>}
* A promise which will resolve with a @link{UserCredentials} object
* upon success.
service.getSharingCredentials = function getSharingCredentials(tunnel, sharingProfile) {
// Generate sharing credentials
return authenticationService.request({
method : 'GET',
url : 'api/session/tunnels/' + encodeURIComponent(tunnel)
+ '/activeConnection/sharingCredentials/'
+ encodeURIComponent(sharingProfile)
* Sanitize a filename, replacing all URL path seperators with safe
* characters.
* @param {String} filename
* An unsanitized filename that may need cleanup.
* @returns {String}
* The sanitized filename.
var sanitizeFilename = function sanitizeFilename(filename) {
return filename.replace(/[\\\/]+/g, '_');
* Makes a request to the REST API to retrieve the contents of a stream
* which has been created within the active Guacamole connection associated
* with the given tunnel. The contents of the stream will automatically be
* downloaded by the browser.
* WARNING: Like Guacamole's various reader implementations, this function
* relies on assigning an "onend" handler to the stream object for the sake
* of cleaning up resources after the stream closes. If the "onend" handler
* is overwritten after this function returns, resources may not be
* properly cleaned up.
* @param {String} tunnel
* The UUID of the tunnel associated with the Guacamole connection
* whose stream should be downloaded as a file.
* @param {Guacamole.InputStream} stream
* The stream whose contents should be downloaded.
* @param {String} mimetype
* The mimetype of the stream being downloaded. This is currently
* ignored, with the download forced by using
* "application/octet-stream".
* @param {String} filename
* The filename that should be given to the downloaded file.
service.downloadStream = function downloadStream(tunnel, stream, mimetype, filename) {
// Work-around for IE missing window.location.origin
if (!$window.location.origin)
var streamOrigin = $window.location.protocol + '//' + $window.location.hostname + ($window.location.port ? (':' + $window.location.port) : '');
var streamOrigin = $window.location.origin;
// Build download URL
var url = streamOrigin
+ $window.location.pathname
+ 'api/session/tunnels/' + encodeURIComponent(tunnel)
+ '/streams/' + encodeURIComponent(stream.index)
+ '/' + encodeURIComponent(sanitizeFilename(filename))
+ '?token=' + encodeURIComponent(authenticationService.getCurrentToken());
// Create temporary hidden iframe to facilitate download
var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); = 'fixed'; = 'none'; = '1px'; = '1px'; = '-1px'; = '-1px';
// The iframe MUST be part of the DOM for the download to occur
// Automatically remove iframe from DOM when download completes, if
// browser supports tracking of iframe downloads via the "load" event
iframe.onload = function downloadComplete() {
// Acknowledge (and ignore) any received blobs
stream.onblob = function acknowledgeData() {
stream.sendAck('OK', Guacamole.Status.Code.SUCCESS);
// Automatically remove iframe from DOM a few seconds after the stream
// ends, in the browser does NOT fire the "load" event for downloads
stream.onend = function downloadComplete() {
$window.setTimeout(function cleanupIframe() {
if (iframe.parentElement) {
// Begin download
iframe.src = url;
* Makes a request to the REST API to send the contents of the given file
* along a stream which has been created within the active Guacamole
* connection associated with the given tunnel. The contents of the file
* will automatically be split into individual "blob" instructions, as if
* sent by the connected Guacamole client.
* @param {String} tunnel
* The UUID of the tunnel associated with the Guacamole connection
* whose stream should receive the given file.
* @param {Guacamole.OutputStream} stream
* The stream that should receive the given file.
* @param {File} file
* The file that should be sent along the given stream.
* @param {Function} [progressCallback]
* An optional callback which, if provided, will be invoked as the
* file upload progresses. The current position within the file, in
* bytes, will be provided to the callback as the sole argument.
* @return {Promise}
* A promise which resolves when the upload has completed, and is
* rejected with an Error if the upload fails. The Guacamole protocol
* status code describing the failure will be included in the Error if
* available. If the status code is available, the type of the Error
* will be STREAM_ERROR.
service.uploadToStream = function uploadToStream(tunnel, stream, file,
progressCallback) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Work-around for IE missing window.location.origin
if (!$window.location.origin)
var streamOrigin = $window.location.protocol + '//' + $window.location.hostname + ($window.location.port ? (':' + $window.location.port) : '');
var streamOrigin = $window.location.origin;
// Build upload URL
var url = streamOrigin
+ $window.location.pathname
+ 'api/session/tunnels/' + encodeURIComponent(tunnel)
+ '/streams/' + encodeURIComponent(stream.index)
+ '/' + encodeURIComponent(sanitizeFilename(
+ '?token=' + encodeURIComponent(authenticationService.getCurrentToken());
* Creates a chunk of the inputted file to be uploaded.
* @param {Number} offset
* The byte at which to begin the chunk.
* @return {File}
* The file chunk created by this function.
const createChunk = (offset) => {
var chunkEnd = Math.min(offset + CHUNK_SIZE, file.size);
const chunk = file.slice(offset, chunkEnd);
return chunk;
* POSTs the inputted chunks and recursively calls uploadHandler()
* until the upload is complete.
* @param {File} chunk
* The chunk to be uploaded to the stream.
* @param {Number} offset
* The byte at which the inputted chunk begins.
const uploadChunk = (chunk, offset) => {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'POST', url, true);
// Invoke provided callback if upload tracking is supported.
if (progressCallback && xhr.upload) {
xhr.upload.addEventListener('progress', function updateProgress(e) {
progressCallback(e.loaded + offset);
// Continue to next chunk, resolve, or reject promise as appropriate
// once upload has stopped
xhr.onreadystatechange = function uploadStatusChanged() {
// Ignore state changes prior to completion.
if (xhr.readyState !== 4)
// Resolve if last chunk or begin next chunk if HTTP status
// code indicates success.
if (xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300) {
offset += CHUNK_SIZE;
if (offset < file.size)
// Parse and reject with resulting JSON error
else if (xhr.getResponseHeader('Content-Type') === 'application/json')
deferred.reject(new Error(angular.fromJson(xhr.responseText)));
// Warn of lack of permission of a proxy rejects the upload
else if (xhr.status >= 400 && xhr.status < 500)
deferred.reject(new Error({
'type': Error.Type.STREAM_ERROR,
'statusCode': Guacamole.Status.Code.CLIENT_FORBIDDEN,
'message': 'HTTP ' + xhr.status
// Assume internal error for all other cases
deferred.reject(new Error({
'type': Error.Type.STREAM_ERROR,
'statusCode': Guacamole.Status.Code.INTERNAL_ERROR,
'message': 'HTTP ' + xhr.status
// Perform upload
* Handles the recursive upload process. Each time it is called, a
* chunk is made with createChunk(), starting at the offset parameter.
* The chunk is then sent by uploadChunk(), which recursively calls
* this handler until the upload process is either completed and the
* promise is resolved, or fails and the promise is rejected.
* @param {Number} offset
* The byte at which to begin the chunk.
const uploadHandler = (offset) => {
uploadChunk(createChunk(offset), offset);
return deferred.promise;
return service;