blob: ac09fa1dffee9aa3bc9e3b0fed2ac9ba781e2ac3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Service for operating on user permissions via the REST API.
angular.module('rest').factory('permissionService', ['$injector',
function permissionService($injector) {
// Required services
var requestService = $injector.get('requestService');
var authenticationService = $injector.get('authenticationService');
var cacheService = $injector.get('cacheService');
// Required types
var PermissionPatch = $injector.get('PermissionPatch');
var service = {};
* Returns the URL for the REST resource most appropriate for accessing
* the effective permissions of the user having the given username.
* Effective permissions differ from the permissions returned via
* getPermissions() in that permissions which are not directly granted to
* the user are included.
* It is important to note that a particular data source can authenticate
* and provide permissions for a user, even if that user does not exist
* within that data source (and thus cannot be found beneath
* "api/session/data/{dataSource}/users")
* NOTE: Unlike getPermissionsResourceURL(),
* getEffectivePermissionsResourceURL() CANNOT be applied to user groups.
* Only users have retrievable effective permissions as far as the REST API
* is concerned.
* @param {String} dataSource
* The unique identifier of the data source containing the user whose
* permissions should be retrieved. This identifier corresponds to an
* AuthenticationProvider within the Guacamole web application.
* @param {String} username
* The username of the user for which the URL of the proper REST
* resource should be derived.
* @returns {String}
* The URL for the REST resource representing the user having the given
* username.
var getEffectivePermissionsResourceURL = function getEffectivePermissionsResourceURL(dataSource, username) {
// Create base URL for data source
var base = 'api/session/data/' + encodeURIComponent(dataSource);
// If the username is that of the current user, do not rely on the
// user actually existing (they may not). Access their permissions via
// "self" rather than the collection of defined users.
if (username === authenticationService.getCurrentUsername())
return base + '/self/effectivePermissions';
// Otherwise, the user must exist for their permissions to be
// accessible. Use the collection of defined users.
return base + '/users/' + encodeURIComponent(username) + '/effectivePermissions';
* Makes a request to the REST API to get the list of effective permissions
* for a given user, returning a promise that provides an array of
* @link{Permission} objects if successful. Effective permissions differ
* from the permissions returned via getPermissions() in that permissions
* which are not directly granted to the user are included.
* NOTE: Unlike getPermissions(), getEffectivePermissions() CANNOT be
* applied to user groups. Only users have retrievable effective
* permissions as far as the REST API is concerned.
* @param {String} dataSource
* The unique identifier of the data source containing the user whose
* permissions should be retrieved. This identifier corresponds to an
* AuthenticationProvider within the Guacamole web application.
* @param {String} userID
* The ID of the user to retrieve the permissions for.
* @returns {Promise.<PermissionSet>}
* A promise which will resolve with a @link{PermissionSet} upon
* success.
service.getEffectivePermissions = function getEffectivePermissions(dataSource, userID) {
// Retrieve user permissions
return authenticationService.request({
cache : cacheService.users,
method : 'GET',
url : getEffectivePermissionsResourceURL(dataSource, userID)
* Returns the URL for the REST resource most appropriate for accessing
* the permissions of the user or group having the given identifier. The
* permissions retrieved differ from effective permissions (those returned
* by getEffectivePermissions()) in that only permissions which are directly
* granted to the user or group are included.
* It is important to note that a particular data source can authenticate
* and provide permissions for a user, even if that user does not exist
* within that data source (and thus cannot be found beneath
* "api/session/data/{dataSource}/users")
* @param {String} dataSource
* The unique identifier of the data source containing the user whose
* permissions should be retrieved. This identifier corresponds to an
* AuthenticationProvider within the Guacamole web application.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user or group for which the URL of the proper
* REST resource should be derived.
* @param {Boolean} [group]
* Whether the provided identifier refers to a user group. If false or
* omitted, the identifier given is assumed to refer to a user.
* @returns {String}
* The URL for the REST resource representing the user or group having
* the given identifier.
var getPermissionsResourceURL = function getPermissionsResourceURL(dataSource, identifier, group) {
// Create base URL for data source
var base = 'api/session/data/' + encodeURIComponent(dataSource);
// Access group permissions directly (there is no "self" for user groups
// as there is for users)
if (group)
return base + '/userGroups/' + encodeURIComponent(identifier) + '/permissions';
// If the username is that of the current user, do not rely on the
// user actually existing (they may not). Access their permissions via
// "self" rather than the collection of defined users.
if (identifier === authenticationService.getCurrentUsername())
return base + '/self/permissions';
// Otherwise, the user must exist for their permissions to be
// accessible. Use the collection of defined users.
return base + '/users/' + encodeURIComponent(identifier) + '/permissions';
* Makes a request to the REST API to get the list of permissions for a
* given user or user group, returning a promise that provides an array of
* @link{Permission} objects if successful. The permissions retrieved
* differ from effective permissions (those returned by
* getEffectivePermissions()) in that both users and groups may be queried,
* and only permissions which are directly granted to the user or group are
* included.
* @param {String} dataSource
* The unique identifier of the data source containing the user or group
* whose permissions should be retrieved. This identifier corresponds to
* an AuthenticationProvider within the Guacamole web application.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user or group to retrieve the permissions for.
* @param {Boolean} [group]
* Whether the provided identifier refers to a user group. If false or
* omitted, the identifier given is assumed to refer to a user.
* @returns {Promise.<PermissionSet>}
* A promise which will resolve with a @link{PermissionSet} upon
* success.
service.getPermissions = function getPermissions(dataSource, identifier, group) {
// Retrieve user/group permissions
return authenticationService.request({
cache : cacheService.users,
method : 'GET',
url : getPermissionsResourceURL(dataSource, identifier, group)
* Adds patches for modifying the permissions associated with specific
* objects to the given array of patches.
* @param {PermissionPatch[]} patch
* The array of patches to add new patches to.
* @param {String} operation
* The operation to specify within each of the patches. Valid values
* for this are defined within PermissionPatch.Operation.
* @param {String} path
* The path of the permissions being patched. The path is a JSON path
* describing the position of the permissions within a PermissionSet.
* @param {Object.<String, String[]>} permissions
* A map of object identifiers to arrays of permission type strings,
* where each type string is a value from
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
var addObjectPatchOperations = function addObjectPatchOperations(patch, operation, path, permissions) {
// Add object permission operations to patch
for (var identifier in permissions) {
permissions[identifier].forEach(function addObjectPatch(type) {
op : operation,
path : path + "/" + identifier,
value : type
* Adds patches for modifying any permission that can be stored within a
* @link{PermissionSet}.
* @param {PermissionPatch[]} patch
* The array of patches to add new patches to.
* @param {String} operation
* The operation to specify within each of the patches. Valid values
* for this are defined within PermissionPatch.Operation.
* @param {PermissionSet} permissions
* The set of permissions for which patches should be added.
var addPatchOperations = function addPatchOperations(patch, operation, permissions) {
// Add connection permission operations to patch
addObjectPatchOperations(patch, operation, "/connectionPermissions",
// Add connection group permission operations to patch
addObjectPatchOperations(patch, operation, "/connectionGroupPermissions",
// Add sharing profile permission operations to patch
addObjectPatchOperations(patch, operation, "/sharingProfilePermissions",
// Add active connection permission operations to patch
addObjectPatchOperations(patch, operation, "/activeConnectionPermissions",
// Add user permission operations to patch
addObjectPatchOperations(patch, operation, "/userPermissions",
// Add user group permission operations to patch
addObjectPatchOperations(patch, operation, "/userGroupPermissions",
// Add system operations to patch
permissions.systemPermissions.forEach(function addSystemPatch(type) {
op : operation,
path : "/systemPermissions",
value : type
* Makes a request to the REST API to modify the permissions for a given
* user or group, returning a promise that can be used for processing the
* results of the call. This request affects only the permissions directly
* granted to the user or group, and may not affect permissions inherited
* through other means (effective permissions).
* @param {String} dataSource
* The unique identifier of the data source containing the user or group
* whose permissions should be modified. This identifier corresponds to
* an AuthenticationProvider within the Guacamole web application.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user or group to modify the permissions of.
* @param {PermissionSet} [permissionsToAdd]
* The set of permissions to add, if any.
* @param {PermissionSet} [permissionsToRemove]
* The set of permissions to remove, if any.
* @param {Boolean} [group]
* Whether the provided identifier refers to a user group. If false or
* omitted, the identifier given is assumed to refer to a user.
* @returns {Promise}
* A promise for the HTTP call which will succeed if and only if the
* patch operation is successful.
service.patchPermissions = function patchPermissions(dataSource, identifier,
permissionsToAdd, permissionsToRemove, group) {
var permissionPatch = [];
// Add all the add operations to the patch
addPatchOperations(permissionPatch, PermissionPatch.Operation.ADD, permissionsToAdd);
// Add all the remove operations to the patch
addPatchOperations(permissionPatch, PermissionPatch.Operation.REMOVE, permissionsToRemove);
// Patch user/group permissions
return authenticationService.request({
method : 'PATCH',
url : getPermissionsResourceURL(dataSource, identifier, group),
data : permissionPatch
// Clear the cache
.then(function permissionsPatched(){
return service;