blob: 920006e5a386771fff518a24397472fb7a6b2db0 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* A service for accessing local clipboard data.
angular.module('clipboard').factory('clipboardService', ['$injector',
function clipboardService($injector) {
// Get required services
var $q = $injector.get('$q');
var $window = $injector.get('$window');
// Required types
var ClipboardData = $injector.get('ClipboardData');
var service = {};
* The amount of time to wait before actually serving a request to read
* clipboard data, in milliseconds. Providing a reasonable delay between
* request and read attempt allows the cut/copy operation to settle, in
* case the data we are anticipating to be present is not actually present
* in the clipboard yet.
* @constant
* @type Number
* The promise associated with the current pending clipboard read attempt.
* If no clipboard read is active, this will be null.
* @type Promise.<ClipboardData>
var pendingRead = null;
* Reference to the window.document object.
* @private
* @type HTMLDocument
var document = $window.document;
* The textarea that will be used to hold the local clipboard contents.
* @type Element
var clipboardContent = document.createElement('textarea');
// Ensure clipboard target is selectable but not visible
clipboardContent.className = 'clipboard-service-target';
// Add clipboard target to DOM
* Stops the propogation of the given event through the DOM tree. This is
* identical to invoking stopPropogation() on the event directly, except
* that this function is usable as an event handler itself.
* @param {Event} e
* The event whose propogation through the DOM tree should be stopped.
var stopEventPropagation = function stopEventPropagation(e) {
// Prevent events generated due to execCommand() from disturbing external things
clipboardContent.addEventListener('cut', stopEventPropagation);
clipboardContent.addEventListener('copy', stopEventPropagation);
clipboardContent.addEventListener('paste', stopEventPropagation);
clipboardContent.addEventListener('input', stopEventPropagation);
* A stack of past node selection ranges. A range convering the nodes
* currently selected within the document can be pushed onto this stack
* with pushSelection(), and the most recently pushed selection can be
* popped off the stack (and thus re-selected) with popSelection().
* @type Range[]
var selectionStack = [];
* Pushes the current selection range to the selection stack such that it
* can later be restored with popSelection().
var pushSelection = function pushSelection() {
// Add a range representing the current selection to the stack
var selection = $window.getSelection();
if (selection.getRangeAt && selection.rangeCount)
* Pops a selection range off the selection stack restoring the document's
* previous selection state. The selection range will be the most recent
* selection range pushed by pushSelection(). If there are no selection
* ranges currently on the stack, this function has no effect.
var popSelection = function popSelection() {
// Pull one selection range from the stack
var range = selectionStack.pop();
if (!range)
// Replace any current selection with the retrieved selection
var selection = $window.getSelection();
* Selects all nodes within the given element. This will replace the
* current selection with a new selection range that covers the element's
* contents. If the original selection should be preserved, use
* pushSelection() and popSelection().
* @param {Element} element
* The element whose contents should be selected.
var selectAll = function selectAll(element) {
// Use the select() function defined for input elements, if available
if (;
// Fallback to manual manipulation of the selection
else {
// Generate a range which selects all nodes within the given element
var range = document.createRange();
// Replace any current selection with the generated range
var selection = $window.getSelection();
* Sets the local clipboard, if possible, to the given text.
* @param {ClipboardData} data
* The data to assign to the local clipboard should be set.
* @return {Promise}
* A promise that will resolve if setting the clipboard was successful,
* and will reject if it failed.
service.setLocalClipboard = function setLocalClipboard(data) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Track the originally-focused element prior to changing focus
var originalElement = document.activeElement;
// Copy the given value into the clipboard DOM element
if (typeof === 'string')
clipboardContent.value =;
else {
clipboardContent.innerHTML = '';
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = URL.createObjectURL(;
// Select all data within the clipboard target
// Attempt to copy data from clipboard element into local clipboard
if (document.execCommand('copy'))
// Unfocus the clipboard DOM event to avoid mobile keyboard opening,
// restoring whichever element was originally focused
return deferred.promise;
* Parses the given data URL, returning its decoded contents as a new Blob.
* If the URL is not a valid data URL, null will be returned instead.
* @param {String} url
* The data URL to parse.
* @returns {Blob}
* A new Blob containing the decoded contents of the data URL, or null
* if the URL is not a valid data URL.
service.parseDataURL = function parseDataURL(url) {
// Parse given string as a data URL
var result = /^data:([^;]*);base64,([a-zA-Z0-9+/]*[=]*)$/.exec(url);
if (!result)
return null;
// Pull the mimetype and base64 contents of the data URL
var type = result[1];
var data = $window.atob(result[2]);
// Convert the decoded binary string into a typed array
var buffer = new Uint8Array(data.length);
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++)
buffer[i] = data.charCodeAt(i);
// Produce a proper blob containing the data and type provided in
// the data URL
return new Blob([buffer], { type : type });
* Returns the content of the given element as plain, unformatted text,
* preserving only individual characters and newlines. Formatting, images,
* etc. are not taken into account.
* @param {Element} element
* The element whose text content should be returned.
* @returns {String}
* The plain text contents of the given element, including newlines and
* spacing but otherwise without any formatting.
service.getTextContent = function getTextContent(element) {
var blocks = [];
var currentBlock = '';
// For each child of the given element
var current = element.firstChild;
while (current) {
// Simply append the content of any text nodes
if (current.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE)
currentBlock += current.nodeValue;
// Render <br> as a newline character
else if (current.nodeName === 'BR')
currentBlock += '\n';
// Render <img> as alt text, if available
else if (current.nodeName === 'IMG')
currentBlock += current.getAttribute('alt') || '';
// For all other nodes, handling depends on whether they are
// block-level elements
else {
// If we are entering a new block context, start a new block if
// the current block is non-empty
if (currentBlock.length && $window.getComputedStyle(current).display === 'block') {
// Trim trailing newline (would otherwise inflate the line count by 1)
if (currentBlock.substring(currentBlock.length - 1) === '\n')
currentBlock = currentBlock.substring(0, currentBlock.length - 1);
// Finish current block and start a new block
currentBlock = '';
// Append the content of the current element to the current block
currentBlock += service.getTextContent(current);
current = current.nextSibling;
// Add any in-progress block
if (currentBlock.length)
// Combine all non-empty blocks, separated by newlines
return blocks.join('\n');
* Replaces the current text content of the given element with the given
* text. To avoid affecting the position of the cursor within an editable
* element, or firing unnecessary DOM modification events, the underlying
* <code>textContent</code> property of the element is only touched if
* doing so would actually change the text.
* @param {Element} element
* The element whose text content should be changed.
* @param {String} text
* The text content to assign to the given element.
service.setTextContent = function setTextContent(element, text) {
// Strip out any images
// Reset text content only if doing so will actually change the content
if (service.getTextContent(element) !== text)
element.textContent = text;
* Returns the URL of the single image within the given element, if the
* element truly contains only one child and that child is an image. If the
* content of the element is mixed or not an image, null is returned.
* @param {Element} element
* The element whose image content should be retrieved.
* @returns {String}
* The URL of the image contained within the given element, if that
* element contains only a single child element which happens to be an
* image, or null if the content of the element is not purely an image.
service.getImageContent = function getImageContent(element) {
// Return the source of the single child element, if it is an image
var firstChild = element.firstChild;
if (firstChild && firstChild.nodeName === 'IMG' && !firstChild.nextSibling)
return firstChild.getAttribute('src');
// Otherwise, the content of this element is not simply an image
return null;
* Replaces the current contents of the given element with a single image
* having the given URL. To avoid affecting the position of the cursor
* within an editable element, or firing unnecessary DOM modification
* events, the content of the element is only touched if doing so would
* actually change content.
* @param {Element} element
* The element whose image content should be changed.
* @param {String} url
* The URL of the image which should be assigned as the contents of the
* given element.
service.setImageContent = function setImageContent(element, url) {
// Retrieve the URL of the current image contents, if any
var currentImage = service.getImageContent(element);
// If the current contents are not the given image (or not an image
// at all), reassign the contents
if (currentImage !== url) {
// Clear current contents
element.innerHTML = '';
// Add a new image as the sole contents of the element
var img = document.createElement('img');
img.src = url;
* Get the current value of the local clipboard.
* @return {Promise.<ClipboardData>}
* A promise that will resolve with the contents of the local clipboard
* if getting the clipboard was successful, and will reject if it
* failed.
service.getLocalClipboard = function getLocalClipboard() {
// If the clipboard is already being read, do not overlap the read
// attempts; instead share the result across all requests
if (pendingRead)
return pendingRead;
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Mark read attempt as in progress
pendingRead = deferred.promise;
// Wait for the next event queue run before attempting to read
// clipboard data (in case the copy/cut has not yet completed)
$window.setTimeout(function deferredClipboardRead() {
// Track the originally-focused element prior to changing focus
var originalElement = document.activeElement;
* Attempts to paste the clipboard contents into the
* currently-focused element. The promise related to the current
* attempt to read the clipboard will be resolved or rejected
* depending on whether the attempt to paste succeeds.
var performPaste = function performPaste() {
// Attempt paste local clipboard into clipboard DOM element
if (document.execCommand('paste')) {
// If the pasted data is a single image, resolve with a blob
// containing that image
var currentImage = service.getImageContent(clipboardContent);
if (currentImage) {
// Convert the image's data URL into a blob
var blob = service.parseDataURL(currentImage);
if (blob) {
deferred.resolve(new ClipboardData({
type : blob.type,
data : blob
// Reject if conversion fails
} // end if clipboard is an image
// Otherwise, assume the clipboard contains plain text
deferred.resolve(new ClipboardData({
type : 'text/plain',
data : clipboardContent.value
// Otherwise, reading from the clipboard has failed
// Clean up event listener and selection once the paste attempt has
// completed
deferred.promise['finally'](function cleanupReadAttempt() {
// Do not use future changes in focus
clipboardContent.removeEventListener('focus', performPaste);
// Unfocus the clipboard DOM event to avoid mobile keyboard opening,
// restoring whichever element was originally focused
// No read is pending any longer
pendingRead = null;
// Ensure clipboard element is blurred (and that the "focus" event
// will fire)
clipboardContent.addEventListener('focus', performPaste);
// Clear and select the clipboard DOM element
clipboardContent.value = '';
// If focus failed to be set, we cannot read the clipboard
if (document.activeElement !== clipboardContent)
return deferred.promise;
return service;