blob: 47af7adc53214704ce14541bda6cceb97e854b8c [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Provides the ClientIdentifier class definition.
angular.module('navigation').factory('ClientIdentifier', ['$injector',
function defineClientIdentifier($injector) {
// Required services
var authenticationService = $injector.get('authenticationService');
var $window = $injector.get('$window');
* Object which uniquely identifies a particular connection or connection
* group within Guacamole. This object can be converted to/from a string to
* generate a guaranteed-unique, deterministic identifier for client URLs.
* @constructor
* @param {ClientIdentifier|Object} [template={}]
* The object whose properties should be copied within the new
* ClientIdentifier.
var ClientIdentifier = function ClientIdentifier(template) {
// Use empty object by default
template = template || {};
* The identifier of the data source associated with the object to
* which the client will connect. This identifier will be the
* identifier of an AuthenticationProvider within the Guacamole web
* application.
* @type String
this.dataSource = template.dataSource;
* The type of object to which the client will connect. Possible values
* are defined within ClientIdentifier.Types.
* @type String
this.type = template.type;
* The unique identifier of the object to which the client will
* connect.
* @type String
*/ =;
* All possible ClientIdentifier types.
* @type Object.<String, String>
ClientIdentifier.Types = {
* The type string for a Guacamole connection.
* @type String
* The type string for a Guacamole connection group.
* @type String
* The type string for an active Guacamole connection.
* @type String
* Encodes the given value as base64url, a variant of base64 defined by
* RFC 4648:
* The "base64url" variant is identical to standard base64 except that it
* uses "-" instead of "+", "_" instead of "/", and padding with "=" is
* optional.
* @param {string} value
* The string value to encode.
* @returns {string}
* The provided string value encoded as unpadded base64url.
var base64urlEncode = function base64urlEncode(value) {
// Translate padded standard base64 to unpadded base64url
return $window.btoa(value).replace(/[+/=]/g,
(str) => ({
'+' : '-',
'/' : '_',
'=' : ''
* Decodes the given base64url or base64 string. The input string may
* contain "=" padding characters, but this is not required.
* @param {string} value
* The base64url or base64 value to decode.
* @returns {string}
* The result of decoding the provided base64url or base64 string.
var base64urlDecode = function base64urlDecode(value) {
// Add any missing padding (standard base64 requires input strings to
// be multiples of 4 in length, padded using '=')
value += ([
])[value.length % 4];
// Translate padded base64url to padded standard base64
return $window.atob(value.replace(/[-_]/g,
(str) => ({
'-' : '+',
'_' : '/'
* Converts the given ClientIdentifier or ClientIdentifier-like object to
* a String representation. Any object having the same properties as
* ClientIdentifier may be used, but only those properties will be taken
* into account when producing the resulting String.
* @param {ClientIdentifier|Object} id
* The ClientIdentifier or ClientIdentifier-like object to convert to
* a String representation.
* @returns {String}
* A deterministic String representation of the given ClientIdentifier
* or ClientIdentifier-like object.
ClientIdentifier.toString = function toString(id) {
return base64urlEncode([,
* Converts the given String into the corresponding ClientIdentifier. If
* the provided String is not a valid identifier, it will be interpreted
* as the identifier of a connection within the data source that
* authenticated the current user.
* @param {String} str
* The String to convert to a ClientIdentifier.
* @returns {ClientIdentifier}
* The ClientIdentifier represented by the given String.
ClientIdentifier.fromString = function fromString(str) {
try {
var values = base64urlDecode(str).split('\0');
return new ClientIdentifier({
id : values[0],
type : values[1],
dataSource : values[2]
// If the provided string is invalid, transform into a reasonable guess
catch (e) {
return new ClientIdentifier({
id : str,
type : ClientIdentifier.Types.CONNECTION,
dataSource : authenticationService.getDataSource() || 'default'
return ClientIdentifier;