blob: 09c96a91eb8aad961a74c6e865fed8cb7abdc602 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Provides the ManagedClient class used by the guacClientManager service.
angular.module('client').factory('ManagedClient', ['$rootScope', '$injector',
function defineManagedClient($rootScope, $injector) {
// Required types
var ClientProperties = $injector.get('ClientProperties');
var ClientIdentifier = $injector.get('ClientIdentifier');
var ClipboardData = $injector.get('ClipboardData');
var ManagedClientState = $injector.get('ManagedClientState');
var ManagedClientThumbnail = $injector.get('ManagedClientThumbnail');
var ManagedDisplay = $injector.get('ManagedDisplay');
var ManagedFilesystem = $injector.get('ManagedFilesystem');
var ManagedFileUpload = $injector.get('ManagedFileUpload');
var ManagedShareLink = $injector.get('ManagedShareLink');
// Required services
var $document = $injector.get('$document');
var $q = $injector.get('$q');
var $rootScope = $injector.get('$rootScope');
var $window = $injector.get('$window');
var authenticationService = $injector.get('authenticationService');
var connectionGroupService = $injector.get('connectionGroupService');
var connectionService = $injector.get('connectionService');
var requestService = $injector.get('requestService');
var tunnelService = $injector.get('tunnelService');
var guacAudio = $injector.get('guacAudio');
var guacHistory = $injector.get('guacHistory');
var guacImage = $injector.get('guacImage');
var guacVideo = $injector.get('guacVideo');
* The minimum amount of time to wait between updates to the client
* thumbnail, in milliseconds.
* @type Number
* Object which serves as a surrogate interface, encapsulating a Guacamole
* client while it is active, allowing it to be detached and reattached
* from different client views.
* @constructor
* @param {ManagedClient|Object} [template={}]
* The object whose properties should be copied within the new
* ManagedClient.
var ManagedClient = function ManagedClient(template) {
// Use empty object by default
template = template || {};
* The ID of the connection associated with this client.
* @type String
*/ =;
* The actual underlying Guacamole client.
* @type Guacamole.Client
this.client = template.client;
* The tunnel being used by the underlying Guacamole client.
* @type Guacamole.Tunnel
this.tunnel = template.tunnel;
* The display associated with the underlying Guacamole client.
* @type ManagedDisplay
this.managedDisplay = template.managedDisplay;
* The name returned associated with the connection or connection
* group in use.
* @type String
*/ =;
* The title which should be displayed as the page title for this
* client.
* @type String
this.title = template.title;
* The most recently-generated thumbnail for this connection, as
* stored within the local connection history. If no thumbnail is
* stored, this will be null.
* @type ManagedClientThumbnail
this.thumbnail = template.thumbnail;
* The current clipboard contents.
* @type ClipboardData
this.clipboardData = template.clipboardData || new ClipboardData({
type : 'text/plain',
data : ''
* All uploaded files. As files are uploaded, their progress can be
* observed through the elements of this array. It is intended that
* this array be manipulated externally as needed.
* @type ManagedFileUpload[]
this.uploads = template.uploads || [];
* All currently-exposed filesystems. When the Guacamole server exposes
* a filesystem object, that object will be made available as a
* ManagedFilesystem within this array.
* @type ManagedFilesystem[]
this.filesystems = template.filesystems || [];
* All available share links generated for the this ManagedClient via
* ManagedClient.createShareLink(). Each resulting share link is stored
* under the identifier of its corresponding SharingProfile.
* @type Object.<String, ManagedShareLink>
this.shareLinks = template.shareLinks || {};
* The current state of the Guacamole client (idle, connecting,
* connected, terminated with error, etc.).
* @type ManagedClientState
this.clientState = template.clientState || new ManagedClientState();
* Properties associated with the display and behavior of the Guacamole
* client.
* @type ClientProperties
this.clientProperties = template.clientProperties || new ClientProperties();
* The mimetype of audio data to be sent along the Guacamole connection if
* audio input is supported.
* @constant
* @type String
ManagedClient.AUDIO_INPUT_MIMETYPE = 'audio/L16;rate=44100,channels=2';
* Returns a promise which resolves with the string of connection
* parameters to be passed to the Guacamole client during connection. This
* string generally contains the desired connection ID, display resolution,
* and supported audio/video/image formats. The returned promise is
* guaranteed to resolve successfully.
* @param {ClientIdentifier} identifier
* The identifier representing the connection or group to connect to.
* @param {String} [connectionParameters]
* Any additional HTTP parameters to pass while connecting.
* @returns {Promise.<String>}
* A promise which resolves with the string of connection parameters to
* be passed to the Guacamole client, once the string is ready.
var getConnectString = function getConnectString(identifier, connectionParameters) {
var deferred = $q.defer();
// Calculate optimal width/height for display
var pixel_density = $window.devicePixelRatio || 1;
var optimal_dpi = pixel_density * 96;
var optimal_width = $window.innerWidth * pixel_density;
var optimal_height = $window.innerHeight * pixel_density;
// Build base connect string
var connectString =
"token=" + encodeURIComponent(authenticationService.getCurrentToken())
+ "&GUAC_DATA_SOURCE=" + encodeURIComponent(identifier.dataSource)
+ "&GUAC_ID=" + encodeURIComponent(
+ "&GUAC_TYPE=" + encodeURIComponent(identifier.type)
+ "&GUAC_WIDTH=" + Math.floor(optimal_width)
+ "&GUAC_HEIGHT=" + Math.floor(optimal_height)
+ "&GUAC_DPI=" + Math.floor(optimal_dpi)
+ (connectionParameters ? '&' + connectionParameters : '');
// Add audio mimetypes to connect string
guacAudio.supported.forEach(function(mimetype) {
connectString += "&GUAC_AUDIO=" + encodeURIComponent(mimetype);
// Add video mimetypes to connect string
guacVideo.supported.forEach(function(mimetype) {
connectString += "&GUAC_VIDEO=" + encodeURIComponent(mimetype);
// Add image mimetypes to connect string
guacImage.getSupportedMimetypes().then(function supportedMimetypesKnown(mimetypes) {
// Add each image mimetype
angular.forEach(mimetypes, function addImageMimetype(mimetype) {
connectString += "&GUAC_IMAGE=" + encodeURIComponent(mimetype);
// Connect string is now ready - nothing else is deferred
return deferred.promise;
* Requests the creation of a new audio stream, recorded from the user's
* local audio input device. If audio input is supported by the connection,
* an audio stream will be created which will remain open until the remote
* desktop requests that it be closed. If the audio stream is successfully
* created but is later closed, a new audio stream will automatically be
* established to take its place. The mimetype used for all audio streams
* produced by this function is defined by
* @param {Guacamole.Client} client
* The Guacamole.Client for which the audio stream is being requested.
var requestAudioStream = function requestAudioStream(client) {
// Create new audio stream, associating it with an AudioRecorder
var stream = client.createAudioStream(ManagedClient.AUDIO_INPUT_MIMETYPE);
var recorder = Guacamole.AudioRecorder.getInstance(stream, ManagedClient.AUDIO_INPUT_MIMETYPE);
// If creation of the AudioRecorder failed, simply end the stream
if (!recorder)
// Otherwise, ensure that another audio stream is created after this
// audio stream is closed
recorder.onclose = requestAudioStream.bind(this, client);
* Creates a new ManagedClient, connecting it to the specified connection
* or group.
* @param {String} id
* The ID of the connection or group to connect to. This String must be
* a valid ClientIdentifier string, as would be generated by
* ClientIdentifier.toString().
* @param {String} [connectionParameters]
* Any additional HTTP parameters to pass while connecting.
* @returns {ManagedClient}
* A new ManagedClient instance which is connected to the connection or
* connection group having the given ID.
ManagedClient.getInstance = function getInstance(id, connectionParameters) {
var tunnel;
// If WebSocket available, try to use it.
if ($window.WebSocket)
tunnel = new Guacamole.ChainedTunnel(
new Guacamole.WebSocketTunnel('websocket-tunnel'),
new Guacamole.HTTPTunnel('tunnel')
// If no WebSocket, then use HTTP.
tunnel = new Guacamole.HTTPTunnel('tunnel');
// Get new client instance
var client = new Guacamole.Client(tunnel);
// Associate new managed client with new client and tunnel
var managedClient = new ManagedClient({
id : id,
client : client,
tunnel : tunnel
// Fire events for tunnel errors
tunnel.onerror = function tunnelError(status) {
$rootScope.$apply(function handleTunnelError() {
// Update connection state as tunnel state changes
tunnel.onstatechange = function tunnelStateChanged(state) {
$rootScope.$evalAsync(function updateTunnelState() {
switch (state) {
// Connection is being established
case Guacamole.Tunnel.State.CONNECTING:
// Connection is established
case Guacamole.Tunnel.State.OPEN:
// Connection is established but misbehaving
case Guacamole.Tunnel.State.UNSTABLE:
// Connection has closed
case Guacamole.Tunnel.State.CLOSED:
// Update connection state as client state changes
client.onstatechange = function clientStateChanged(clientState) {
$rootScope.$evalAsync(function updateClientState() {
switch (clientState) {
// Idle
case 0:
// Ignore "connecting" state
case 1: // Connecting
// Connected + waiting
case 2:
// Connected
case 3:
// Send any clipboard data already provided
if (managedClient.clipboardData)
ManagedClient.setClipboard(managedClient, managedClient.clipboardData);
// Begin streaming audio input if possible
// Update thumbnail with initial display contents
// Update history when disconnecting
case 4: // Disconnecting
case 5: // Disconnected
// Disconnect and update status when the client receives an error
client.onerror = function clientError(status) {
$rootScope.$apply(function handleClientError() {
// Disconnect, if connected
// Update state
// Automatically update the client thumbnail
client.onsync = function syncReceived() {
var thumbnail = managedClient.thumbnail;
var timestamp = new Date().getTime();
// Update thumbnail if it doesn't exist or is old
if (!thumbnail || timestamp - thumbnail.timestamp >= THUMBNAIL_UPDATE_FREQUENCY) {
$rootScope.$apply(function updateClientThumbnail() {
// Handle any received clipboard data
client.onclipboard = function clientClipboardReceived(stream, mimetype) {
var reader;
// If the received data is text, read it as a simple string
if (/^text\//.exec(mimetype)) {
reader = new Guacamole.StringReader(stream);
// Assemble received data into a single string
var data = '';
reader.ontext = function textReceived(text) {
data += text;
// Set clipboard contents once stream is finished
reader.onend = function textComplete() {
$rootScope.$apply(function updateClipboard() {
managedClient.clipboardData = new ClipboardData({
type : mimetype,
data : data
// Otherwise read the clipboard data as a Blob
else {
reader = new Guacamole.BlobReader(stream, mimetype);
reader.onend = function blobComplete() {
$rootScope.$apply(function updateClipboard() {
managedClient.clipboardData = new ClipboardData({
type : mimetype,
data : reader.getBlob()
// Update title when a "name" instruction is received
client.onname = function clientNameReceived(name) {
$rootScope.$apply(function updateClientTitle() {
managedClient.title = name;
// Handle any received files
client.onfile = function clientFileReceived(stream, mimetype, filename) {
tunnelService.downloadStream(tunnel.uuid, stream, mimetype, filename);
// Handle any received filesystem objects
client.onfilesystem = function fileSystemReceived(object, name) {
$rootScope.$apply(function exposeFilesystem() {
managedClient.filesystems.push(ManagedFilesystem.getInstance(object, name));
// Manage the client display
managedClient.managedDisplay = ManagedDisplay.getInstance(client.getDisplay());
// Parse connection details from ID
var clientIdentifier = ClientIdentifier.fromString(id);
// Connect the Guacamole client
getConnectString(clientIdentifier, connectionParameters)
.then(function connectClient(connectString) {
// If using a connection, pull connection name
if (clientIdentifier.type === ClientIdentifier.Types.CONNECTION) {
.then(function connectionRetrieved(connection) { = managedClient.title =;
}, requestService.WARN);
// If using a connection group, pull connection name
else if (clientIdentifier.type === ClientIdentifier.Types.CONNECTION_GROUP) {
.then(function connectionGroupRetrieved(group) { = managedClient.title =;
}, requestService.WARN);
return managedClient;
* Uploads the given file to the server through the given Guacamole client.
* The file transfer can be monitored through the corresponding entry in
* the uploads array of the given managedClient.
* @param {ManagedClient} managedClient
* The ManagedClient through which the file is to be uploaded.
* @param {File} file
* The file to upload.
* @param {ManagedFilesystem} [filesystem]
* The filesystem to upload the file to, if any. If not specified, the
* file will be sent as a generic Guacamole file stream.
* @param {ManagedFilesystem.File} [directory=filesystem.currentDirectory]
* The directory within the given filesystem to upload the file to. If
* not specified, but a filesystem is given, the current directory of
* that filesystem will be used.
ManagedClient.uploadFile = function uploadFile(managedClient, file, filesystem, directory) {
// Use generic Guacamole file streams by default
var object = null;
var streamName = null;
// If a filesystem is given, determine the destination object and stream
if (filesystem) {
object = filesystem.object;
streamName = (directory || filesystem.currentDirectory).streamName + '/' +;
// Start and manage file upload
managedClient.uploads.push(ManagedFileUpload.getInstance(managedClient, file, object, streamName));
* Sends the given clipboard data over the given Guacamole client, setting
* the contents of the remote clipboard to the data provided.
* @param {ManagedClient} managedClient
* The ManagedClient over which the given clipboard data is to be sent.
* @param {ClipboardData} data
* The clipboard data to send.
ManagedClient.setClipboard = function setClipboard(managedClient, data) {
var writer;
// Create stream with proper mimetype
var stream = managedClient.client.createClipboardStream(data.type);
// Send data as a string if it is stored as a string
if (typeof === 'string') {
writer = new Guacamole.StringWriter(stream);
// Otherwise, assume the data is a File/Blob
else {
// Write File/Blob asynchronously
writer = new Guacamole.BlobWriter(stream);
writer.oncomplete = function clipboardSent() {
// Begin sending data
* Produces a sharing link for the given ManagedClient using the given
* sharing profile. The resulting sharing link, and any required login
* information, can be retrieved from the <code>shareLinks</code> property
* of the given ManagedClient once the various underlying service calls
* succeed.
* @param {ManagedClient} client
* The ManagedClient which will be shared via the generated sharing
* link.
* @param {SharingProfile} sharingProfile
* The sharing profile to use to generate the sharing link.
* @returns {Promise}
* A Promise which is resolved once the sharing link has been
* successfully generated, and rejected if generating the link fails.
ManagedClient.createShareLink = function createShareLink(client, sharingProfile) {
// Retrieve sharing credentials for the sake of generating a share link
var credentialRequest = tunnelService.getSharingCredentials(
client.tunnel.uuid, sharingProfile.identifier);
// Add a new share link once the credentials are ready
credentialRequest.then(function sharingCredentialsReceived(sharingCredentials) {
client.shareLinks[sharingProfile.identifier] =
ManagedShareLink.getInstance(sharingProfile, sharingCredentials);
}, requestService.WARN);
return credentialRequest;
* Returns whether the given ManagedClient is being shared. A ManagedClient
* is shared if it has any associated share links.
* @param {ManagedClient} client
* The ManagedClient to check.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the ManagedClient has at least one associated share link,
* false otherwise.
ManagedClient.isShared = function isShared(client) {
// The connection is shared if at least one share link exists
for (var dummy in client.shareLinks)
return true;
// No share links currently exist
return false;
* Store the thumbnail of the given managed client within the connection
* history under its associated ID. If the client is not connected, this
* function has no effect.
* @param {ManagedClient} managedClient
* The client whose history entry should be updated.
ManagedClient.updateThumbnail = function updateThumbnail(managedClient) {
var display = managedClient.client.getDisplay();
// Update stored thumbnail of previous connection
if (display && display.getWidth() > 0 && display.getHeight() > 0) {
// Get screenshot
var canvas = display.flatten();
// Calculate scale of thumbnail (max 320x240, max zoom 100%)
var scale = Math.min(320 / canvas.width, 240 / canvas.height, 1);
// Create thumbnail canvas
var thumbnail = $document[0].createElement("canvas");
thumbnail.width = canvas.width*scale;
thumbnail.height = canvas.height*scale;
// Scale screenshot to thumbnail
var context = thumbnail.getContext("2d");
0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height,
0, 0, thumbnail.width, thumbnail.height
// Store updated thumbnail within client
managedClient.thumbnail = new ManagedClientThumbnail({
timestamp : new Date().getTime(),
canvas : thumbnail
// Update historical thumbnail
guacHistory.updateThumbnail(, thumbnail.toDataURL("image/png"));
return ManagedClient;