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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* Service which defines the PermissionSet class.
angular.module('rest').factory('PermissionSet', [function definePermissionSet() {
* The object returned by REST API calls when representing the permissions
* granted to a specific user.
* @constructor
* @param {PermissionSet|Object} [template={}]
* The object whose properties should be copied within the new
* PermissionSet.
var PermissionSet = function PermissionSet(template) {
// Use empty object by default
template = template || {};
* Map of connection identifiers to the corresponding array of granted
* permissions. Each permission is represented by a string listed
* within PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @type Object.<String, String[]>
this.connectionPermissions = template.connectionPermissions || {};
* Map of connection group identifiers to the corresponding array of
* granted permissions. Each permission is represented by a string
* listed within PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @type Object.<String, String[]>
this.connectionGroupPermissions = template.connectionGroupPermissions || {};
* Map of sharing profile identifiers to the corresponding array of
* granted permissions. Each permission is represented by a string
* listed within PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @type Object.<String, String[]>
this.sharingProfilePermissions = template.sharingProfilePermissions || {};
* Map of active connection identifiers to the corresponding array of
* granted permissions. Each permission is represented by a string
* listed within PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @type Object.<String, String[]>
this.activeConnectionPermissions = template.activeConnectionPermissions || {};
* Map of user identifiers to the corresponding array of granted
* permissions. Each permission is represented by a string listed
* within PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @type Object.<String, String[]>
this.userPermissions = template.userPermissions || {};
* Map of user group identifiers to the corresponding array of granted
* permissions. Each permission is represented by a string listed
* within PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @type Object.<String, String[]>
this.userGroupPermissions = template.userGroupPermissions || {};
* Array of granted system permissions. Each permission is represented
* by a string listed within PermissionSet.SystemPermissionType.
* @type String[]
this.systemPermissions = template.systemPermissions || [];
* Valid object permission type strings.
PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType = {
* Permission to read from the specified object.
* Permission to update the specified object.
* Permission to delete the specified object.
* Permission to administer the specified object
* Valid system permission type strings.
PermissionSet.SystemPermissionType = {
* Permission to administer the entire system.
* Permission to create new users.
* Permission to create new user groups.
* Permission to create new connections.
* Permission to create new connection groups.
* Permission to create new sharing profiles.
* Returns whether the given permission is granted for at least one
* arbitrary object, regardless of ID.
* @param {Object.<String, String[]>} permMap
* The permission map to check, where each entry maps an object
* identifer to the array of granted permissions.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
var containsPermission = function containsPermission(permMap, type) {
// Search all identifiers for given permission
for (var identifier in permMap) {
// If permission is granted, then no further searching is necessary
if (permMap[identifier].indexOf(type) !== -1)
return true;
// No such permission exists
return false;
* Returns whether the given permission is granted for the arbitrary
* object having the given ID. If no ID is given, this function determines
* whether the permission is granted at all for any such arbitrary object.
* @param {Object.<String, String[]>} permMap
* The permission map to check, where each entry maps an object
* identifer to the array of granted permissions.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} [identifier]
* The identifier of the object to which the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
var hasPermission = function hasPermission(permMap, type, identifier) {
// No permission if no permission map at all
if (!permMap)
return false;
// If no identifier given, search ignoring the identifier
if (!identifier)
return containsPermission(permMap, type);
// If identifier not present at all, there are no such permissions
if (!(identifier in permMap))
return false;
return permMap[identifier].indexOf(type) !== -1;
* Returns whether the given permission is granted for the connection
* having the given ID.
* @param {PermissionSet|Object} permSet
* The permission set to check.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the connection to which the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
PermissionSet.hasConnectionPermission = function hasConnectionPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
return hasPermission(permSet.connectionPermissions, type, identifier);
* Returns whether the given permission is granted for the connection group
* having the given ID.
* @param {PermissionSet|Object} permSet
* The permission set to check.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the connection group to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
PermissionSet.hasConnectionGroupPermission = function hasConnectionGroupPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
return hasPermission(permSet.connectionGroupPermissions, type, identifier);
* Returns whether the given permission is granted for the sharing profile
* having the given ID.
* @param {PermissionSet|Object} permSet
* The permission set to check.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the sharing profile to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
PermissionSet.hasSharingProfilePermission = function hasSharingProfilePermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
return hasPermission(permSet.sharingProfilePermissions, type, identifier);
* Returns whether the given permission is granted for the active
* connection having the given ID.
* @param {PermissionSet|Object} permSet
* The permission set to check.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the active connection to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
PermissionSet.hasActiveConnectionPermission = function hasActiveConnectionPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
return hasPermission(permSet.activeConnectionPermissions, type, identifier);
* Returns whether the given permission is granted for the user having the
* given ID.
* @param {PermissionSet|Object} permSet
* The permission set to check.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user to which the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
PermissionSet.hasUserPermission = function hasUserPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
return hasPermission(permSet.userPermissions, type, identifier);
* Returns whether the given permission is granted for the user group having
* the given identifier.
* @param {PermissionSet|Object} permSet
* The permission set to check.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user group to which the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
PermissionSet.hasUserGroupPermission = function hasUserGroupPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
return hasPermission(permSet.userGroupPermissions, type, identifier);
* Returns whether the given permission is granted at the system level.
* @param {PermissionSet|Object} permSet
* The permission set to check.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to search for, as defined by
* PermissionSet.SystemPermissionType.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission is present (granted), false otherwise.
PermissionSet.hasSystemPermission = function hasSystemPermission(permSet, type) {
if (!permSet.systemPermissions) return false;
return permSet.systemPermissions.indexOf(type) !== -1;
* Adds the given system permission to the given permission set, if not
* already present. If the permission is already present, this function has
* no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to add, as defined by
* PermissionSet.SystemPermissionType.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was added, false if the permission was
* already present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.addSystemPermission = function addSystemPermission(permSet, type) {
permSet.systemPermissions = permSet.systemPermissions || [];
// Add permission, if it doesn't already exist
if (permSet.systemPermissions.indexOf(type) === -1) {
return true;
// Permission already present
return false;
* Removes the given system permission from the given permission set, if
* present. If the permission is not present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to remove, as defined by
* PermissionSet.SystemPermissionType.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was removed, false if the permission was not
* present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.removeSystemPermission = function removeSystemPermission(permSet, type) {
permSet.systemPermissions = permSet.systemPermissions || [];
// Remove permission, if it exists
var permLocation = permSet.systemPermissions.indexOf(type);
if (permLocation !== -1) {
permSet.systemPermissions.splice(permLocation, 1);
return true;
// Permission not present
return false;
* Adds the given permission applying to the arbitrary object with the
* given ID to the given permission set, if not already present. If the
* permission is already present, this function has no effect.
* @param {Object.<String, String[]>} permMap
* The permission map to modify, where each entry maps an object
* identifer to the array of granted permissions.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to add, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the arbitrary object to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was added, false if the permission was
* already present in the given permission set.
var addObjectPermission = function addObjectPermission(permMap, type, identifier) {
// Pull array of permissions, creating it if necessary
var permArray = permMap[identifier] = permMap[identifier] || [];
// Add permission, if it doesn't already exist
if (permArray.indexOf(type) === -1) {
return true;
// Permission already present
return false;
* Removes the given permission applying to the arbitrary object with the
* given ID from the given permission set, if present. If the permission is
* not present, this function has no effect.
* @param {Object.<String, String[]>} permMap
* The permission map to modify, where each entry maps an object
* identifer to the array of granted permissions.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to remove, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the arbitrary object to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was removed, false if the permission was not
* present in the given permission set.
var removeObjectPermission = function removeObjectPermission(permMap, type, identifier) {
// Pull array of permissions
var permArray = permMap[identifier];
// If no permissions present at all, nothing to remove
if (!(identifier in permMap))
return false;
// Remove permission, if it exists
var permLocation = permArray.indexOf(type);
if (permLocation !== -1) {
permArray.splice(permLocation, 1);
return true;
// Permission not present
return false;
* Adds the given connection permission applying to the connection with
* the given ID to the given permission set, if not already present. If the
* permission is already present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to add, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the connection to which the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was added, false if the permission was
* already present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.addConnectionPermission = function addConnectionPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.connectionPermissions = permSet.connectionPermissions || {};
return addObjectPermission(permSet.connectionPermissions, type, identifier);
* Removes the given connection permission applying to the connection with
* the given ID from the given permission set, if present. If the
* permission is not present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to remove, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the connection to which the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was removed, false if the permission was not
* present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.removeConnectionPermission = function removeConnectionPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.connectionPermissions = permSet.connectionPermissions || {};
return removeObjectPermission(permSet.connectionPermissions, type, identifier);
* Adds the given connection group permission applying to the connection
* group with the given ID to the given permission set, if not already
* present. If the permission is already present, this function has no
* effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to add, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the connection group to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was added, false if the permission was
* already present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.addConnectionGroupPermission = function addConnectionGroupPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.connectionGroupPermissions = permSet.connectionGroupPermissions || {};
return addObjectPermission(permSet.connectionGroupPermissions, type, identifier);
* Removes the given connection group permission applying to the connection
* group with the given ID from the given permission set, if present. If
* the permission is not present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to remove, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the connection group to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was removed, false if the permission was not
* present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.removeConnectionGroupPermission = function removeConnectionGroupPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.connectionGroupPermissions = permSet.connectionGroupPermissions || {};
return removeObjectPermission(permSet.connectionGroupPermissions, type, identifier);
* Adds the given sharing profile permission applying to the sharing profile
* with the given ID to the given permission set, if not already present. If
* the permission is already present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to add, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the sharing profile to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was added, false if the permission was
* already present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.addSharingProfilePermission = function addSharingProfilePermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.sharingProfilePermissions = permSet.sharingProfilePermissions || {};
return addObjectPermission(permSet.sharingProfilePermissions, type, identifier);
* Removes the given sharing profile permission applying to the sharing
* profile with the given ID from the given permission set, if present. If
* the permission is not present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to remove, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the sharing profile to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was removed, false if the permission was not
* present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.removeSharingProfilePermission = function removeSharingProfilePermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.sharingProfilePermissions = permSet.sharingProfilePermissions || {};
return removeObjectPermission(permSet.sharingProfilePermissions, type, identifier);
* Adds the given active connection permission applying to the connection
* group with the given ID to the given permission set, if not already
* present. If the permission is already present, this function has no
* effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to add, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the active connection to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was added, false if the permission was
* already present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.addActiveConnectionPermission = function addActiveConnectionPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.activeConnectionPermissions = permSet.activeConnectionPermissions || {};
return addObjectPermission(permSet.activeConnectionPermissions, type, identifier);
* Removes the given active connection permission applying to the
* connection group with the given ID from the given permission set, if
* present. If the permission is not present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to remove, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the active connection to which the permission
* applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was removed, false if the permission was not
* present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.removeActiveConnectionPermission = function removeActiveConnectionPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.activeConnectionPermissions = permSet.activeConnectionPermissions || {};
return removeObjectPermission(permSet.activeConnectionPermissions, type, identifier);
* Adds the given user permission applying to the user with the given ID to
* the given permission set, if not already present. If the permission is
* already present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to add, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user to which the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was added, false if the permission was
* already present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.addUserPermission = function addUserPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.userPermissions = permSet.userPermissions || {};
return addObjectPermission(permSet.userPermissions, type, identifier);
* Removes the given user permission applying to the user with the given ID
* from the given permission set, if present. If the permission is not
* present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to remove, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user to whom the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was removed, false if the permission was not
* present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.removeUserPermission = function removeUserPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.userPermissions = permSet.userPermissions || {};
return removeObjectPermission(permSet.userPermissions, type, identifier);
* Adds the given user group permission applying to the user group with the
* given identifier to the given permission set, if not already present. If
* the permission is already present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to add, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user group to which the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was added, false if the permission was
* already present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.addUserGroupPermission = function addUserGroupPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.userGroupPermissions = permSet.userGroupPermissions || {};
return addObjectPermission(permSet.userGroupPermissions, type, identifier);
* Removes the given user group permission applying to the user group with
* the given identifier from the given permission set, if present. If the
* permission is not present, this function has no effect.
* @param {PermissionSet} permSet
* The permission set to modify.
* @param {String} type
* The permission to remove, as defined by
* PermissionSet.ObjectPermissionType.
* @param {String} identifier
* The identifier of the user group to whom the permission applies.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the permission was removed, false if the permission was not
* present in the given permission set.
PermissionSet.removeUserGroupPermission = function removeUserGroupPermission(permSet, type, identifier) {
permSet.userGroupPermissions = permSet.userGroupPermissions || {};
return removeObjectPermission(permSet.userGroupPermissions, type, identifier);
return PermissionSet;