blob: 5452f906fa878152a12ba25cdf35984c9a1b6952 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
* KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
* specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
* The controller for the page used to connect to a connection or balancing group.
angular.module('client').controller('clientController', ['$scope', '$routeParams', '$injector',
function clientController($scope, $routeParams, $injector) {
// Required types
const ConnectionGroup = $injector.get('ConnectionGroup');
const ManagedClient = $injector.get('ManagedClient');
const ManagedClientGroup = $injector.get('ManagedClientGroup');
const ManagedClientState = $injector.get('ManagedClientState');
const ManagedFilesystem = $injector.get('ManagedFilesystem');
const Protocol = $injector.get('Protocol');
const ScrollState = $injector.get('ScrollState');
// Required services
const $location = $injector.get('$location');
const authenticationService = $injector.get('authenticationService');
const connectionGroupService = $injector.get('connectionGroupService');
const clipboardService = $injector.get('clipboardService');
const dataSourceService = $injector.get('dataSourceService');
const guacClientManager = $injector.get('guacClientManager');
const iconService = $injector.get('iconService');
const preferenceService = $injector.get('preferenceService');
const requestService = $injector.get('requestService');
const tunnelService = $injector.get('tunnelService');
const userPageService = $injector.get('userPageService');
* The minimum number of pixels a drag gesture must move to result in the
* menu being shown or hidden.
* @type Number
* The maximum X location of the start of a drag gesture for that gesture
* to potentially show the menu.
* @type Number
* When showing or hiding the menu via a drag gesture, the maximum number
* of pixels the touch can move vertically and still affect the menu.
* @type Number
* In order to open the guacamole menu, we need to hit ctrl-alt-shift. There are
* several possible keysysms for each key.
var SHIFT_KEYS = {0xFFE1 : true, 0xFFE2 : true},
ALT_KEYS = {0xFFE9 : true, 0xFFEA : true, 0xFE03 : true,
0xFFE7 : true, 0xFFE8 : true},
CTRL_KEYS = {0xFFE3 : true, 0xFFE4 : true},
MENU_KEYS = angular.extend({}, SHIFT_KEYS, ALT_KEYS, CTRL_KEYS);
* Keysym for detecting any END key presses, for the purpose of passing through
* the Ctrl-Alt-Del sequence to a remote system.
var END_KEYS = {0xFF57 : true, 0xFFB1 : true};
* Keysym for sending the DELETE key when the Ctrl-Alt-End hotkey
* combo is pressed.
* @type Number
var DEL_KEY = 0xFFFF;
* Menu-specific properties.
$ = {
* Whether the menu is currently shown.
* @type Boolean
shown : false,
* The currently selected input method. This may be any of the values
* defined within preferenceService.inputMethods.
* @type String
inputMethod : preferenceService.preferences.inputMethod,
* Whether translation of touch to mouse events should emulate an
* absolute pointer device, or a relative pointer device.
* @type Boolean
emulateAbsoluteMouse : preferenceService.preferences.emulateAbsoluteMouse,
* The current scroll state of the menu.
* @type ScrollState
scrollState : new ScrollState(),
* The current desired values of all editable connection parameters as
* a set of name/value pairs, including any changes made by the user.
* @type {Object.<String, String>}
connectionParameters : {}
// Convenience method for closing the menu
$scope.closeMenu = function closeMenu() {
$ = false;
* Applies any changes to connection parameters made by the user within the
* Guacamole menu to the given ManagedClient. If no client is supplied,
* this function has no effect.
* @param {ManagedClient} client
* The client to apply parameter changes to.
$scope.applyParameterChanges = function applyParameterChanges(client) {
angular.forEach($, function sendArgv(value, name) {
if (client)
ManagedClient.setArgument(client, name, value);
* The currently-focused client within the current ManagedClientGroup. If
* there is no current group, no client is focused, or multiple clients are
* focused, this will be null.
* @type ManagedClient
$scope.focusedClient = null;
* The set of clients that should be attached to the client UI. This will
* be immediately initialized by a call to updateAttachedClients() below.
* @type ManagedClientGroup
$scope.clientGroup = null;
* @borrows ManagedClientGroup.getName
$scope.getName = ManagedClientGroup.getName;
* @borrows ManagedClientGroup.getTitle
$scope.getTitle = ManagedClientGroup.getTitle;
* Arbitrary context that should be exposed to the guacGroupList directive
* displaying the dropdown list of available connections within the
* Guacamole menu.
$scope.connectionListContext = {
* The set of clients desired within the current view. For each client
* that should be present within the current view, that client's ID
* will map to "true" here.
* @type {Object.<string, boolean>}
attachedClients : {},
* Notifies that the client with the given ID has been added or
* removed from the set of clients desired within the current view,
* and the current view should be updated accordingly.
* @param {string} id
* The ID of the client that was added or removed from the current
* view.
updateAttachedClients : function updateAttachedClients(id) {
$scope.addRemoveClient(id, !$scope.connectionListContext.attachedClients[id]);
* Adds or removes the client with the given ID from the set of clients
* within the current view, updating the current URL accordingly.
* @param {string} id
* The ID of the client to add or remove from the current view.
* @param {boolean} [remove=false]
* Whether the specified client should be added (false) or removed
* (true).
$scope.addRemoveClient = function addRemoveClient(id, remove) {
// Deconstruct current path into corresponding client IDs
const ids = ManagedClientGroup.getClientIdentifiers($;
// Add/remove ID as requested
if (remove)
_.pull(ids, id);
// Reconstruct path, updating attached clients via change in route
$location.path('/client/' + ManagedClientGroup.getIdentifier(ids));
* Reloads the contents of $scope.clientGroup to reflect the client IDs
* currently listed in the URL.
const reparseRoute = function reparseRoute() {
const previousClients = $scope.clientGroup ? $scope.clientGroup.clients.slice() : [];
// Replace existing group with new group
// Store current set of attached clients for later use within the
// Guacamole menu
$scope.connectionListContext.attachedClients = {};
$scope.clientGroup.clients.forEach((client) => {
$scope.connectionListContext.attachedClients[] = true;
// Ensure menu is closed if updated view is not a modification of the
// current view (has no clients in common). The menu should remain open
// only while the current view is being modified, not when navigating
// to an entirely different view.
if (_.isEmpty(_.intersection(previousClients, $scope.clientGroup.clients)))
$ = false;
// Update newly-attached clients with current contents of clipboard
* Replaces the ManagedClientGroup currently attached to the client
* interface via $scope.clientGroup with the given ManagedClientGroup,
* safely cleaning up after the previous group. If no ManagedClientGroup is
* provided, the existing group is simply removed.
* @param {ManagedClientGroup} [managedClientGroup]
* The ManagedClientGroup to attach to the interface, if any.
const setAttachedGroup = function setAttachedGroup(managedClientGroup) {
// Do nothing if group is not actually changing
if ($scope.clientGroup === managedClientGroup)
if ($scope.clientGroup) {
// Remove all disconnected clients from management (the user has
// seen their status)
_.filter($scope.clientGroup.clients, client => {
const connectionState = client.clientState.connectionState;
return connectionState === ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.DISCONNECTED
|| connectionState === ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.TUNNEL_ERROR
|| connectionState === ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.CLIENT_ERROR;
}).forEach(client => {
// Flag group as detached
$scope.clientGroup.attached = false;
if (managedClientGroup) {
$scope.clientGroup = managedClientGroup;
$scope.clientGroup.attached = true;
$scope.clientGroup.lastUsed = new Date().getTime();
// Init sets of clients based on current URL ...
// ... and re-initialize those sets if the URL has changed without
// reloading the route
$scope.$on('$routeUpdate', reparseRoute);
* The root connection groups of the connection hierarchy that should be
* presented to the user for selecting a different connection, as a map of
* data source identifier to the root connection group of that data
* source. This will be null if the connection group hierarchy has not yet
* been loaded or if the hierarchy is inapplicable due to only one
* connection or balancing group being available.
* @type Object.<String, ConnectionGroup>
$scope.rootConnectionGroups = null;
* Array of all connection properties that are filterable.
* @type String[]
$scope.filteredConnectionProperties = [
* Array of all connection group properties that are filterable.
* @type String[]
$scope.filteredConnectionGroupProperties = [
// Retrieve root groups and all descendants
.then(function rootGroupsRetrieved(rootConnectionGroups) {
// Store retrieved groups only if there are multiple connections or
// balancing groups available
var clientPages = userPageService.getClientPages(rootConnectionGroups);
if (clientPages.length > 1)
$scope.rootConnectionGroups = rootConnectionGroups;
}, requestService.WARN);
* Map of all available sharing profiles for the current connection by
* their identifiers. If this information is not yet available, or no such
* sharing profiles exist, this will be an empty object.
* @type Object.<String, SharingProfile>
$scope.sharingProfiles = {};
* Map of all substituted key presses. If one key is pressed in place of another
* the value of the substituted key is stored in an object with the keysym of
* the original key.
* @type Object.<Number, Number>
var substituteKeysPressed = {};
* Returns whether the shortcut for showing/hiding the Guacamole menu
* (Ctrl+Alt+Shift) has been pressed.
* @param {Guacamole.Keyboard} keyboard
* The Guacamole.Keyboard object tracking the local keyboard state.
* @returns {boolean}
* true if Ctrl+Alt+Shift has been pressed, false otherwise.
const isMenuShortcutPressed = function isMenuShortcutPressed(keyboard) {
// Ctrl+Alt+Shift has NOT been pressed if any key is currently held
// down that isn't Ctrl, Alt, or Shift
if (_.findKey(keyboard.pressed, (val, keysym) => !MENU_KEYS[keysym]))
return false;
// Verify that one of each required key is held, regardless of
// left/right location on the keyboard
return !!(
_.findKey(SHIFT_KEYS, (val, keysym) => keyboard.pressed[keysym])
&& _.findKey(ALT_KEYS, (val, keysym) => keyboard.pressed[keysym])
&& _.findKey(CTRL_KEYS, (val, keysym) => keyboard.pressed[keysym])
// Show menu if the user swipes from the left, hide menu when the user
// swipes from the right, scroll menu while visible
$scope.menuDrag = function menuDrag(inProgress, startX, startY, currentX, currentY, deltaX, deltaY) {
if ($ {
// Hide menu if swipe-from-right gesture is detected
if (Math.abs(currentY - startY) < MENU_DRAG_VERTICAL_TOLERANCE
&& startX - currentX >= MENU_DRAG_DELTA)
$ = false;
// Scroll menu by default
else {
$ -= deltaX;
$ -= deltaY;
// Show menu if swipe-from-left gesture is detected
else if (startX <= MENU_DRAG_MARGIN) {
if (Math.abs(currentY - startY) < MENU_DRAG_VERTICAL_TOLERANCE
&& currentX - startX >= MENU_DRAG_DELTA)
$ = true;
return false;
// Show/hide UI elements depending on input method
$scope.$watch('menu.inputMethod', function setInputMethod(inputMethod) {
// Show input methods only if selected
$scope.showOSK = (inputMethod === 'osk');
$scope.showTextInput = (inputMethod === 'text');
// Update client state/behavior as visibility of the Guacamole menu changes
$scope.$watch('menu.shown', function menuVisibilityChanged(menuShown, menuShownPreviousState) {
// Re-update available connection parameters, if there is a focused
// client (parameter information may not have been available at the
// time focus changed)
if (menuShown)
$ = $scope.focusedClient ?
ManagedClient.getArgumentModel($scope.focusedClient) : {};
// Send any argument value data once menu is hidden
else if (menuShownPreviousState)
// Automatically track and cache the currently-focused client
$scope.$on('guacClientFocused', function focusedClientChanged(event, newFocusedClient) {
const oldFocusedClient = $scope.focusedClient;
$scope.focusedClient = newFocusedClient;
// Apply any parameter changes when focus is changing
if (oldFocusedClient)
// Update available connection parameters, if there is a focused
// client
$ = newFocusedClient ?
ManagedClient.getArgumentModel(newFocusedClient) : {};
// Automatically update connection parameters that have been modified
// for the current focused client
$scope.$on('guacClientArgumentsUpdated', function focusedClientChanged(event, focusedClient) {
// Update available connection parameters, if the updated arguments are
// for the current focused client - otherwise ignore them
if ($scope.focusedClient && $scope.focusedClient === focusedClient)
$ = ManagedClient.getArgumentModel(focusedClient);
// Update page icon when thumbnail changes
$scope.$watch('focusedClient.thumbnail.canvas', function thumbnailChanged(canvas) {
// Pull sharing profiles once the tunnel UUID is known
$scope.$watch('focusedClient.tunnel.uuid', function retrieveSharingProfiles(uuid) {
// Only pull sharing profiles if tunnel UUID is actually available
if (!uuid) {
$scope.sharingProfiles = {};
// Pull sharing profiles for the current connection
.then(function sharingProfilesRetrieved(sharingProfiles) {
$scope.sharingProfiles = sharingProfiles;
}, requestService.WARN);
* Produces a sharing link for the current connection using the given
* sharing profile. The resulting sharing link, and any required login
* information, will be displayed to the user within the Guacamole menu.
* @param {SharingProfile} sharingProfile
* The sharing profile to use to generate the sharing link.
$scope.share = function share(sharingProfile) {
if ($scope.focusedClient)
ManagedClient.createShareLink($scope.focusedClient, sharingProfile);
* Returns whether the current connection has any associated share links.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the current connection has at least one associated share
* link, false otherwise.
$scope.isShared = function isShared() {
return !!$scope.focusedClient && ManagedClient.isShared($scope.focusedClient);
* Returns the total number of share links associated with the current
* connection.
* @returns {Number}
* The total number of share links associated with the current
* connection.
$scope.getShareLinkCount = function getShareLinkCount() {
if (!$scope.focusedClient)
return 0;
// Count total number of links within the ManagedClient's share link map
var linkCount = 0;
for (const dummy in $scope.focusedClient.shareLinks)
return linkCount;
// Opening the Guacamole menu after Ctrl+Alt+Shift, preventing those
// keypresses from reaching any Guacamole client
$scope.$on('guacBeforeKeydown', function incomingKeydown(event, keysym, keyboard) {
// Toggle menu if menu shortcut (Ctrl+Alt+Shift) is pressed
if (isMenuShortcutPressed(keyboard)) {
// Don't send this key event through to the client, and release
// all other keys involved in performing this shortcut
// Toggle the menu
$scope.$apply(function() {
$ = !$;
// Prevent all keydown events while menu is open
else if ($
// Prevent all keyup events while menu is open
$scope.$on('guacBeforeKeyup', function incomingKeyup(event, keysym, keyboard) {
if ($
// Send Ctrl-Alt-Delete when Ctrl-Alt-End is pressed.
$scope.$on('guacKeydown', function keydownListener(event, keysym, keyboard) {
// If one of the End keys is pressed, and we have a one keysym from each
// of Ctrl and Alt groups, send Ctrl-Alt-Delete.
if (END_KEYS[keysym]
&& _.findKey(ALT_KEYS, (val, keysym) => keyboard.pressed[keysym])
&& _.findKey(CTRL_KEYS, (val, keysym) => keyboard.pressed[keysym])
) {
// Don't send this event through to the client.
// Record the substituted key press so that it can be
// properly dealt with later.
substituteKeysPressed[keysym] = DEL_KEY;
// Send through the delete key.
$scope.$broadcast('guacSyntheticKeydown', DEL_KEY);
// Update pressed keys as they are released
$scope.$on('guacKeyup', function keyupListener(event, keysym, keyboard) {
// Deal with substitute key presses
if (substituteKeysPressed[keysym]) {
$scope.$broadcast('guacSyntheticKeyup', substituteKeysPressed[keysym]);
delete substituteKeysPressed[keysym];
// Update page title when client title changes
$scope.$watch('getTitle(clientGroup)', function clientTitleChanged(title) {
$ = title;
* Returns whether the current connection has been flagged as unstable due
* to an apparent network disruption.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the current connection has been flagged as unstable, false
* otherwise.
$scope.isConnectionUnstable = function isConnectionUnstable() {
return _.findIndex($scope.clientGroup.clients, client => client.clientState.tunnelUnstable) !== -1;
* Immediately disconnects all currently-focused clients, if any.
$scope.disconnect = function disconnect() {
// Disconnect if client is available
if ($scope.clientGroup) {
$scope.clientGroup.clients.forEach(client => {
if (client.clientProperties.focused)
// Hide menu
$ = false;
* Disconnects the given ManagedClient, removing it from the current
* view.
* @param {ManagedClient} client
* The client to disconnect.
$scope.closeClientTile = function closeClientTile(client) {
$scope.addRemoveClient(, true);
// Ensure at least one client has focus (the only client with
// focus may just have been removed)
* Action which immediately disconnects the currently-connected client, if
* any.
className : 'danger disconnect',
callback : $scope.disconnect
// Set client-specific menu actions
$scope.clientMenuActions = [ DISCONNECT_MENU_ACTION ];
* @borrows Protocol.getNamespace
$scope.getProtocolNamespace = Protocol.getNamespace;
* The currently-visible filesystem within the filesystem menu, if the
* filesystem menu is open. If no filesystem is currently visible, this
* will be null.
* @type ManagedFilesystem
$scope.filesystemMenuContents = null;
* Hides the filesystem menu.
$scope.hideFilesystemMenu = function hideFilesystemMenu() {
$scope.filesystemMenuContents = null;
* Shows the filesystem menu, displaying the contents of the given
* filesystem within it.
* @param {ManagedFilesystem} filesystem
* The filesystem to show within the filesystem menu.
$scope.showFilesystemMenu = function showFilesystemMenu(filesystem) {
$scope.filesystemMenuContents = filesystem;
* Returns whether the filesystem menu should be visible.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the filesystem menu is shown, false otherwise.
$scope.isFilesystemMenuShown = function isFilesystemMenuShown() {
return !!$scope.filesystemMenuContents && $;
// Automatically refresh display when filesystem menu is shown
$scope.$watch('isFilesystemMenuShown()', function refreshFilesystem() {
// Refresh filesystem, if defined
var filesystem = $scope.filesystemMenuContents;
if (filesystem)
ManagedFilesystem.refresh(filesystem, filesystem.currentDirectory);
* Returns the full path to the given file as an ordered array of parent
* directories.
* @param {ManagedFilesystem.File} file
* The file whose full path should be retrieved.
* @returns {ManagedFilesystem.File[]}
* An array of directories which make up the hierarchy containing the
* given file, in order of increasing depth.
$scope.getPath = function getPath(file) {
var path = [];
// Add all files to path in ascending order of depth
while (file && file.parent) {
file = file.parent;
return path;
* Changes the current directory of the given filesystem to the given
* directory.
* @param {ManagedFilesystem} filesystem
* The filesystem whose current directory should be changed.
* @param {ManagedFilesystem.File} file
* The directory to change to.
$scope.changeDirectory = function changeDirectory(filesystem, file) {
ManagedFilesystem.changeDirectory(filesystem, file);
* Begins a file upload through the attached Guacamole client for
* each file in the given FileList.
* @param {FileList} files
* The files to upload.
$scope.uploadFiles = function uploadFiles(files) {
// Upload each file
for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
ManagedClient.uploadFile($scope.filesystemMenuContents.client, files[i], $scope.filesystemMenuContents);
* Determines whether the attached client group has any associated file
* transfers, regardless of those file transfers' state.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if there are any file transfers associated with the
* attached client group, false otherise.
$scope.hasTransfers = function hasTransfers() {
// There are no file transfers if there is no client group
if (!$scope.clientGroup)
return false;
return _.findIndex($scope.clientGroup.clients, ManagedClient.hasTransfers) !== -1;
* Returns whether the current user can share the current connection with
* other users. A connection can be shared if and only if there is at least
* one associated sharing profile.
* @returns {Boolean}
* true if the current user can share the current connection with other
* users, false otherwise.
$scope.canShareConnection = function canShareConnection() {
// If there is at least one sharing profile, the connection can be shared
for (var dummy in $scope.sharingProfiles)
return true;
// Otherwise, sharing is not possible
return false;
// Clean up when view destroyed
$scope.$on('$destroy', function clientViewDestroyed() {