blob: d77013fafc08a85e260192daebac084d15a835fc [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
* with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
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* under the License.
* Provides the ManagedClient class used by the guacClientManager service.
angular.module('client').factory('ManagedClientState', [function defineManagedClientState() {
* Object which represents the state of a Guacamole client and its tunnel,
* including any error conditions.
* @constructor
* @param {ManagedClientState|Object} [template={}]
* The object whose properties should be copied within the new
* ManagedClientState.
var ManagedClientState = function ManagedClientState(template) {
// Use empty object by default
template = template || {};
* The current connection state. Valid values are described by
* ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.
* @type String
* @default ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.IDLE
this.connectionState = template.connectionState || ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.IDLE;
* The status code of the current error condition, if connectionState
* is CLIENT_ERROR or TUNNEL_ERROR. For all other connectionState
* values, this will be @link{Guacamole.Status.Code.SUCCESS}.
* @type Number
* @default Guacamole.Status.Code.SUCCESS
this.statusCode = template.statusCode || Guacamole.Status.Code.SUCCESS;
* Valid connection state strings. Each state string is associated with a
* specific state of a Guacamole connection.
ManagedClientState.ConnectionState = {
* The Guacamole connection has not yet been attempted.
* @type String
* The Guacamole connection is being established.
* @type String
* The Guacamole connection has been successfully established, and the
* client is now waiting for receipt of initial graphical data.
* @type String
* The Guacamole connection has been successfully established, and
* initial graphical data has been received.
* @type String
* The Guacamole connection has terminated successfully. No errors are
* indicated.
* @type String
* The Guacamole connection has terminated due to an error reported by
* the client. The associated error code is stored in statusCode.
* @type String
* The Guacamole connection has terminated due to an error reported by
* the tunnel. The associated error code is stored in statusCode.
* @type String
* Sets the current client state and, if given, the associated status code.
* If an error is already represented, this function has no effect.
* @param {ManagedClientState} clientState
* The ManagedClientState to update.
* @param {String} connectionState
* The connection state to assign to the given ManagedClientState, as
* listed within ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.
* @param {Number} [statusCode]
* The status code to assign to the given ManagedClientState, if any,
* as listed within Guacamole.Status.Code. If no status code is
* specified, the status code of the ManagedClientState is not touched.
ManagedClientState.setConnectionState = function(clientState, connectionState, statusCode) {
// Do not set state after an error is registered
if (clientState.connectionState === ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.TUNNEL_ERROR
|| clientState.connectionState === ManagedClientState.ConnectionState.CLIENT_ERROR)
// Update connection state
clientState.connectionState = connectionState;
// Set status code, if given
if (statusCode)
clientState.statusCode = statusCode;
return ManagedClientState;