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package groovy.lang
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
class CategoryAnnotationTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testTransformationOfPropertyInvokedOnThis() {
//Test the fix for GROOVY-3367
assertScript """
class DistanceCategory3367 {
Distance3367 plus(Distance3367 increment) {
new Distance3367(number: this.number + increment.number)
class Distance3367 {
def number
use(DistanceCategory3367) {
def d1 = new Distance3367(number: 5)
def d2 = new Distance3367(number: 10)
def d3 = d1 + d2
assert d3.number == 15
void testTransformationWithCatchClause() {
//Test the fix for GROOVY-4801
assertScript """
class ExceptionHandler {
static def handled(Object self, Closure block) {
try { }
catch (Throwable t) { t.message }
class Caller {
def thrower() { handled { 1/0 } }
assert new Caller().thrower() == 'Division by zero'
void testCategoryMethodsHavingDeclarationStatements() {
// GROOVY-3543: Declaration statements in category class' methods were not being visited by
// CategoryASTTransformation's expressionTransformer resulting in declaration variables not being
// defined on varStack resulting in compilation errors later
assertScript """
class TestCategory {
String getSuperName1() {
String myname = ""
return myname + "hi from category"
// 2nd test case of JIRA
String getSuperName2() {
String myname = this.getName()
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) myname += i
return myname + "-Post"
// 3rd test case of JIRA
String getSuperName3() {
String myname = this.getName()
for(i in 0..4) myname += i
return myname + "-Post"
interface Test {
String getName()
class MyTest implements Test {
String getName() {
return "Pre-"
def onetest = new MyTest()
use(TestCategory) {
assert onetest.getSuperName1() == "hi from category"
assert onetest.getSuperName2() == "Pre-01234-Post"
assert onetest.getSuperName3() == "Pre-01234-Post"
void testPropertyNameExpandingToGetterInsideCategoryMethod() {
//GROOVY-3543: Inside the category method, this.getType().name was failing but this.getType().getName() was not.
assertScript """
class Naming {
String getTypeName() {
if(this.getType() != null)
interface Guy {
Type getType()
class Type {
String name
class MyGuyver implements Guy {
Type type
def atype = new Type(name: 'String')
def onetest = new MyGuyver(type:atype)
use(Naming) {
assert onetest.getTypeName() == onetest.getType().getName()
void testClosureUsingThis() {
assertScript """
class Filtering {
List process() {
this.messages.findAll{ != this.getName()}
interface Guy {
String getName()
List getMessages()
class MyGuyver implements Guy {
List messages
String name
def onetest = new MyGuyver(
name: 'coucou',
messages : [['name':'coucou'], ['name':'test'], ['name':'salut']])
Guy.mixin Filtering
assert onetest.process() == onetest.messages.findAll{ != onetest.getName()}
void testClosureWithinDeclarationExpressionAndMultipleAssignment() {
// GROOVY-4546
assertScript """
class MyOps {
def multiplesUpTo4() { [this * 2, this * 3, this * 4] }
def multiplesUpTo(num) {
(2..num).collect{ j -> this * j }
def alsoMultiplesUpTo(num) {
def ans = (2..num).collect{ i -> this * i }
def twice() {
def (twice, thrice, quad) = multiplesUpTo4()
use(MyOps) {
assert 5.multiplesUpTo4() == [10, 15, 20]
assert 5.multiplesUpTo(6) == [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
assert 5.alsoMultiplesUpTo(6) == [10, 15, 20, 25, 30]
assert 5.twice() == 10
// GROOVY-6120
void testFieldShouldNotBeAllowedInCategory() {
def message = shouldFail(RuntimeException) {
assertScript '''
class Bar { }
class Foo {
public x = 5
def foo() {
assert new Bar().foo() == 5
assert message.contains('The @Category transformation does not support instance fields')
// GROOVY-6120
void testPropertyShouldNotBeAllowedInCategory() {
def message = shouldFail(RuntimeException) {
assertScript '''
class Bar { }
class Foo {
int x = 5
def foo() {
assert new Bar().foo() == 5
assert message.contains('The @Category transformation does not support instance properties')
// GROOVY-6120
void testShouldNotThrowVerifyError() {
assertScript '''
class Bar { int x = 5 }
class Foo {
def foo() {
assert new Bar().foo() == 5
// GROOVY-6120
void testCategoryShouldBeCompatibleWithCompileStatic() {
assertScript '''
class Bar { int x = 5 }
class Foo {
def foo() {
assert new Bar().foo() == 5
void testCategoryShouldBeCompatibleWithCompileStatic_GROOVY6917() {
assertScript '''
class IntegerCategory {
Integer twice() { this * 2 }
List<Integer> multiplesUpTo(Integer num) {
(2..num).collect{ j -> this * j }
List<Integer> multiplyAll(List<Integer> nums) {
nums.collect{ it * this }
use(IntegerCategory) {
assert 7.twice() == 14
assert 7.multiplesUpTo(4) == [14, 21, 28]
assert 7.multiplyAll([1, 3, 5]) == [7, 21, 35]