blob: 60401bd1a09fb83c58a459c3f4b3d3f2f2f044c8 [file] [log] [blame]
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package org.codehaus.groovy.tck
class BatchGenerate {
def generator
def srcDirPath
def targetDir
def srcEncoding
def srcs
def spew
BatchGenerate() {
generator = new TestGenerator()
// verbose = false
spew = true
srcDirPath = "./"
void setSrcdirPath(String pathName) {
if (spew) {println("srcDir:${pathName}") }
srcDirPath = pathName
void setTargetDirectory(File destDir) {
if (spew) { println("destDir:${destDir}") }
targetDir = destDir
void setSourceEncoding(String encoding) {
if (spew) { println("encoding:${encoding}") }
srcEncoding = encoding
void addSources( File[] compileList ) {
if (spew) { println("compileList:${compileList}") }
srcs = compileList
void setVerbose(boolean verbose) {
spew = verbose
void compile() {
if (spew) { println("compile()") }
for (src in srcs) {
println( src )
// mung the ${test.src.dir}/gls/ch14/s4 path into ${dest.dir}/gls/ch14/s4
// first determine the relative path e.g. gls/ch14/s4
def relativeSrcFilePathAndName = src.getAbsolutePath().substring(srcDirPath.length() + 1)
def relativeSrcFileNameStartIndex = relativeSrcFilePathAndName.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
def relativeOutputPath = ""
if (relativeSrcFileNameStartIndex >= 0) {
relativeOutputPath = relativeSrcFilePathAndName.substring(0,relativeSrcFileNameStartIndex)
// then determine the absolute output path
def ghostOutputFile = new File(targetDir, relativeSrcFilePathAndName)
def ghostOutputFilePath = ghostOutputFile.getAbsolutePath()
def fileNameStartIndex = ghostOutputFilePath.lastIndexOf(File.separator)
def realOutputPath = ghostOutputFilePath.substring(0,fileNameStartIndex)
// mkdir if does not exist
File directory = new File(realOutputPath)
if (directory != null && !directory.exists()) {
// generate a suitable java file to put there
def fileStem =".")[0]
def targetFileName = "${fileStem}"
def anOutputFile = new File(realOutputPath, targetFileName)
System.out.println("generating " + targetFileName)
def someOutputText = generator.generate(relativeOutputPath, targetDir,,src.text)
if (someOutputText != null && someOutputText != "") {