blob: e26c73c2a64a4ace90324bd85ba68f2cd6b03e70 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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import gls.CompilableTestSupport
import java.util.regex.Matcher
import java.util.regex.Pattern
class OperatorsTest extends CompilableTestSupport {
void testArithmeticOperators() {
// tag::binary_arith_ops[]
assert 1 + 2 == 3
assert 4 - 3 == 1
assert 3 * 5 == 15
assert 3 / 2 == 1.5
assert 10 % 3 == 1
assert 2 ** 3 == 8
// end::binary_arith_ops[]
// tag::unary_plus_minus[]
assert +3 == 3
assert -4 == 0 - 4
assert -(-1) == 1 // <1>
// end::unary_plus_minus[]
// tag::plusplus_minusminus[]
def a = 2
def b = a++ * 3 // <1>
assert a == 3 && b == 6
def c = 3
def d = c-- * 2 // <2>
assert c == 2 && d == 6
def e = 1
def f = ++e + 3 // <3>
assert e == 2 && f == 5
def g = 4
def h = --g + 1 // <4>
assert g == 3 && h == 4
// end::plusplus_minusminus[]
void testArithmeticOperatorsWithAssignment() {
// tag::binary_assign_operators[]
def a = 4
a += 3
assert a == 7
def b = 5
b -= 3
assert b == 2
def c = 5
c *= 3
assert c == 15
def d = 10
d /= 2
assert d == 5
def e = 10
e %= 3
assert e == 1
def f = 3
f **= 2
assert f == 9
// end::binary_assign_operators[]
void testSimpleRelationalOperators() {
// tag::simple_relational_op[]
assert 1 + 2 == 3
assert 3 != 4
assert -2 < 3
assert 2 <= 2
assert 3 <= 4
assert 5 > 1
assert 5 >= -2
// end::simple_relational_op[]
void testLogicalOperators() {
// tag::logical_op[]
assert !false // <1>
assert true && true // <2>
assert true || false // <3>
// end::logical_op[]
void testBitwiseOperators() {
// tag::bitwise_op[]
int a = 0b00101010
assert a == 42
int b = 0b00001000
assert b == 8
assert (a & a) == a // <1>
assert (a & b) == b // <2>
assert (a | a) == a // <3>
assert (a | b) == a // <4>
int mask = 0b11111111 // <5>
assert ((a ^ a) & mask) == 0b00000000 // <6>
assert ((a ^ b) & mask) == 0b00100010 // <7>
assert ((~a) & mask) == 0b11010101 // <8>
// end::bitwise_op[]
void testLogicalOperatorPrecedence() {
// tag::logical_precendence_1[]
assert (!false && false) == false // <1>
// end::logical_precendence_1[]
// tag::logical_precendence_2[]
assert true || true && false // <1>
// end::logical_precendence_2[]
void testLogicalShortCircuit() {
assertScript '''
// tag::logical_shortcircuit[]
boolean checkIfCalled() { // <1>
called = true
called = false
true || checkIfCalled()
assert !called // <2>
called = false
false || checkIfCalled()
assert called // <3>
called = false
false && checkIfCalled()
assert !called // <4>
called = false
true && checkIfCalled()
assert called // <5>
// end::logical_shortcircuit[]
void testConditionalOperators() {
// tag::conditional_op_not[]
assert (!true) == false // <1>
assert (!'foo') == false // <2>
assert (!'') == true // <3>
// end::conditional_op_not[]
def result
def string = 'some string'
// tag::conditional_op_ternary_if[]
if (string!=null && string.length()>0) {
result = 'Found'
} else {
result = 'Not found'
// end::conditional_op_ternary_if[]
assert result == 'Found'
result = null
// tag::conditional_op_ternary_ternary[]
result = (string!=null && string.length()>0) ? 'Found' : 'Not found'
// end::conditional_op_ternary_ternary[]
assert result == 'Found'
// tag::conditional_op_ternary_groovytruth[]
result = string ? 'Found' : 'Not found'
// end::conditional_op_ternary_groovytruth[]
assert result == 'Found'
def user = [name: 'Bob']
def displayName
// tag::conditional_op_elvis[]
displayName = ? : 'Anonymous' // <1>
displayName = ?: 'Anonymous' // <2>
// end::conditional_op_elvis[]
void testNullSafeOperator() {
// tag::nullsafe[]
def person = Person.find { == 123 } // <1>
def name = person?.name // <2>
assert name == null // <3>
// end::nullsafe[]
OperatorsTest() {
void testDirectFieldAccess() {
assertScript '''
// tag::direct_field_class[]
class User {
public final String name // <1>
User(String name) { = name}
String getName() { "Name: $name" } // <2>
def user = new User('Bob')
assert == 'Name: Bob' // <3>
// end::direct_field_class[]
// tag::direct_field_op[]
assert user.@name == 'Bob' // <1>
// end::direct_field_op[]
void testMethodPointer() {
// tag::method_pointer[]
def str = 'example of method reference' // <1>
def fun = str.&toUpperCase // <2>
def upper = fun() // <3>
assert upper == str.toUpperCase() // <4>
// end::method_pointer[]
assert fun instanceof Closure
assertScript '''
class Person {
String name
int age
// tag::method_pointer_strategy[]
def transform(List elements, Closure action) { // <1>
def result = []
elements.each {
result << action(it)
String describe(Person p) { // <2>
"$ is $p.age"
def action = this.&describe // <3>
def list = [
new Person(name: 'Bob', age: 42),
new Person(name: 'Julia', age: 35)] // <4>
assert transform(list, action) == ['Bob is 42', 'Julia is 35'] // <5>
// end::method_pointer_strategy[]
assertScript '''
// tag::method_pointer_dispatch[]
def doSomething(String str) { str.toUpperCase() } // <1>
def doSomething(Integer x) { 2*x } // <2>
def reference = this.&doSomething // <3>
assert reference('foo') == 'FOO' // <4>
assert reference(123) == 246 // <5>
// end::method_pointer_dispatch[]
assertScript '''
// tag::method_pointer_new[]
def foo = BigInteger.&new
def fortyTwo = foo('42')
assert fortyTwo == 42G
// end::method_pointer_new[]
assertScript '''
// tag::method_pointer_class_instance[]
def instanceMethod = String.&toUpperCase
assert instanceMethod('foo') == 'FOO'
// end::method_pointer_class_instance[]
void testMethodReference() {
assertScript '''
// tag::method_refs[]
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import static
void methodRefs() {
assert 6G == [1G, 2G, 3G].stream().reduce(0G, BigInteger::add) // <1>
assert [4G, 5G, 6G] == [1G, 2G, 3G].stream().map(3G::add).collect(toList()) // <2>
assert [1G, 2G, 3G] == [1L, 2L, 3L].stream().map(BigInteger::valueOf).collect(toList()) // <3>
assert [1G, 2G, 3G] == [1L, 2L, 3L].stream().map(3G::valueOf).collect(toList()) // <4>
// end::method_refs[]
// tag::constructor_refs[]
void constructorRefs() {
assert [1, 2, 3] == ['1', '2', '3'].stream().map(Integer::new).collect(toList()) // <1>
def result = [1, 2, 3].stream().toArray(Integer[]::new) // <2>
assert result instanceof Integer[]
assert result.toString() == '[1, 2, 3]'
// end::constructor_refs[]
void testRegularExpressionOperators() {
def pattern = 'foo'
// tag::pattern_op[]
def p = ~/foo/
assert p instanceof Pattern
// end::pattern_op[]
// tag::pattern_op_variants[]
p = ~'foo' // <1>
p = ~"foo" // <2>
p = ~$/dollar/slashy $ string/$ // <3>
p = ~"${pattern}" // <4>
// end::pattern_op_variants[]
// tag::pattern_matcher_op[]
def text = "some text to match"
def m = text =~ /match/ // <1>
assert m instanceof Matcher // <2>
if (!m) { // <3>
throw new RuntimeException("Oops, text not found!")
// end::pattern_matcher_op[]
// tag::pattern_matcher_strict_op[]
m = text ==~ /match/ // <1>
assert m instanceof Boolean // <2>
if (m) { // <3>
throw new RuntimeException("Should not reach that point!")
// end::pattern_matcher_strict_op[]
void testSpreadDotOperator() {
assertScript '''
// tag::spreaddot[]
class Car {
String make
String model
def cars = [
new Car(make: 'Peugeot', model: '508'),
new Car(make: 'Renault', model: 'Clio')] // <1>
def makes = cars*.make // <2>
assert makes == ['Peugeot', 'Renault'] // <3>
// end::spreaddot[]
// tag::spreaddot_nullsafe[]
cars = [
new Car(make: 'Peugeot', model: '508'),
null, // <1>
new Car(make: 'Renault', model: 'Clio')]
assert cars*.make == ['Peugeot', null, 'Renault'] // <2>
assert null*.make == null // <3>
// end::spreaddot_nullsafe[]
assertScript '''
// tag::spreaddot_iterable[]
class Component {
Long id
String name
class CompositeObject implements Iterable<Component> {
def components = [
new Component(id: 1, name: 'Foo'),
new Component(id: 2, name: 'Bar')]
Iterator<Component> iterator() {
def composite = new CompositeObject()
assert composite*.id == [1,2]
assert composite*.name == ['Foo','Bar']
// end::spreaddot_iterable[]
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.Canonical
// tag::spreaddot_multilevel[]
class Make {
String name
List<Model> models
class Model {
String name
def cars = [
new Make(name: 'Peugeot',
models: [new Model('408'), new Model('508')]),
new Make(name: 'Renault',
models: [new Model('Clio'), new Model('Captur')])
def makes = cars*.name
assert makes == ['Peugeot', 'Renault']
def models = cars*.models*.name
assert models == [['408', '508'], ['Clio', 'Captur']]
assert models.sum() == ['408', '508', 'Clio', 'Captur'] // flatten one level
assert models.flatten() == ['408', '508', 'Clio', 'Captur'] // flatten all levels (one in this case)
// end::spreaddot_multilevel[]
assertScript '''
// tag::spreaddot_alternative[]
class Car {
String make
String model
def cars = [
new Car(make: 'Peugeot', model: '408'),
new Car(make: 'Peugeot', model: '508')
], [
new Car(make: 'Renault', model: 'Clio'),
new Car(make: 'Renault', model: 'Captur')
def models = cars.collectNested{ it.model }
assert models == [['408', '508'], ['Clio', 'Captur']]
// end::spreaddot_alternative[]
void testSpreadMethodArguments() {
assertScript '''
// tag::spreadmethodargs_method[]
int function(int x, int y, int z) {
// end::spreadmethodargs_method[]
// tag::spreadmethodargs_args[]
def args = [4,5,6]
// end::spreadmethodargs_args[]
// tag::spreadmethodargs_assert[]
assert function(*args) == 26
// end::spreadmethodargs_assert[]
// tag::spreadmethodargs_mixed[]
args = [4]
assert function(*args,5,6) == 26
// end::spreadmethodargs_mixed[]
void testSpreadList() {
// tag::spread_list[]
def items = [4,5] // <1>
def list = [1,2,3,*items,6] // <2>
assert list == [1,2,3,4,5,6] // <3>
// end::spread_list[]
void testSpreadMap() {
assertScript '''
// tag::spread_map[]
def m1 = [c:3, d:4] // <1>
def map = [a:1, b:2, *:m1] // <2>
assert map == [a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4] // <3>
// end::spread_map[]
assertScript '''
// tag::spread_map_position[]
def m1 = [c:3, d:4] // <1>
def map = [a:1, b:2, *:m1, d: 8] // <2>
assert map == [a:1, b:2, c:3, d:8] // <3>
// end::spread_map_position[]
void testRangeOperator() {
assertScript '''
// tag::intrange[]
def range = 0..5 // <1>
assert (0..5).collect() == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5] // <2>
assert (0..<5).collect() == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] // <3>
assert (0..5) instanceof List // <4>
assert (0..5).size() == 6 // <5>
// end::intrange[]
assertScript '''
// tag::charrange[]
assert ('a'..'d').collect() == ['a','b','c','d']
// end::charrange[]
void testSpaceshipOperator() {
assertScript '''
// tag::spaceship[]
assert (1 <=> 1) == 0
assert (1 <=> 2) == -1
assert (2 <=> 1) == 1
assert ('a' <=> 'z') == -1
// end::spaceship[]
void testSubscriptOperator() {
assertScript '''
// tag::subscript_op[]
def list = [0,1,2,3,4]
assert list[2] == 2 // <1>
list[2] = 4 // <2>
assert list[0..2] == [0,1,4] // <3>
list[0..2] = [6,6,6] // <4>
assert list == [6,6,6,3,4] // <5>
// end::subscript_op[]
assertScript '''
// tag::subscript_destructuring[]
class User {
Long id
String name
def getAt(int i) { // <1>
switch (i) {
case 0: return id
case 1: return name
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such element $i")
void putAt(int i, def value) { // <2>
switch (i) {
case 0: id = value; return
case 1: name = value; return
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No such element $i")
def user = new User(id: 1, name: 'Alex') // <3>
assert user[0] == 1 // <4>
assert user[1] == 'Alex' // <5>
user[1] = 'Bob' // <6>
assert == 'Bob' // <7>
// end::subscript_destructuring[]
void testMembershipOperator() {
// tag::membership_op[]
def list = ['Grace','Rob','Emmy']
assert ('Emmy' in list) // <1>
// end::membership_op[]
void testIdentityOperator() {
// tag::identity_op[]
def list1 = ['Groovy 1.8','Groovy 2.0','Groovy 2.3'] // <1>
def list2 = ['Groovy 1.8','Groovy 2.0','Groovy 2.3'] // <2>
assert list1 == list2 // <3>
assert ! // <4>
// end::identity_op[]
void testCoercionOperator() {
try {
// tag::coerce_op_cast[]
Integer x = 123
String s = (String) x // <1>
// end::coerce_op_cast[]
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
// tag::coerce_op[]
Integer x = 123
String s = x as String // <1>
// end::coerce_op[]
assert s == '123'
assertScript '''
// tag::coerce_op_custom[]
class Identifiable {
String name
class User {
Long id
String name
def asType(Class target) { // <1>
if (target == Identifiable) {
return new Identifiable(name: name)
throw new ClassCastException("User cannot be coerced into $target")
def u = new User(name: 'Xavier') // <2>
def p = u as Identifiable // <3>
assert p instanceof Identifiable // <4>
assert !(p instanceof User) // <5>
// end::coerce_op_custom[]
void testDiamondOperator() {
// tag::diamond_op[]
List<String> strings = new LinkedList<>()
// end::diamond_op[]
void testCallOperator() {
assertScript '''
// tag::call_op[]
class MyCallable {
int call(int x) { // <1>
def mc = new MyCallable()
assert == 4 // <2>
assert mc(2) == 4 // <3>
// end::call_op[]
void testOperatorOverloading() {
assertScript '''
// tag::operator_overload_class[]
class Bucket {
int size
Bucket(int size) { this.size = size }
Bucket plus(Bucket other) { // <1>
return new Bucket(this.size + other.size)
// end::operator_overload_class[]
// tag::operator_overload_op[]
def b1 = new Bucket(4)
def b2 = new Bucket(11)
assert (b1 + b2).size == 15 // <1>
// end::operator_overload_op[]
void testOperatorOverloadingWithDifferentArgumentType() {
assertScript '''
class Bucket {
int size
Bucket(int size) { this.size = size }
// tag::operator_overload_mixed_class[]
Bucket plus(int capacity) {
return new Bucket(this.size + capacity)
// end::operator_overload_mixed_class[]
def b1 = new Bucket(4)
// tag::operator_overload_mixed_op[]
assert (b1 + 11).size == 15
// end::operator_overload_mixed_op[]
private static class Person {
Long id
String name
static Person find(Closure c) { null }
void testGStringEquals() {
assertScript '''
w = 'world'
str1 = "Hello $w"
str1 += "!"
str2 = "Hello $w!"
str3 = 'Hello world!'
assert str1 == str3
assert str2 == str3
assert str1 == str2
void testBooleanOr() {
assertScript '''
boolean trueValue1 = true, trueValue2 = true, trueValue3 = true
boolean falseValue1 = false, falseValue2 = false, falseValue3 = false
assert (trueValue1 |= true)
assert (trueValue2 |= false)
assert (trueValue3 |= null)
assert (falseValue1 |= true)
assert !(falseValue2 |= false)
assert !(falseValue3 |= null)
void testBooleanAnd() {
assertScript '''
boolean trueValue1 = true, trueValue2 = true, trueValue3 = true
boolean falseValue1 = false, falseValue2 = false, falseValue3 = false
assert (trueValue1 &= true)
assert !(trueValue2 &= false)
assert !(trueValue3 &= null)
assert !(falseValue1 &= true)
assert !(falseValue2 &= false)
assert !(falseValue3 &= null)
void testBooleanXor() {
assertScript '''
boolean trueValue1 = true, trueValue2 = true, trueValue3 = true
boolean falseValue1 = false, falseValue2 = false, falseValue3 = false
assert !(trueValue1 ^= true)
assert (trueValue2 ^= false)
assert (trueValue3 ^= null)
assert (falseValue1 ^= true)
assert !(falseValue2 ^= false)
assert !(falseValue3 ^= null)