blob: 7f22a545645b10e51bcc5865695006452122bc1a [file] [log] [blame]
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import gls.CompilableTestSupport
class DesignPatternsTest extends CompilableTestSupport {
void testAbstractFactory() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::abstract_factory_example1[]
class TwoupMessages {
def welcome = 'Welcome to the twoup game, you start with $1000'
def done = 'Sorry, you have no money left, goodbye'
class TwoupInputConverter {
def convert(input) { input.toInteger() }
class TwoupControl {
private money = 1000
private random = new Random()
private tossWasHead() {
def next = random.nextInt()
return next % 2 == 0
def moreTurns() {
if (money > 0) {
println "You have $money, how much would you like to bet?"
return true
def play(amount) {
def coin1 = tossWasHead()
def coin2 = tossWasHead()
if (coin1 && coin2) {
money += amount
println 'You win'
} else if (!coin1 && !coin2) {
money -= amount
println 'You lose'
} else {
println 'Draw'
// end::abstract_factory_example1[]
// tag::abstract_factory_example2[]
class GuessGameMessages {
def welcome = 'Welcome to the guessing game, my secret number is between 1 and 100'
def done = 'Correct'
class GuessGameInputConverter {
def convert(input) { input.toInteger() }
class GuessGameControl {
private lower = 1
private upper = 100
private guess = new Random().nextInt(upper - lower) + lower
def moreTurns() {
def done = (lower == guess || upper == guess)
if (!done) {
println "Enter a number between $lower and $upper"
def play(nextGuess) {
if (nextGuess <= guess) {
lower = [lower, nextGuess].max()
if (nextGuess >= guess) {
upper = [upper, nextGuess].min()
// end::abstract_factory_example2[]
// tag::abstract_factory_code[]
def guessFactory = [messages: GuessGameMessages, control: GuessGameControl, converter: GuessGameInputConverter]
def twoupFactory = [messages: TwoupMessages, control: TwoupControl, converter: TwoupInputConverter]
class GameFactory {
def static factory
def static getMessages() { return factory.messages.newInstance() }
def static getControl() { return factory.control.newInstance() }
def static getConverter() { return factory.converter.newInstance() }
// end::abstract_factory_code[]
// tag::abstract_factory_usage[]
GameFactory.factory = twoupFactory
def messages = GameFactory.messages
def control = GameFactory.control
def converter = GameFactory.converter
println messages.welcome
def reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
while (control.moreTurns()) {
def input = reader.readLine().trim()
println messages.done
// end::abstract_factory_usage[]
void testAdapterDelegation() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::adapter_delegation_classes[]
class SquarePeg {
def width
class RoundPeg {
def radius
class RoundHole {
def radius
def pegFits(peg) {
peg.radius <= radius
String toString() { "RoundHole with radius $radius" }
// end::adapter_delegation_classes[]
// tag::adapter_delegation_code[]
class SquarePegAdapter {
def peg
def getRadius() {
Math.sqrt(((peg.width / 2) ** 2) * 2)
String toString() {
"SquarePegAdapter with peg width $peg.width (and notional radius $radius)"
// end::adapter_delegation_code[]
// tag::adapter_delegation_usage[]
def hole = new RoundHole(radius: 4.0)
(4..7).each { w ->
def peg = new SquarePegAdapter(peg: new SquarePeg(width: w))
if (hole.pegFits(peg)) {
println "peg $peg fits in hole $hole"
} else {
println "peg $peg does not fit in hole $hole"
// end::adapter_delegation_usage[]
void testAdapterInheritanceClosuresExpandoMetaClass() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::adapter_inheritance_classes[]
class SquarePeg {
def width
class RoundPeg {
def radius
class RoundHole {
def radius
def pegFits(peg) {
peg.radius <= radius
String toString() { "RoundHole with radius $radius" }
// end::adapter_inheritance_classes[]
// tag::adapter_inheritance_code[]
class SquarePegAdapter extends SquarePeg {
def getRadius() {
Math.sqrt(((width / 2) ** 2) * 2)
String toString() {
"SquarePegAdapter with width $width (and notional radius $radius)"
// end::adapter_inheritance_code[]
// tag::adapter_inheritance_usage[]
def hole = new RoundHole(radius: 4.0)
(4..7).each { w ->
def peg = new SquarePegAdapter(width: w)
if (hole.pegFits(peg)) {
println "peg $peg fits in hole $hole"
} else {
println "peg $peg does not fit in hole $hole"
// end::adapter_inheritance_usage[]
// tag::adapter_closure_interface[]
interface RoundThing {
def getRadius()
// end::adapter_closure_interface[]
// tag::adapter_closure_define[]
def adapter = {
p -> [getRadius: { Math.sqrt(((p.width / 2) ** 2) * 2) }] as RoundThing
// end::adapter_closure_define[]
def isoHelper = {
// tag::adapter_closure_usage[]
def peg = new SquarePeg(width: 4)
if (hole.pegFits(adapter(peg))) {
// ... as before
// end::adapter_closure_usage[]
def isoHelper2 = {
// tag::adapter_expando_meta_class[]
def peg = new SquarePeg(width: 4)
peg.metaClass.radius = Math.sqrt(((peg.width / 2) ** 2) * 2)
// end::adapter_expando_meta_class[]
void testBouncerNullCheck() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::bouncer_null_check[]
class NullChecker {
static check(name, arg) {
if (arg == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(name + ' is null')
// end::bouncer_null_check[]
class Test1 {
// tag::bouncer_null_check_usage[]
void doStuff(String name, Object value) {
NullChecker.check('name', name)
NullChecker.check('value', value)
// do stuff
// end::bouncer_null_check_usage[]
class Test2 {
// tag::bouncer_null_check_usage_groovy_way[]
void doStuff(String name, Object value) {
assert name != null, 'name should not be null'
assert value != null, 'value should not be null'
// do stuff
// end::bouncer_null_check_usage_groovy_way[]
void testBouncerValidation() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::bouncer_validation[]
class NumberChecker {
static final String NUMBER_PATTERN = "\\\\d+(\\\\.\\\\d+(E-?\\\\d+)?)?"
static isNumber(str) {
if (!str ==~ NUMBER_PATTERN) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument '$str' must be a number")
static isNotZero(number) {
if (number == 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException('Argument must not be 0')
// end::bouncer_validation[]
// tag::bouncer_validation_usage[]
def stringDivide(String dividendStr, String divisorStr) {
def dividend = dividendStr.toDouble()
def divisor = divisorStr.toDouble()
dividend / divisor
println stringDivide('1.2E2', '3.0')
// => 40.0
// end::bouncer_validation_usage[]
class Test {
// tag::bouncer_validation_usage_groovy_way[]
def stringDivide(String dividendStr, String divisorStr) {
assert dividendStr =~ NumberChecker.NUMBER_PATTERN
assert divisorStr =~ NumberChecker.NUMBER_PATTERN
def dividend = dividendStr.toDouble()
def divisor = divisorStr.toDouble()
assert divisor != 0, 'Divisor must not be 0'
dividend / divisor
// end::bouncer_validation_usage_groovy_way[]
void testChainOfResponsibility() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::chain_of_responsibility[]
class UnixLister {
private nextInLine
UnixLister(next) { nextInLine = next }
def listFiles(dir) {
if (System.getProperty('') == 'Linux') {
println "ls $dir".execute().text
} else {
class WindowsLister {
private nextInLine
WindowsLister(next) { nextInLine = next }
def listFiles(dir) {
if (System.getProperty('') == 'Windows XP') {
println "cmd.exe /c dir $dir".execute().text
} else {
class DefaultLister {
def listFiles(dir) {
new File(dir).eachFile { f -> println f }
def lister = new UnixLister(new WindowsLister(new DefaultLister()))
// end::chain_of_responsibility[]
void testCompositeCode() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::composite_code[]
abstract class Component {
def name
def toString(indent) {
("-" * indent) + name
class Composite extends Component {
private children = []
def toString(indent) {
def s = super.toString(indent)
children.each { child ->
s += "\\n" + child.toString(indent + 1)
def leftShift(component) {
children << component
class Leaf extends Component { }
def root = new Composite(name: "root")
root << new Leaf(name: "leaf A")
def comp = new Composite(name: "comp B")
root << comp
root << new Leaf(name: "leaf C")
comp << new Leaf(name: "leaf B1")
comp << new Leaf(name: "leaf B2")
println root.toString(0)
// end::composite_code[]
void testDecoratorLogger() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::decorator_logger_class[]
class Logger {
def log(String message) {
println message
// end::decorator_logger_class[]
// tag::decorator_traditional_classes[]
class TimeStampingLogger extends Logger {
private Logger logger
TimeStampingLogger(logger) {
this.logger = logger
def log(String message) {
def now = Calendar.instance
logger.log("$now.time: $message")
class UpperLogger extends Logger {
private Logger logger
UpperLogger(logger) {
this.logger = logger
def log(String message) {
// end::decorator_traditional_classes[]
// tag::decorator_dynamic_behaviour_class[]
class GenericLowerDecorator {
private delegate
GenericLowerDecorator(delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate
def invokeMethod(String name, args) {
def newargs = args.collect { arg ->
if (arg instanceof String) {
return arg.toLowerCase()
} else {
return arg
delegate.invokeMethod(name, newargs)
// end::decorator_dynamic_behaviour_class[]
def separateHelper = {
// tag::decorator_traditional_usage[]
def logger = new UpperLogger(new TimeStampingLogger(new Logger()))
logger.log("G'day Mate")
// => Tue May 22 07:13:50 EST 2007: G'DAY MATE
// end::decorator_traditional_usage[]
// tag::decorator_traditional_usage2[]
logger = new TimeStampingLogger(new UpperLogger(new Logger()))
logger.log('Hi There')
// => TUE MAY 22 07:13:50 EST 2007: HI THERE
// end::decorator_traditional_usage2[]
// tag::decorator_dynamic_behaviour_usage[]
logger = new GenericLowerDecorator(new TimeStampingLogger(new Logger()))
logger.log('IMPORTANT Message')
// => Tue May 22 07:27:18 EST 2007: important message
// end::decorator_dynamic_behaviour_usage[]
// tag::decorator_runtime_behaviour[]
// current mechanism to enable ExpandoMetaClass
GroovySystem.metaClassRegistry.metaClassCreationHandle = new ExpandoMetaClassCreationHandle()
def logger = new Logger()
logger.metaClass.log = { String m -> println 'message: ' + m.toUpperCase() }
// => message: X
// end::decorator_runtime_behaviour[]
void testDecoratorCalc() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::decorator_calc_class[]
class Calc {
def add(a, b) { a + b }
// end::decorator_calc_class[]
// tag::decorator_tracing_decorator[]
class TracingDecorator {
private delegate
TracingDecorator(delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate
def invokeMethod(String name, args) {
println "Calling $name$args"
def before = System.currentTimeMillis()
def result = delegate.invokeMethod(name, args)
println "Got $result in ${System.currentTimeMillis()-before} ms"
// end::decorator_tracing_decorator[]
// tag::decorator_tracing_decorator_usage[]
def tracedCalc = new TracingDecorator(new Calc())
assert 15 == tracedCalc.add(3, 12)
// end::decorator_tracing_decorator_usage[]
// tag::decorator_interceptor[]
class TimingInterceptor extends TracingInterceptor {
private beforeTime
def beforeInvoke(object, String methodName, Object[] arguments) {
super.beforeInvoke(object, methodName, arguments)
beforeTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
Object afterInvoke(Object object, String methodName, Object[] arguments, Object result) {
super.afterInvoke(object, methodName, arguments, result)
def duration = System.currentTimeMillis() - beforeTime
writer.write("Duration: $duration ms\\n")
// end::decorator_interceptor[]
// tag::decorator_interceptor_usage[]
def proxy = ProxyMetaClass.getInstance(Calc)
proxy.interceptor = new TimingInterceptor()
proxy.use {
assert 7 == new Calc().add(1, 6)
// end::decorator_interceptor_usage[]
void testDecoratorSql() {
shouldCompile '''
import groovy.sql.Sql
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationHandler
import java.sql.Connection
// tag::decorator_reflect_proxy[]
protected Sql getGroovySql() {
final Connection con = session.connection()
def invoker = { object, method, args ->
if ( == "close") {
log.debug("ignoring call to Connection.close() for use by groovy.sql.Sql")
} else {
log.trace("delegating $method")
return con.invokeMethod(, args)
} as InvocationHandler;
def proxy = Proxy.newProxyInstance( getClass().getClassLoader(), [Connection] as Class[], invoker )
return new Sql(proxy)
// end::decorator_reflect_proxy[]
void testDecoratorSpring() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::decorator_spring_calc[]
interface Calc {
def add(a, b)
// end::decorator_spring_calc[]
// tag::decorator_spring_calc_impl[]
class CalcImpl implements Calc {
def add(a, b) { a + b }
// end::decorator_spring_calc_impl[]
// tag::decorator_spring_context[]
def ctx = new ClassPathXmlApplicationContext('beans.xml')
def calc = ctx.getBean('calc')
println calc.add(3, 25)
// end::decorator_spring_context[]
void testDecoratorGpars() {
try {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::decorator_gpars[]
import static groovyx.gpars.GParsPool.withPool
interface Document {
void print()
String getText()
class DocumentImpl implements Document {
def document
void print() { println document }
String getText() { document }
def words(String text) {
text.replaceAll('[^a-zA-Z]', ' ').trim().split("\\\\s+")*.toLowerCase()
def avgWordLength = {
def words = words(it.text)
sprintf "Avg Word Length: %4.2f", words*.size().sum() / words.size()
def modeWord = {
def wordGroups = words(it.text).groupBy {it}.collectEntries { k, v -> [k, v.size()] }
def maxSize = wordGroups*.value.max()
def maxWords = wordGroups.findAll { it.value == maxSize }
"Mode Word(s): ${maxWords*.key.join(', ')} ($maxSize occurrences)"
def wordCount = { d -> "Word Count: " + words(d.text).size() }
def asyncDecorator(Document d, Closure c) {
ProxyGenerator.INSTANCE.instantiateDelegate([print: {
withPool {
def result = c.callAsync(d)
println result.get()
}], [Document], d)
Document d = asyncDecorator(asyncDecorator(asyncDecorator(
new DocumentImpl(document:"This is the file with the words in it\\n\\t\\nDo you see the words?\\n"),
// new DocumentImpl(document: new File('AsyncDecorator.groovy').text),
wordCount), modeWord), avgWordLength)
// end::decorator_gpars[]
} catch (UnsupportedClassVersionError e) {
// running on an older JDK
void testDelegationExpandoMetaClass() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::delegation_delegator[]
class Delegator {
private targetClass
private delegate
Delegator(targetClass, delegate) {
this.targetClass = targetClass
this.delegate = delegate
def delegate(String methodName) {
delegate(methodName, methodName)
def delegate(String methodName, String asMethodName) {
targetClass.metaClass."$asMethodName" = delegate.&"$methodName"
def delegateAll(String[] names) {
names.each { delegate(it) }
def delegateAll(Map names) {
names.each { k, v -> delegate(k, v) }
def delegateAll() {
delegate.class.methods*.name.each { delegate(it) }
// end::delegation_delegator[]
// tag::delegation_classes[]
class Person {
String name
class MortgageLender {
def borrowAmount(amount) {
"borrow \\$$amount"
def borrowFor(thing) {
"buy \\$thing"
def lender = new MortgageLender()
def delegator = new Delegator(Person, lender)
// end::delegation_classes[]
// tag::delegation_usage[]
delegator.delegate 'borrowFor'
delegator.delegate 'borrowAmount', 'getMoney'
def p = new Person()
println p.borrowFor('present') // => buy present
println p.getMoney(50)
// end::delegation_usage[]
// tag::delegation_usage2[]
delegator.delegateAll 'borrowFor', 'borrowAmount'
// end::delegation_usage2[]
// tag::delegation_usage3[]
// end::delegation_usage3[]
// tag::delegation_usage4[]
delegator.delegateAll borrowAmount:'getMoney', borrowFor:'getThing'
// end::delegation_usage4[]
void testDelegationAnnotation() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::delegation_annotation[]
class Person {
def name
@Delegate MortgageLender mortgageLender = new MortgageLender()
class MortgageLender {
def borrowAmount(amount) {
"borrow \\$$amount"
def borrowFor(thing) {
"buy $thing"
def p = new Person()
assert "buy present" == p.borrowFor('present')
assert "borrow \\$50" == p.borrowAmount(50)
// end::delegation_annotation[]
void testFlyweight() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::flyweight_boeing797[]
class Boeing797 {
def wingspan = '80.8 m'
def capacity = 1000
def speed = '1046 km/h'
def range = '14400 km'
// ...
// end::flyweight_boeing797[]
// tag::flyweight_airbus380[]
class Airbus380 {
def wingspan = '79.8 m'
def capacity = 555
def speed = '912 km/h'
def range = '10370 km'
// ...
// end::flyweight_airbus380[]
// tag::flyweight_factory[]
class FlyweightFactory {
static instances = [797: new Boeing797(), 380: new Airbus380()]
class Aircraft {
private type // instrinsic state
private assetNumber // extrinsic state
private bought // extrinsic state
Aircraft(typeCode, assetNumber, bought) {
type = FlyweightFactory.instances[typeCode]
this.assetNumber = assetNumber
this.bought = bought
def describe() {
println """
Asset Number: $assetNumber
Capacity: $type.capacity people
Speed: $type.speed
Range: $type.range
Bought: $bought
def fleet = [
new Aircraft(380, 1001, '10-May-2007'),
new Aircraft(380, 1002, '10-Nov-2007'),
new Aircraft(797, 1003, '10-May-2008'),
new Aircraft(797, 1004, '10-Nov-2008')
fleet.each { p -> p.describe() }
// end::flyweight_factory[]
void testIterator() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::iterator_example[]
def printAll(container) {
for (item in container) { println item }
def numbers = [ 1,2,3,4 ]
def months = [ Mar:31, Apr:30, May:31 ]
def colors = [ java.awt.Color.BLACK, java.awt.Color.WHITE ]
printAll numbers
printAll months
printAll colors
// end::iterator_example[]
// tag::iterator_example2[]
colors.eachWithIndex { item, pos ->
println "Position $pos contains '$item'"
// end::iterator_example2[]
void testLoanMyResource() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::loan_my_resource_example[]
def f = new File('junk.txt')
f.withPrintWriter { pw ->
pw.println(new Date())
println f.size()
// => 42
// end::loan_my_resource_example[]
// tag::loan_my_resource_example2[]
f.eachLine { line ->
println line
// =>
// Mon Jun 18 22:38:17 EST 2007
// RunPattern
// end::loan_my_resource_example2[]
// tag::loan_my_resource_example3[]
def reader = f.newReader()
reader.splitEachLine(' ') { wordList ->
println wordList
// =>
// [ "Mon", "Jun", "18", "22:38:17", "EST", "2007" ]
// [ "RunPattern" ]
// end::loan_my_resource_example3[]
// tag::loan_my_resource_example4[]
def withListOfWordsForEachLine(File f, Closure c) {
def r = f.newReader()
try {
r.splitEachLine(' ', c)
} finally {
// end::loan_my_resource_example4[]
// tag::loan_my_resource_example5[]
withListOfWordsForEachLine(f) { wordList ->
println wordList
// =>
// [ "Mon", "Jun", "18", "22:38:17", "EST", "2007" ]
// [ "RunPattern" ]
// end::loan_my_resource_example5[]
void testNullObjectSimpleExample() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::null_object_simple_example[]
class Job {
def salary
class Person {
def name
def Job job
def people = [
new Person(name: 'Tom', job: new Job(salary: 1000)),
new Person(name: 'Dick', job: new Job(salary: 1200)),
def biggestSalary = people.collect { p -> p.job.salary }.max()
println biggestSalary
// end::null_object_simple_example[]
// tag::null_object_simple_example2[]
people << new Person(name: 'Harry')
// end::null_object_simple_example2[]
// tag::null_object_simple_example3[]
class NullJob extends Job { def salary = 0 }
people << new Person(name: 'Harry', job: new NullJob())
biggestSalary = people.collect { p -> p.job.salary }.max()
println biggestSalary
// end::null_object_simple_example3[]
// tag::null_object_simple_example4[]
people << new Person(name:'Harry')
biggestSalary = people.collect { p -> p.job?.salary }.max()
println biggestSalary
// end::null_object_simple_example4[]
void testNullObjectTreeExample() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::null_object_tree_example[]
class NullHandlingTree {
def left, right, value
def size() {
1 + (left ? left.size() : 0) + (right ? right.size() : 0)
def sum() {
value + (left ? left.sum() : 0) + (right ? right.sum() : 0)
def product() {
value * (left ? left.product() : 1) * (right ? right.product() : 1)
def root = new NullHandlingTree(
value: 2,
left: new NullHandlingTree(
value: 3,
right: new NullHandlingTree(value: 4),
left: new NullHandlingTree(value: 5)
println root.size()
println root.sum()
println root.product()
// end::null_object_tree_example[]
void testNullObjectTreeExample2() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::null_object_tree_example2[]
class Tree {
def left = new NullTree(), right = new NullTree(), value
def size() {
1 + left.size() + right.size()
def sum() {
value + left.sum() + right.sum()
def product() {
value * left.product() * right.product()
class NullTree {
def size() { 0 }
def sum() { 0 }
def product() { 1 }
def root = new Tree(
value: 2,
left: new Tree(
value: 3,
right: new Tree(value: 4),
left: new Tree(value: 5)
println root.size()
println root.sum()
println root.product()
// end::null_object_tree_example2[]
void testPimpMyLibraryExample() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::pimp_my_library_example[]
class EnhancedInteger {
static boolean greaterThanAll(Integer self, Object[] others) {
greaterThanAll(self, others)
static boolean greaterThanAll(Integer self, others) {
others.every { self > it }
// end::pimp_my_library_example[]
// tag::pimp_my_library_example2[]
use(EnhancedInteger) {
assert 4.greaterThanAll(1, 2, 3)
assert !5.greaterThanAll(2, 4, 6)
assert 5.greaterThanAll(-4..4)
assert 5.greaterThanAll([])
assert !5.greaterThanAll([4, 5])
// end::pimp_my_library_example2[]
void testProxyClient() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::proxy_client[]
class AccumulatorProxy {
def accumulate(args) {
def result
def s = new Socket("localhost", 54321)
s.withObjectStreams { ois, oos ->
oos << args
result = ois.readObject()
return result
println new AccumulatorProxy().accumulate([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])
// => 55
// end::proxy_client[]
void testProxyServer() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::proxy_server[]
class Accumulator {
def accumulate(args) {
args.inject(0) { total, arg -> total += arg }
def port = 54321
def accumulator = new Accumulator()
def server = new ServerSocket(port)
println "Starting server on port $port"
while(true) {
server.accept() { socket ->
socket.withObjectStreams { ois, oos ->
def args = ois.readObject()
oos << accumulator.accumulate(args)
// end::proxy_server[]
void testSingletonVoteCollector() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::singleton_vote_collector[]
class VoteCollector {
def votes = 0
private static final INSTANCE = new VoteCollector()
static getInstance() { return INSTANCE }
private VoteCollector() { }
def display() { println "Collector:${hashCode()}, Votes:$votes" }
// end::singleton_vote_collector[]
// tag::singleton_vote_collector_usage[]
def collector = VoteCollector.instance
collector = null
def collector2 = VoteCollector.instance
collector2 = null
def collector3 = VoteCollector.instance
// end::singleton_vote_collector_usage[]
void testSingletonMetaProgramming() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::singleton_meta_programming_classes[]
class Calculator {
private total = 0
def add(a, b) { total++; a + b }
def getTotalCalculations() { 'Total Calculations: ' + total }
String toString() { 'Calc: ' + hashCode() }
class Client {
def calc = new Calculator()
def executeCalc(a, b) { calc.add(a, b) }
String toString() { 'Client: ' + hashCode() }
// end::singleton_meta_programming_classes[]
// tag::singleton_meta_programming_meta_class[]
class CalculatorMetaClass extends MetaClassImpl {
private static final INSTANCE = new Calculator()
CalculatorMetaClass() { super(Calculator) }
def invokeConstructor(Object[] arguments) { return INSTANCE }
def registry = GroovySystem.metaClassRegistry
registry.setMetaClass(Calculator, new CalculatorMetaClass())
// end::singleton_meta_programming_meta_class[]
// tag::singleton_meta_programming_usage[]
def client = new Client()
assert 3 == client.executeCalc(1, 2)
println "$client, $client.calc, $client.calc.totalCalculations"
client = new Client()
assert 4 == client.executeCalc(2, 2)
println "$client, $client.calc, $client.calc.totalCalculations"
// end::singleton_meta_programming_usage[]
void testSingletonGuice() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::singleton_guice[]
@Grapes([@Grab('aopalliance:aopalliance:1.0'), @Grab('')])
interface Calculator {
def add(a, b)
class CalculatorImpl implements Calculator {
private total = 0
def add(a, b) { total++; a + b }
def getTotalCalculations() { 'Total Calculations: ' + total }
String toString() { 'Calc: ' + hashCode() }
class Client {
@Inject Calculator calc
def executeCalc(a, b) { calc.add(a, b) }
String toString() { 'Client: ' + hashCode() }
def injector = Guice.createInjector (
[configure: { binding ->
.asEagerSingleton() } ] as Module
def client = injector.getInstance(Client)
assert 3 == client.executeCalc(1, 2)
println "$client, $client.calc, $client.calc.totalCalculations"
client = injector.getInstance(Client)
assert 4 == client.executeCalc(2, 2)
println "$client, $client.calc, $client.calc.totalCalculations"
// end::singleton_guice[]
void testSingletonGuice2() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::singleton_guice2[]
@Grapes([@Grab('aopalliance:aopalliance:1.0'), @Grab('')])
interface Calculator {
// as before ...
class CalculatorImpl implements Calculator {
// as before ...
class Client {
// as before ...
def injector = Guice.createInjector()
// ...
// end::singleton_guice2[]
void testSingletonSpring() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::singleton_spring[]
@Grapes([@Grab('org.springframework:spring-core:3.2.2.RELEASE'), @Grab('org.springframework:spring-beans:3.2.2.RELEASE')])
interface Calculator {
def add(a, b)
class CalculatorImpl implements Calculator {
private total = 0
def add(a, b) { total++; a + b }
def getTotalCalculations() { 'Total Calculations: ' + total }
String toString() { 'Calc: ' + hashCode() }
class Client {
Client(Calculator calc) { this.calc = calc }
def calc
def executeCalc(a, b) { calc.add(a, b) }
String toString() { 'Client: ' + hashCode() }
// Here we 'wire' up our dependencies through the API. Alternatively,
// we could use XML-based configuration or the Grails Bean Builder DSL.
def factory = new DefaultListableBeanFactory()
factory.registerBeanDefinition('calc', new RootBeanDefinition(CalculatorImpl))
def beanDef = new RootBeanDefinition(Client, false)
factory.registerBeanDefinition('client', beanDef)
def client = factory.getBean('client')
assert 3 == client.executeCalc(1, 2)
println "$client, $client.calc, $client.calc.totalCalculations"
client = factory.getBean('client')
assert 4 == client.executeCalc(2, 2)
println "$client, $client.calc, $client.calc.totalCalculations"
// end::singleton_spring[]
void testStateExample() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::state_example[]
class Client {
def context = new Context()
def connect() {
def disconnect() {
def send_message(message) {
def receive_message() {
class Context {
def state = new Offline(this)
class ClientState {
def context
ClientState(context) {
this.context = context
class Offline extends ClientState {
Offline(context) {
def inform() {
println "offline"
def connect() {
context.state = new Online(context)
def disconnect() {
println "error: not connected"
def send_message(message) {
println "error: not connected"
def receive_message() {
println "error: not connected"
class Online extends ClientState {
Online(context) {
def inform() {
println "connected"
def connect() {
println "error: already connected"
def disconnect() {
context.state = new Offline(context)
def send_message(message) {
println "\"$message\" sent"
def receive_message() {
println "message received"
client = new Client()
// end::state_example[]
void testStateVariation1() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::state_variation1_interface[]
interface State {
def connect()
def disconnect()
def send_message(message)
def receive_message()
// end::state_variation1_interface[]
void testStateVariation2() {
shouldCompile '''
interface State { }
// tag::state_variation1_impl[]
class Client implements State {
// ... as before ...
class Online implements State {
// ... as before ...
class Offline implements State {
// ... as before ...
// end::state_variation1_impl[]
void testStateVariation3() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::state_variation2_classes[]
abstract class InstanceProvider {
static def registry = GroovySystem.metaClassRegistry
static def create(objectClass, param) {
registry.getMetaClass(objectClass).invokeConstructor([param] as Object[])
abstract class Context {
private context
protected setContext(context) {
this.context = context
def invokeMethod(String name, Object arg) {
context.invokeMethod(name, arg)
def startFrom(initialState) {
setContext(InstanceProvider.create(initialState, this))
abstract class State {
private client
State(client) { this.client = client }
def transitionTo(nextState) {
client.setContext(InstanceProvider.create(nextState, client))
// end::state_variation2_classes[]
// tag::state_variation2_impl[]
class Client extends Context {
Client() {
class Offline extends State {
Offline(client) {
println "offline"
def connect() {
def disconnect() {
println "error: not connected"
def send_message(message) {
println "error: not connected"
def receive_message() {
println "error: not connected"
class Online extends State {
Online(client) {
println "connected"
def connect() {
println "error: already connected"
def disconnect() {
def send_message(message) {
println "\"$message\" sent"
def receive_message() {
println "message received"
client = new Client()
// end::state_variation2_impl[]
void testStateVariation4() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::state_variation31[]
class Grammar {
def fsm
def event
def fromState
def toState
Grammar(a_fsm) {
fsm = a_fsm
def on(a_event) {
event = a_event
def on(a_event, a_transitioner) {
a_transitioner.delegate = this
def from(a_fromState) {
fromState = a_fromState
def to(a_toState) {
assert a_toState, "Invalid toState: $a_toState"
toState = a_toState
def isValid() {
event && fromState && toState
public String toString() {
"$event: $fromState=>$toState"
// end::state_variation31[]
// tag::state_variation32[]
class FiniteStateMachine {
def transitions = [:]
def initialState
def currentState
FiniteStateMachine(a_initialState) {
assert a_initialState, "You need to provide an initial state"
initialState = a_initialState
currentState = a_initialState
def record() {
def reset() {
currentState = initialState
def isState(a_state) {
currentState == a_state
def registerTransition(a_grammar) {
assert a_grammar.isValid(), "Invalid transition ($a_grammar)"
def transition
def event = a_grammar.event
def fromState = a_grammar.fromState
def toState = a_grammar.toState
if (!transitions[event]) {
transitions[event] = [:]
transition = transitions[event]
assert !transition[fromState], "Duplicate fromState $fromState for transition $a_grammar"
transition[fromState] = toState
def fire(a_event) {
assert currentState, "Invalid current state '$currentState': passed into constructor"
assert transitions.containsKey(a_event), "Invalid event '$a_event', should be one of ${transitions.keySet()}"
def transition = transitions[a_event]
def nextState = transition[currentState]
assert nextState, "There is no transition from '$currentState' to any other state"
currentState = nextState
// end::state_variation32[]
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
// tag::state_variation33[]
class StatePatternDslTest extends GroovyTestCase {
private fsm
protected void setUp() {
fsm = FiniteStateMachine.newInstance('offline')
def recorder = fsm.record()
void testInitialState() {
assert fsm.isState('offline')
void testOfflineState() {
assert 'online' =='connect')
void testOnlineState() {'connect')'send_message')'receive_message')
assert 'offline' =='disconnect')
// end::state_variation33[]
void testStrategyTraditional() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::strategy_traditional[]
interface Calc {
def execute(n, m)
class CalcByMult implements Calc {
def execute(n, m) { n * m }
class CalcByManyAdds implements Calc {
def execute(n, m) {
def result = 0
result += m
def sampleData = [
[3, 4, 12],
[5, -5, -25]
Calc[] multiplicationStrategies = [
new CalcByMult(),
new CalcByManyAdds()
sampleData.each{ data ->
multiplicationStrategies.each { calc ->
assert data[2] == calc.execute(data[0], data[1])
// end::strategy_traditional[]
void testStrategyGroovyWay() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::strategy_groovy_way[]
def multiplicationStrategies = [
{ n, m -> n * m },
{ n, m -> def result = 0; n.times{ result += m }; result }
def sampleData = [
[3, 4, 12],
[5, -5, -25]
sampleData.each{ data ->
multiplicationStrategies.each { calc ->
assert data[2] == calc(data[0], data[1])
// end::strategy_groovy_way[]
void testTemplateMethod() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::template_method_example[]
abstract class Accumulator {
protected initial
abstract doAccumulate(total, v)
def accumulate(values) {
def total = initial
values.each { v -> total = doAccumulate(total, v) }
class Sum extends Accumulator {
def Sum() { initial = 0 }
def doAccumulate(total, v) { total + v }
class Product extends Accumulator {
def Product() { initial = 1 }
def doAccumulate(total, v) { total * v }
println new Sum().accumulate([1,2,3,4])
println new Product().accumulate([1,2,3,4])
// end::template_method_example[]
void testTemplateMethod2() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::template_method_example2[]
Closure addAll = { total, item -> total += item }
def accumulated = [1, 2, 3, 4].inject(0, addAll)
println accumulated // => 10
// end::template_method_example2[]
// tag::template_method_example3[]
accumulated = [ "1", "2", "3", "4" ].inject("", addAll)
println accumulated // => "1234"
// end::template_method_example3[]
// tag::template_method_example4[]
Closure multAll = { total, item -> total *= item }
accumulated = [1, 2, 3, 4].inject(1, multAll)
println accumulated // => 24
// end::template_method_example4[]
void testVisitorSimpleExample() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::visitor_simple_example[]
abstract class Shape { }
class Rectangle extends Shape {
def x, y, width, height
Rectangle(x, y, width, height) {
this.x = x; this.y = y; this.width = width; this.height = height
def union(rect) {
if (!rect) return this
def minx = [rect.x, x].min()
def maxx = [rect.x + width, x + width].max()
def miny = [rect.y, y].min()
def maxy = [rect.y + height, y + height].max()
new Rectangle(minx, miny, maxx - minx, maxy - miny)
def accept(visitor) {
class Line extends Shape {
def x1, y1, x2, y2
Line(x1, y1, x2, y2) {
this.x1 = x1; this.y1 = y1; this.x2 = x2; this.y2 = y2
def accept(visitor){
class Group extends Shape {
def shapes = []
def add(shape) { shapes += shape }
def remove(shape) { shapes -= shape }
def accept(visitor) {
class BoundingRectangleVisitor {
def bounds
def visit_rectangle(rectangle) {
if (bounds)
bounds = bounds.union(rectangle)
bounds = rectangle
def visit_line(line) {
def line_bounds = new Rectangle(line.x1, line.y1, line.x2-line.y1, line.x2-line.y2)
if (bounds)
bounds = bounds.union(line_bounds)
bounds = line_bounds
def visit_group(group) {
group.shapes.each { shape -> shape.accept(this) }
def group = new Group()
group.add(new Rectangle(100, 40, 10, 5))
group.add(new Rectangle(100, 70, 10, 5))
group.add(new Line(90, 30, 60, 5))
def visitor = new BoundingRectangleVisitor()
bounding_box = visitor.bounds
println bounding_box.dump()
// end::visitor_simple_example[]
void testVisitorSimpleExample2() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::visitor_simple_example2[]
abstract class Shape {
def accept(Closure yield) { yield(this) }
class Rectangle extends Shape {
def x, y, w, h
def bounds() { this }
def union(rect) {
if (!rect) return this
def minx = [ rect.x, x ].min()
def maxx = [ rect.x + w, x + w ].max()
def miny = [ rect.y, y ].min()
def maxy = [ rect.y + h, y + h ].max()
new Rectangle(x:minx, y:miny, w:maxx - minx, h:maxy - miny)
class Line extends Shape {
def x1, y1, x2, y2
def bounds() {
new Rectangle(x:[x1, x2].min(), y:[y1, y2].min(), w:(x2 - x1).abs(), h:(y2 - y1).abs())
class Group {
def shapes = []
def leftShift(shape) { shapes += shape }
def accept(Closure yield) { shapes.each{it.accept(yield)} }
def group = new Group()
group << new Rectangle(x:100, y:40, w:10, h:5)
group << new Rectangle(x:100, y:70, w:10, h:5)
group << new Line(x1:90, y1:30, x2:60, y2:5)
def bounds
group.accept{ bounds = it.bounds().union(bounds) }
println bounds.dump()
// end::visitor_simple_example2[]
void testVisitorAdvancedExample() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::visitor_advanced_example[]
interface Visitor {
void visit(NodeType1 n1)
void visit(NodeType2 n2)
interface Visitable {
void accept(Visitor visitor)
class NodeType1 implements Visitable {
Visitable[] children = new Visitable[0]
void accept(Visitor visitor) {
for(int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
class NodeType2 implements Visitable {
Visitable[] children = new Visitable[0]
void accept(Visitor visitor) {
for(int i = 0; i < children.length; ++i) {
class NodeType1Counter implements Visitor {
int count = 0
void visit(NodeType1 n1) {
void visit(NodeType2 n2){}
// end::visitor_advanced_example[]
// tag::visitor_advanced_example2[]
NodeType1 root = new NodeType1()
root.children = new Visitable[2]
root.children[0] = new NodeType1()
root.children[1] = new NodeType2()
// end::visitor_advanced_example2[]
void testVisitorAdvancedExample3() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::visitor_advanced_example3[]
interface Visitor {
void visit(NodeType1 n1)
void visit(NodeType2 n2)
class DefaultVisitor implements Visitor{
void visit(NodeType1 n1) {
for(int i = 0; i < n1.children.length; ++i) {
void visit(NodeType2 n2) {
for(int i = 0; i < n2.children.length; ++i) {
interface Visitable {
void accept(Visitor visitor)
class NodeType1 implements Visitable {
Visitable[] children = new Visitable[0]
void accept(Visitor visitor) {
class NodeType2 implements Visitable {
Visitable[] children = new Visitable[0];
void accept(Visitor visitor) {
class NodeType1Counter extends DefaultVisitor {
int count = 0
void visit(NodeType1 n1) {
// end::visitor_advanced_example3[]
void testVisitorAdvancedExample4() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::visitor_advanced_example4[]
class DefaultVisitor {
void visit(NodeType1 n1) {
n1.children.each { visit(it) }
void visit(NodeType2 n2) {
n2.children.each { visit(it) }
void visit(Visitable v) { }
interface Visitable { }
class NodeType1 implements Visitable {
Visitable[] children = []
class NodeType2 implements Visitable {
Visitable[] children = []
class NodeType1Counter extends DefaultVisitor {
int count = 0
void visit(NodeType1 n1) {
// end::visitor_advanced_example4[]
void testVisitorAdvancedExample5() {
shouldCompile '''
// tag::visitor_advanced_example5[]
class DefaultVisitor {
void visit(Visitable v) {
void doIteraton(Visitable v) {
v.children.each {
interface Visitable {
Visitable[] getChildren()
class NodeType1 implements Visitable {
Visitable[] children = []
class NodeType2 implements Visitable {
Visitable[] children = []
class NodeType1Counter extends DefaultVisitor {
int count = 0
void visit(NodeType1 n1) {
// end::visitor_advanced_example5[]