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package groovy.bugs
class SingleEvalTest extends GroovyTestCase {
int getArrayCount
int getIndexCount
int getValueCount
def array
def list
void setUp() {
getArrayCount = 0
getIndexCount = 0
getValueCount = 0
array = [*100..104] as int[]
list = [*100..104]
int[] getArray() {
getArrayCount += 1
return array
List getList() {
getArrayCount += 1
return list
int getIndex() {
getIndexCount += 1
return 3
int getValue() {
getValueCount += 1
return 42
int doArrayAssignment() {
return getArray () [ getIndex() ] = getValue()
void testSingleEvalForArrayAssignment() {
int foo = doArrayAssignment()
assert 1 == getArrayCount // Fails 1.0, 1.5.0, 1.5.1
assert 1 == getIndexCount
assert 1 == getValueCount
assert getValue() == getArray () [ getIndex() ]
assert 42 == foo
assert 2 == getArrayCount
assert 2 == getIndexCount
assert 2 == getValueCount
assert 3 == getIndex()
assert 42 == getValue()
assert [100, 101, 102, 42, 104] == getArray()
void testSingleEvalForArrayAssignment2() {
int foo = (getArray () [ getIndex() ] = 42)
assert 1 == getArrayCount
assert 1 == getIndexCount
assert 42 == getArray () [ getIndex() ]
assert 42 == foo // Fails 1.0
assert 2 == getArrayCount
assert 2 == getIndexCount
assert 3 == getIndex()
assert 42 == getValue()
assert [100, 101, 102, 42, 104] == getArray() // Fails 1.0
assert 42 == (getArray () [ getIndex() ] = 42)
void testSingleEvalForListAssignment() {
assert 42 == (getList () [ getIndex() ] = getValue() ) // Fails 1.0, 1.5.0, 1.5.1, 1.5.2
assert 1 == getArrayCount // Fails 1.0, 1.5.0, 1.5.1
assert 1 == getIndexCount
assert 1 == getValueCount
assert getValue() == getList () [ getIndex() ]
assert 2 == getArrayCount
assert 2 == getIndexCount
assert 2 == getValueCount
assert 3 == getIndex()
assert 42 == getValue()
assert [100, 101, 102, 42, 104] == getList()
void testSingleEvalForListAssignmentInClosure() {
assert 42 == { getList () [ getIndex() ] = getValue() } .call() // Fails 1.5.2
assert 1 == getArrayCount // Fails 1.0, 1.5.0, 1.5.1
assert 1 == getIndexCount
assert 1 == getValueCount
assert getValue() == getList () [ getIndex() ]
assert 2 == getArrayCount
assert 2 == getIndexCount
assert 2 == getValueCount
assert 3 == getIndex()
assert 42 == getValue()
assert [100, 101, 102, 42, 104] == getList()