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* under the License.
package groovy.bugs
class Groovy3424Bug extends GroovyTestCase {
MetaClassRegistry registry
MetaClass originalMetaClass
void setUp() {
registry = GroovySystem.metaClassRegistry
originalMetaClass = registry.getMetaClass(Groovy3424Foo)
void tearDown() {
registry.setMetaClass(Groovy3424Foo, originalMetaClass)
void testCallSiteShouldBeUpdatedAfterProxyMetaClassIsSet() {
def newFoo = { -> new Groovy3424Foo() }
assert new Groovy3424Foo() instanceof Groovy3424Foo
assert newFoo() instanceof Groovy3424Foo
MetaClass mc = new Groovy3424ClassProxyMetaClass(registry, Groovy3424Foo, originalMetaClass)
registry.setMetaClass(Groovy3424Foo, mc)
assert 'constructor' == new Groovy3424Foo()
assert 'constructor' == newFoo()
void testExpandoCallSiteShouldBeUpdatedAfterProxyMetaClassIsSet() {
Groovy3424Foo.metaClass.constructor << { String test -> 'foo' }
def newFoo = { -> new Groovy3424Foo('test') }
assert 'foo' == new Groovy3424Foo('test')
assert 'foo' == newFoo()
MetaClass mc = new Groovy3424ClassProxyMetaClass(registry, Groovy3424Foo, originalMetaClass)
registry.setMetaClass(Groovy3424Foo, mc)
assert 'constructor' == new Groovy3424Foo('test')
assert 'constructor' == newFoo()
void testCallSiteShouldBeUpdatedAfterOriginalMetaClassIsRestored() {
def newFoo = { -> new Groovy3424Foo() }
MetaClass mc = new Groovy3424ClassProxyMetaClass(registry, Groovy3424Foo, originalMetaClass)
registry.setMetaClass(Groovy3424Foo, mc)
assert 'constructor' == new Groovy3424Foo()
assert 'constructor' == newFoo()
registry.setMetaClass(Groovy3424Foo, originalMetaClass)
assert new Groovy3424Foo() instanceof Groovy3424Foo
assert newFoo() instanceof Groovy3424Foo
class Groovy3424Foo {}
class Groovy3424ClassProxyMetaClass extends ProxyMetaClass {
Groovy3424ClassProxyMetaClass(MetaClassRegistry metaClassRegistry, Class aClass, MetaClass adaptee) {
super(metaClassRegistry, aClass, adaptee)
public Object invokeConstructor(final Object[] arguments) {