blob: 958d982faaa891d5e70f5516fa4e88fe91e7aef6 [file] [log] [blame]
test {
jvmArgs "-ea", "-Xms${groovyJUnit_ms}", "-Xmx${groovyJUnit_mx}", "-XX:PermSize=${groovyJUnit_permSize}", "-XX:MaxPermSize=${groovyJUnit_maxPermSize}"
def headless =['java.awt.headless']
if (headless == 'true') {
systemProperties 'java.awt.headless': "true"
def testdb =['groovy.testdb.props']
if (testdb) {
systemProperties 'groovy.testdb.props': testdb
systemProperties 'apple.awt.UIElement': "true", "javadocAssertion.src.dir": './src/main'
systemProperties "gradle.home": gradle.gradleHomeDir // this is needed by the security.policy
if (rootProject.hasProperty('indy') && (Boolean.valueOf(rootProject.indy))) {
println "adding indy target"
systemProperties "": true
doFirst {
// this is needed by the security.policy. We set it at execution time to avoid resolving a configuration when not needed.
// temp hack
// systemProperties "gradle.junit": configurations.testCompile.fileCollection { dep -> == 'junit' }.singleFile.absolutePath
classpath = files('src/test') + classpath
// forkEvery = 10
// maxParallelForks = Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
scanForTestClasses = false
ignoreFailures = false
ext.resultText = ''
includes = getIncludePattern()
doLast {
ant.delete {
fileset(dir: '.', includes: '*.class')
boolean isRunningOnCI() {
new File('.').absolutePath.contains('')
logger.lifecycle "Detected ${isRunningOnCI()?'Continuous Integration environment':'development environment'}"
allprojects {
test {
forkEvery = isRunningOnCI()?50:200
maxParallelForks = isRunningOnCI()?1:Runtime.runtime.availableProcessors()
tasks.addRule("Pattern: testSingle<Name> will test **/<Name>.class") {String taskName ->
if (taskName.startsWith("testSingle")) {
test.includes = ['**/' + taskName.substring(10) + '.class']
test.outputs.upToDateWhen { false }
def getIncludePattern() {
def baseInclude = ['UberTestCaseBugs.class',
// temporarily disable security test suite, see GRADLE-2170
if (['']) {
baseInclude += ['groovy/grape/*Test.class']
if (!isJava15()) {
baseInclude += [
if (rootProject.hasProperty('indy') && (Boolean.valueOf(rootProject.indy))) {
println "adding indy include"
baseInclude += [