blob: 772104f84cf4f25a96b6a5f751b637ee9d32e128 [file] [log] [blame]
apply from: 'gradle/filter.gradle'
apply from: "gradle/indy.gradle"
// TODO use antlr plugin
//apply plugin: 'antlr'
allprojects {
apply plugin: 'java'
buildDir = 'target'
sourceCompatibility = 1.5
targetCompatibility = 1.5
group = 'org.codehaus.groovy'
version = groovyVersion
repositories {
// todo: when we get rid of the Ant build, it will be much cleaner to use
// the conventional "resources" directory for classpath resources
task(copyResources, type: Copy) {
destinationDir = file("$buildDir/classes")
// text files requiring filtering
into("main") {
include('**/*.txt', '**/*.xml', '**/*.properties', '**/*.html')
// other resources
into("main") {
from 'src/main/groovy'
from 'src/main/java'
include('**/*.png', '**/*.gif', '**/*.ico', '**/*.css')
task(copyTestResources, type: Copy)
.include('**/*.txt', '**/*.xml', '**/*.properties', '**/*.png', '**/*.html', '**/*.gif', '**/*.ico', '**/*.css')
task sourceJar(type: Jar) {
classifier = 'sources'
from sourceSets.main.allSource
apply plugin: 'checkstyle'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'codenarc'
apply from: "${rootProject.projectDir}/gradle/groovydoc.gradle"
apply from: "${rootProject.projectDir}/gradle/indy.gradle"
// don't fail build on CodeNarc tasks
tasks.withType(CodeNarc) {
ignoreFailures = true
configFile = file("$rootProject.projectDir/config/codenarc/codenarc.groovy")
tasks.withType(Checkstyle) {
ignoreFailures = true
configFile = file("$rootProject.projectDir/config/checkstyle/checkstyle.xml")
if (useIndy()) {
def indyGroovy = {
options.useAnt = true
// todo: when Gradle includes support for "indy" option, replace this
// with groovyOptions.indy = true
groovyOptions.metaClass.optionMap = {
groovyOptions.useAnt = true
sourceCompatibility = 1.7
targetCompatibility = 1.7
groovyClasspath = files(
{ project(':groovy-docgenerator').compileJava.destinationDir },
{ project(':groovy-groovydoc').compileJava.destinationDir },
{ project(':groovy-ant').compileJava.destinationDir },
{ project(':groovy-templates').compileJava.destinationDir },
// add tasks to compile the invokedynamic version
compileGroovy indyGroovy.clone()
compileTestGroovy indyGroovy.clone()
compileJava.sourceCompatibility = 1.7
compileJava.targetCompatibility = 1.7
jar {
classifier = 'indy'
repositories {
// todo Some repos are needed only for some configs. Declare them just for the configuration once Gradle allows this.
// mavenCentral() // default, tools
maven { url "" } // tools
maven { url "" } // examples, tools
// todo do we need compile and runtime scope for examples?
configurations {
examplesCompile.extendsFrom compile
examplesRuntime.extendsFrom examplesCompile
dependencies {
compilerCompile "antlr:antlr:2.7.7"
compilerCompile "org.ow2.asm:asm:4.0"
compilerCompile "org.ow2.asm:asm-analysis:4.0"
compilerCompile "org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:4.0"
compilerCompile "org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:4.0"
compilerCompile "org.ow2.asm:asm-util:4.0"
compilerCompile "commons-cli:commons-cli:1.2"
compilerCompile "org.apache.ant:ant:1.8.4"
compilerCompile("com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:1.4.2") {
exclude(group: 'xpp3', module: 'xpp3_min')
exclude(group: 'junit', module: 'junit')
exclude(group: 'jmock', module: 'jmock')
compilerCompile("jline:jline:1.0") {
exclude(group: 'junit', module: 'junit')
compilerCompile "org.fusesource.jansi:jansi:1.6"
compilerCompile("org.apache.ivy:ivy:2.2.0") {
transitive = false
groovy files("$buildDir/classes/compiler")
groovy "antlr:antlr:2.7.7"
groovy "org.ow2.asm:asm:4.0"
groovy "org.ow2.asm:asm-analysis:4.0"
groovy "org.ow2.asm:asm-commons:4.0"
groovy "org.ow2.asm:asm-tree:4.0"
groovy "org.ow2.asm:asm-util:4.0"
compile "commons-cli:commons-cli:1.2"
compile("com.thoughtworks.xstream:xstream:1.4.2") {
exclude(group: 'xpp3', module: 'xpp3_min')
exclude(group: 'junit', module: 'junit')
exclude(group: 'jmock', module: 'jmock')
compile("jline:jline:1.0") {
exclude(group: 'junit', module: 'junit')
compile "org.fusesource.jansi:jansi:1.6"
compile("org.apache.ivy:ivy:2.2.0") {
transitive = false
runtime "org.codehaus.gpars:gpars:1.0-beta-2"
testCompile "jmock:jmock:1.2.0"
testCompile "jmock:jmock-cglib:1.2.0"
testCompile "xmlunit:xmlunit:1.3"
testCompile "hsqldb:hsqldb:"
// testCompile group:"org.hsqldb", name:"hsqldb", version:"2.2.8", classifier:"jdk5"
// testCompile "com.h2database:h2:1.3.164"
testCompile "ch.qos.logback:logback-classic:0.9.21"
testCompile "log4j:log4j:1.2.16"
testCompile "org.slf4j:jcl-over-slf4j:1.6.0"
testCompile "com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:1.12"
tools "com.googlecode.jarjar:jarjar:1.3"
tools("checkstyle:checkstyle:4.4") {
exclude(module: 'junit')
tools "redhill:simian:2.2.4"
tools("net.sourceforge.cobertura:cobertura:") {
exclude(module: 'asm')
exclude(module: 'asm')
exclude(module: 'ant')
tools "org.ow2.asm:asm-all:4.0"
tools "com.thoughtworks.qdox:qdox:1.12"
tools "biz.aQute:bnd:0.0.401"
examplesCompile "lucene:lucene:1.4.3"
examplesCompile "org.eclipse:osgi:3.5.0.v20090520"
examplesRuntime("commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:3.1") {
exclude(module: 'junit')
exclude(module: 'commons-logging')
exclude(module: 'commons-codec')
examplesRuntime("openejb:openejb-loader:1.0") {
exclude(module: 'log4j')
exclude(module: 'openejb-core')
exclude(module: 'geronimo-jta_1.0.1B_spec')
exclude(module: 'geronimo-servlet_2.4_spec')
exclude(module: 'geronimo-ejb_2.1_spec')
exclude(module: 'geronimo-j2ee-connector_1.5_spec')
// TODO use antlr plugin
// antlr "antlr:antlr:2.7.7"
antlr "org.apache.ant:ant-antlr:1.8.4"
// TODO remove once M12N refactoring finished
testCompile project(':groovy-ant')
testCompile project(':groovy-test')
sourceSets {
compiler {
// This sourceSet corresponds to the minimal "bootstrap" Groovy compiler
// which will be used by the build itself to compile the groovy files
java {
srcDirs = [
if (!useIndy()) {
exclude '**/indy/*'
exclude '**/v7/*'
exclude '**/vm7/*'
main {
java {
srcDirs = [
fileTree("src/main/groovy/ui").matching {
exclude '', ''
}.visit {details ->
exclude "groovy/ui/$details.path"
if (!useIndy()) {
exclude '**/indy/*'
exclude '**/v7/*'
exclude '**/vm7/*'
groovy {
srcDirs = [
if (!useIndy()) {
exclude '**/indy/*'
exclude '**/v7/*'
exclude '**/vm7/*'
resources {
srcDirs = ["src/main", "src/tools"]
include "META-INF/services/*", "META-INF/",
"groovy/grape/*.xml", "groovy/ui/*.properties", "groovy/ui/**/*.png",
output.classesDir = "$buildDir/classes" as File
test {
groovy {
srcDirs = [
if (!isJava16()) {
exclude "groovy/**/vm6/*Test.groovy"
exclude "org/codehaus/groovy/**/vm6/*Test.groovy"
resources {
srcDirs = ["src/test-resources"]
output.classesDir = "$buildDir/test-classes" as File
tools {
groovy {
srcDirs = ["src/tools"]
resources {
srcDirs = ["src/tools"]
compileClasspath = + sourceSets.main.runtimeClasspath
runtimeClasspath = output + compileClasspath
output.classesDir = "$buildDir/tools-classes" as File
examples {
groovy {
srcDirs = ["src/examples"]
resources {
srcDirs = ["src/examples"]
compileClasspath = configurations.examplesRuntime + sourceSets.main.output
output.classesDir = "$buildDir/examples-classes" as File
// remove this from config once GRADLE-854 is fixed.
processResources.doLast {
copy {
from("src/main") {
include "groovy/inspect/swingui/AstBrowserProperties.groovy",
into sourceSets.main.output.classesDir
task ensureGrammars {
description = "Ensure all the Antlr generated files are up to date."
ext.antlrDirectory = "$projectDir/src/main/org/codehaus/groovy/antlr"
ext.groovyParserDirectory = "$ext.antlrDirectory/parser"
ext.javaParserDirectory = "$ext.antlrDirectory/java"
doFirst {
ant {
taskdef(name: 'antlr',
classname: '',
classpath: configurations.antlr.asPath)
mkdir dir: ext.groovyParserDirectory
antlr(target: "$ext.antlrDirectory/groovy.g", outputdirectory: ext.groovyParserDirectory) {
classpath path: configurations.compile.asPath
antlr(target: "$ext.javaParserDirectory/java.g", outputdirectory: ext.javaParserDirectory) {
classpath path: configurations.compile.asPath
task dgmConverter(type: JavaExec, dependsOn: 'classes') {
description = 'Generates DGM info file required for faster startup.'
classpath = files(file('target/classes')) + configurations.compile
main = ''
args = ['--info']
doFirst {
new File('target/classes/META-INF').mkdirs()
task compilerDgmConverter(type: JavaExec) {
description = 'Generates DGM info file for the bootstrap compiler'
classpath = files(file('target/classes/compiler')) + configurations.compilerCompile
main = ''
args = ['--info', 'target/classes/compiler']
doFirst {
new File('target/classes/compiler/META-INF').mkdirs()
compileCompilerJava {
dependsOn ensureGrammars
compileJava {
dependsOn compilerClasses,compilerDgmConverter,ensureGrammars
compileGroovy {
doFirst {
if (useIndy()) {'Building with InvokeDynamic support activated')
groovyOptions.fork(memoryMaximumSize: groovycMain_mx)
compileTestGroovy {
groovyOptions.fork(memoryMaximumSize: groovycTest_mx)
compileExamplesGroovy {
groovyOptions.fork(memoryMaximumSize: groovycExamples_mx)
def isJava16() {['java.version'].contains('1.6')
// suppress CheckStyle/CodeNarc
task checkstyleExamples(overwrite: true) << {}
task checkstyleMain(overwrite: true) << {}
task checkstyleTest(overwrite: true) << {}
task checkstyleTools(overwrite: true) << {}
task codenarcExamples(overwrite: true) << {}
// provide to other build scripts
ext.isJava6 = this.&isJava16()
apply from: "gradle/test.gradle"
apply from: "gradle/docs.gradle"
apply from: "gradle/assemble.gradle"
apply from: "gradle/upload.gradle"
apply from: "gradle/idea.gradle"
task wrapper(type: Wrapper) {
// gradleVersion = '1.0-milestone-5-20110929000016+0200'
// distributionUrl = "${gradleVersion}"
gradleVersion = '1.0-rc-3'
// Define a GroovyDoc task which depends on the generated groovydoc tool
apply from: "gradle/groovydoc.gradle"
classes {
doFirst {
logger.lifecycle "InvokeDynamic support ${useIndy()?'on':'off'}"