blob: 6304e779b2249215812ea760c4ccf513345241c7 [file] [log] [blame]
To build you will need:
* JDK 1.5+ (
* Apache Ant 1.7+ (
For detailed instructions please see:
To build everything, run tests and create a complete installation:
ant install
To build without running tests:
ant install -DskipTests=true
To build from Eclipse:
1. ant install
2. ensure that the M2_REPO classpath variable exists and points to the correct place (typically ~/.m2/repository)
To Change this, go to Preferences -> Java -> Build Path -> Classpath variables
3. Project -> Clean... and then build. Should compile with no errors. But if there are errors, then send a message to the groovy users mailing list
4. You will *not* be able to run the tests from inside of Eclipse.