blob: 63d3b41481c7e9bc67f1a4b1f312baa1f9b85be8 [file] [log] [blame]
project.pomConfigureClosure = {
// todo The maven pom builder is not fully compatible with the 2.x Maven model shipped with Gradle. As soon as we update
// to Maven 3 we can also add the distribution management in builder notation
model.distributionManagement = configure(new org.apache.maven.model.DistributionManagement()) {
repository = configure(new org.apache.maven.model.DeploymentRepository()) {
id = ''
name = 'Groovy Central Repository'
url = 'dav:'
snapshotRepository = configure(new org.apache.maven.model.DeploymentRepository()) {
id = ''
name = 'Groovy Central Development Repository'
url = 'dav:'
site = configure(new org.apache.maven.model.Site()) {
id = ''
name = 'Groovy Web Site'
url = 'dav:'
project {
modelVersion '4.0.0'
groupId 'org.codehaus.groovy'
artifactId 'groovy'
version '1.8.6-SNAPSHOT'
name 'Groovy'
description 'Groovy: A powerful, dynamic language for the JVM'
url ''
inceptionYear '2003'
organization {
name 'The Codehaus'
url ''
developers {
developer {
id 'glaforge'
name 'Guillaume Laforge'
organization 'SpringSource'
roles {
role 'Project Manager'
role 'Despot'
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'bob'
name 'bob mcwhirter'
email ''
organization 'The Werken Company'
roles {
role 'Founder'
developer {
id 'jstrachan'
name 'James Strachan'
email ''
organization 'Core Developers Network'
roles {
role 'Founder'
developer {
id 'joe'
name 'Joe Walnes'
organization 'ThoughtWorks'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'skizz'
name 'Chris Stevenson'
organization 'ThoughtWorks'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'jamiemc'
name 'Jamie McCrindle'
organization 'Three'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'mattf'
name 'Matt Foemmel'
organization 'ThoughtWorks'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'spullara'
name 'Sam Pullara'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'kasper'
name 'Kasper Nielsen'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'travis'
name 'Travis Kay'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'zohar'
name 'Zohar Melamed'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'jwilson'
name 'John Wilson'
email ''
organization 'The Wilson Partnership'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'cpoirier'
name 'Chris Poirier'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'ckl'
name 'Christiaan ten Klooster'
email ''
organization 'Dacelo WebDevelopment'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'goetze'
name 'Steve Goetze'
email ''
organization 'Dovetailed Technologies, LLC'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'bran'
name 'Bing Ran'
email ''
organization 'Leadingcare'
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'jez'
name 'Jeremy Rayner'
email ''
organization 'javanicus'
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'jstump'
name 'John Stump'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'blackdrag'
name 'Jochen Theodorou'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
role 'Despot'
developer {
id 'russel'
name 'Russel Winder'
email ''
organization 'Concertant LLP & It\'z Interactive Ltd'
roles {
role 'Developer'
role 'Founder of Gant'
developer {
id 'phk'
name 'Pilho Kim'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'cstein'
name 'Christian Stein'
email ''
organization ''
roles {
role 'Developer Emeritus'
developer {
id 'mittie'
name 'Dierk Koenig'
email ''
organization 'Canoo Engineering AG'
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'paulk'
name 'Paul King'
email ''
organization 'ASERT, Australia'
roles {
role 'Developer'
role 'Despot'
developer {
id 'galleon'
name 'Guillaume Alleon'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'user57'
name 'Jason Dillon'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'shemnon'
name 'Danno Ferrin'
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'jwill'
name 'James Williams'
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'aalmiray'
name 'Andres Almiray'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'mguillem'
name 'Marc Guillemot'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'jimwhite'
name 'Jim White'
email ''
organization ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'pniederw'
name 'Peter Niederwieser'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'hamletdrc'
name 'Hamlet D\'Arcy'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
developer {
id 'melix'
name 'Cédric Champeau'
email ''
roles {
role 'Developer'
contributors {
contributor {
name 'Joern Eyrich'
contributor {
name 'Robert Kuzelj'
contributor {
name 'Rod Cope'
contributor {
name 'Yuri Schimke'
contributor {
name 'James Birchfield'
contributor {
name 'Robert Fuller'
contributor {
name 'Sergey Udovenko'
contributor {
name 'Hallvard Traetteberg'
contributor {
name 'Peter Reilly'
contributor {
name 'Brian McCallister'
contributor {
name 'Richard Monson-Haefel'
contributor {
name 'Brian Larson'
contributor {
name 'Artur Biesiadowski'
email ''
contributor {
name 'Ivan Z. Ganza'
contributor {
name 'Arjun Nayyar'
contributor {
name 'Mark Chu-Carroll'
contributor {
name 'Mark Turansky'
contributor {
name 'Jean-Louis Berliet'
contributor {
name 'Graham Miller'
contributor {
name 'Marc Palmer'
contributor {
name 'Tugdual Grall'
contributor {
name 'Edwin Tellman'
contributor {
name 'Evan A Slatis'
contributor {
name 'Mike Dillon'
contributor {
name 'Bernhard Huber'
contributor {
name 'Marc DeXeT'
contributor {
name 'Dejan Bosanac'
email ''
contributor {
name 'Denver Dino'
contributor {
name 'Ted Naleid'
contributor {
name 'Chanwit Kaewkasi'
contributor {
name 'Brad Long'
contributor {
name 'John Bito'
contributor {
name 'Jim Jagielski'
contributor {
name 'John Hurst'
contributor {
name 'Merlyn Albery-Speyer'
contributor {
name 'jeremi Joslin'
contributor {
name 'UEHARA Junji'
contributor {
name 'NAKANO Yasuharu'
contributor {
name 'Dinko Srkoc'
contributor {
name 'Raffaele Cigni'
contributor {
name 'Alberto Vilches Raton'
contributor {
name 'Paulo Poiati'
contributor {
name 'Alexander Klein'
contributor {
name 'Adam Murdoch'
contributor {
name 'David Durham'
contributor {
name 'Daniel Henrique Alves Lima'
contributor {
name 'John Wagenleitner'
contributor {
name 'Colin Harrington'
contributor {
name 'Brian Alexander'
contributor {
name 'Jan Weitz'
contributor {
name 'Joachim Baumann'
contributor {
name 'David Sutherland'
contributor {
name 'Mattias Reichel'
contributor {
name 'David Lee'
mailingLists {
mailingList {
name 'Groovy JSR Discussion List'
archive ''
mailingList {
name 'Groovy Developer List'
archive ''
mailingList {
name 'Groovy User List'
archive ''
licenses {
license {
name 'The Apache Software License, Version 2.0'
url ''
distribution 'repo'
scm {
connection 'scm:svn:'
developerConnection 'scm:svn:https://${maven.username}'
url ''
build {
sourceDirectory 'src/main'
testSourceDirectory 'src/test'
defaultGoal 'install'
pluginManagement {
plugins {
plugin {
artifactId 'maven-antrun-plugin'
version '1.1'
plugin {
artifactId 'maven-idea-plugin'
version '2.1'
configuration {
jdkName '1.4'
jdkLevel '1.4'
linkModules 'true'
plugin {
artifactId 'maven-compiler-plugin'
version '2.0.2'
configuration {
excludes {
exclude '**'
skip 'true'
plugin {
artifactId 'maven-surefire-plugin'
version '2.3'
configuration {
skip 'true'
plugins {
plugin {
artifactId 'maven-antrun-plugin'
executions {
execution {
phase 'install'
goals {
goal 'run'
configuration {
tasks {
exec(dir: '${pom.basedir}', executable: 'ant') {
arg(value: 'installRepo')
profiles {
profile {
id 'idea'
build {
defaultGoal 'validate'
plugins {
plugin {
artifactId 'maven-idea-plugin'
executions {
execution {
phase 'validate'
goals {
goal 'clean'
goal 'idea'
configuration {
overwrite 'true'
downloadSources 'true'
downloadJavadocs 'true'