blob: 0ee6aa126b07a4a89cf3dee1f46257fbad7720ed [file] [log] [blame]
groovyVersion = 1.5.6
groovyBundleVersion = 1.5.6
# uncomment the following line to enable java5 elements in the build
# Many people have reported problems testing UberTestCaseGroovySourceSubPackages, others have no difficulties with the default
# values ant junit task uses. The decision has been taken to provide the values to try and cause the least
# hassle to the most people.
groovyJUnit_ms = 256m
groovyJUnit_mx = 256m
groovyJUnit_permSize = 64m
#groovycMain_mx = 256m
groovycTest_mx = 512m
javacTest_mx = 192m
#groovycExamples_mx = ${groovycMain_mx}