blob: 37f438e1f0b03922a4e0d8e285acf7e8aca9e3fc [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy.xml
class GpathSyntaxTestSupport {
private static def sampleXml = '''
<character id="1" name="Wallace">
<character id="2" name="Gromit">
private static def nestedXml = '''
static void checkElement(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(sampleXml)
assert root != null
def characters = root.character
assert 2 == characters.size()
assert 2 == root.'character'.size()
assert 2 == root['character'].size()
def wallace = characters[0]
assert == 'character'
def likes = characters.likes
assert 2 == likes.size()
def wallaceLikes = likes[0]
assert == 'likes'
assert wallaceLikes.text() == 'cheese'
if (isDom(root)) {
// additional DOM long-hand syntax
// for illustrative purposes only
assert likes.item(0).nodeName == 'likes'
assert wallaceLikes.firstChild.nodeValue == 'cheese'
if ('xerces')) {
assert 'cheese' == wallaceLikes.textContent
private static void checkEmptyMissingCases(root) {
def unknownChild =
assert unknownChild.isEmpty()
def unknownAttr = root.'@xxx'
assert isSlurper(root) || !unknownAttr
assert !isSlurper(root) || unknownAttr.isEmpty()
assert root.'empty'.text() == ''
static void checkFindElement(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(sampleXml)
// lets find Gromit
def gromit = root.character.find { it.'@id' == '2' }
assert gromit != null, "Should have found Gromit!"
assert gromit['@name'] == "Gromit"
// lets find what Wallace likes in 1 query
def answer = root.character.find { it['@id'] == '1' }.likes[0].text()
assert answer == "cheese"
static void checkNestedSizeExpressions(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(nestedXml)
assert root.'*'.size() == 4, "Expected size 4 but was ${root.'*'.size()}"
assert root.'a'.'z'.size() == 2
assert root.'*'.'*'.size() == 5
assert root.a.'*'.size() == 3
assert root.'*'.z.size() == 3
assert root.'*'.'*'.collect{} == ["z", "z", "y", "z", "x"]
assert root.a.'*'.collect{} == ["z", "z", "y"]
assert root.'*'.findAll{ it.z.size() > 0 }.collect{} == ["a", "b"]
static void checkElementTypes(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(sampleXml)
def numericValue = root.numericValue[0]
def booleanValue = root.booleanValue[0]
def uriValue = root.uriValue[0]
def urlValue = root.urlValue[0]
assert numericValue.text().toInteger() == 1
assert numericValue.text().toLong() == 1
assert numericValue.text().toFloat() == 1
assert numericValue.text().toDouble() == 1
assert numericValue.text().toBigInteger() == 1
assert numericValue.text().toBigDecimal() == 1
assert booleanValue.text().toBoolean() == true
assert uriValue.text().toURI() == "".toURI()
assert urlValue.text().toURL() == "".toURL()
if (isSlurper(root)) {
// slurper shorthand - are these really pulling their weight?
assert numericValue.toInteger() == 1
assert numericValue.toLong() == 1
assert numericValue.toFloat() == 1
assert numericValue.toDouble() == 1
assert numericValue.toBigInteger() == 1
assert numericValue.toBigDecimal() == 1
assert booleanValue.toBoolean() == true
assert uriValue.toURI() == "".toURI()
assert urlValue.toURL() == "".toURL()
static void checkElementClosureInteraction(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(sampleXml)
def sLikes = root.character.likes.findAll{ it.text().startsWith('s') }
assert sLikes.size() == 1
assert root.likes.size() == 0
if (isDom(root)) {
// addtitional DOMCategory long-hand notation gets nested nodes from root
assert root.getElementsByTagName('likes').size() == 2
assert 'sleep' == sLikes[0].text()
assert 'cheesesleep' == root.character.likes.collect{ it.text() }.join()
assert root.character.likes.every{ it.text().contains('ee') }
def groupLikesByFirstLetter
def likes = root.character.likes.collect{ it }
if (isSlurper(root)) {
groupLikesByFirstLetter = likes.groupBy{ like ->
root.character.find{ it.likes[0].text() == like.text() }.@name.toString()[0]
// TODO: Broken? Why doesn't below work?
//groupLikesByFirstLetter = likes.groupBy{ it.parent().@name.toString()[0] }
} else {
groupLikesByFirstLetter = likes.groupBy{ it.parent().'@name'[0] }
groupLikesByFirstLetter[it] = groupLikesByFirstLetter[it][0].text()
assert groupLikesByFirstLetter == [W:'cheese', G:'sleep']
static void checkAttribute(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(sampleXml)
if (isSlurper(root)) {
assert 'Wallace' == root.character[0].'@name'.text()
assert 'Wallace' == root.character[0]['@name'].text()
assert 'Wallace' == (root.character.'@name')[0].text()
assert ['Wallace', 'Gromit'] == root.character.'@name'.list()*.text()
assert 'WallaceGromit' == root.character.'@name'.text()
} else {
assert 'Wallace' == root.character[0].'@name'
assert 'Wallace' == root.character[0]['@name']
assert 'Wallace' == (root.character.'@name')[0]
assert ['Wallace', 'Gromit'] == root.character.collect{ it.'@name' }
assert 'WallaceGromit' == root.character.'@name'.join()
if (isSlurper(root)) {
// additional slurper shorthand
assert 'Wallace' == root.character[0].@name.text()
def gromit = root.character.find{ it.@id == '2' }
assert == "name"
if (isParser(root)) {
// additional parser shorthand
assert 'Wallace' == root.character[0].@name
def gromit = root.character.find {it.@id == '2'}
def actualName = gromit.@name
assert actualName == 'Gromit'
static void checkAttributes(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(sampleXml)
def attributes = root.character[0].attributes()
assert 2 == attributes.size()
assert 'Wallace' == attributes['name']
assert 'Wallace' ==
assert '1' == attributes.'id'
static void checkChildren(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(sampleXml)
def children = root.children()
// count direct children
assert children.size() == 7, "Children ${children.size()}"
assert root.'*'.size() == 7
// illustrative purposes only
if (isDom(root)) {
// count whitespace and nested children
assert root.childNodes.size() == 15
// count nested children
assert root.getElementsByTagName('*').size() == 9
static void checkParent(Closure getRoot) {
def root = getRoot(sampleXml)
def gromit = root.character.find { it['@id'] == '2' }
assert gromit.likes[0].parent() == gromit
assert gromit.likes[0].'..' == gromit
assert gromit.likes[0].parent().parent() == root
assert gromit.parent() == root
if (isSlurper(root)) {
// additional slurper shorthand
assert gromit.likes.parent() == gromit
if (isSlurper(root)) {
assert root.parent() == root
} else if (isParser(root)) {
assert root.parent() == null
} else if (isDom(root)) {
assert (root.parent() instanceof org.w3c.dom.Document)
private static boolean isSlurper(node) {
return node.getClass().name.contains('slurper')
private static boolean isParser(node) {
return (node instanceof groovy.util.Node)
private static boolean isDom(node) {
return node.getClass().name.contains('Element')