blob: fedac6d6cfa695ab7d98a507fb219135e03b4034 [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy.operator
* Test the spread map operator "*:".
* For an example,
* m = ['a':11, 'aa':22, 'aaa':33]
* z = ['c':100, *:m]
* m = ['a':11, 'aa':22, 'aaa':33]
* w = ['c':100]
* m.each {w[it.key] = it.value }
* assert z == w
* @author Pilho Kim
* @version $Revision$
public class SpreadMapOperatorTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def f(m) {
println m.c
def func(m, i, j, k) {
// The first argument m is a map.
println m
println i
println j
println k
def fn() {
return [ 1:'ein', 2:'zwei', 3:'drei' ]
void testSpreadMap() {
try {
def m = ["a":100, "b":200]
def x = ['tt':55, *:m]
println x.size()
println x
x = ['tt':55, 'yy':77]
println x
x = [*:m, *:m]
println x
assert x == m
x = [*:x, *:fn(), 100:'hundred']
println x
assert x instanceof Map
def y = [1:1, 2:2, *:[3:3, 4:4, *:[5:5], 6:6], 7:7]
println y
assert y == [1:1, 2:2, 3:3, 4:4, 5:5, 6:6, 7:7]
catch (Exception e) {
void testSpreadMapVsWithClosure() {
def m = ['a':11, 'aa':22, 'aaa':33]
def z = ['c':100, *:m]
def w = ['c':100]
m.each { w[it.key] = it.value }
println z
println w
assert z == w
def z2 = [*:m, 'c':100]
def w2 = m
w2['c'] = 100
println z2
println w2
assert z2 == w2
assert z == z2
assert w == w2
void testSpreadMapFunctionCall() {
def m = ['a':10, 'b':20, 'c':30]
f(*:m) // Call with only one spread map argument
f(*:m, 'e':50) // Call with one spread map argument and one named argument
f('e':100, *:m) // Call with one named argument and one spread map argument
func('e':100, 1, 2, 3, *:m) // Call with one named argument, three usual arguments, and one spread map argument
def l = [4, 5]
func('e':100, *l, *:m, 6) // Call with one named argument, one spread list argument, one spread map argument, and one usual argument
func(7, 'e':100, *l, *:m) // Call with one usual argument, one named argument, one spread list argument, and one spread map argument