blob: 5098a4ef89d68b434d7bb51af9ca853702ce7048 [file] [log] [blame]
package gls.invocaton
import gls.scope.CompilableTestSupport
public class MethodSelectionTest extends CompilableTestSupport {
* This test ensures Groovy can choose a method based on interfaces.
* Choosing such an interface should not be hidden by subclasses.
public void testMostSpecificInterface() {
assertScript """
interface A{}
interface B extends A{}
class C implements B,A{}
class D extends C{}
class E implements B{}
def m(A a){1}
def m(B b){2}
assert m(new D()) == 2
assert m(new C()) == 2
assert m(new E()) == 2
public void testMostGeneralForNull() {
// we use the same signatures with different method orders,
// because we want to catch method ordering bugs
assertScript """
def m(String x){1}
def m(Integer x){2}
assert m(null) == 1
def n(Integer x){2}
def n(String x){1}
assert n(null) == 1
void testMethodSelectionException() {
assertScript """
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.metaclass.MethodSelectionException as MSE
def foo(int x) {}
def foo(Number x) {}
try {
assert false
} catch (MSE mse) {
assert mse.message.indexOf("foo()") >0
assert mse.message.indexOf("#foo(int)") >0
assert mse.message.indexOf("#foo(java.lang.Number)") >0