blob: f30c5b2031a3862ef79a7a7f4d10639a2c03d9f7 [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy
import java.text.NumberFormat
class PrintTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testToString() {
assertToString("hello", 'hello')
assertToString([], "[]")
assertToString([1, 2, "hello"], '[1, 2, hello]')
// TODO: change toString on Map to produce same as inspect method
assertToString([1:20, 2:40, 3:'cheese'], '{1=20, 2=40, 3=cheese}')
assertToString([:], "{}")
// TODO: change toString on Map to produce same as inspect method
assertToString([['bob':'drools', 'james':'geronimo']], '[{bob=drools, james=geronimo}]')
// TODO: change toString on Map to produce same as inspect method
assertToString([5, ["bob", "james"], ["bob":"drools", "james":"geronimo"], "cheese"], '[5, [bob, james], {bob=drools, james=geronimo}, cheese]')
void testInspect() {
assertInspect("hello", '"hello"')
assertInspect([], "[]")
assertInspect([1, 2, "hello"], '[1, 2, "hello"]')
assertInspect([1:20, 2:40, 3:'cheese'], '[1:20, 2:40, 3:"cheese"]')
assertInspect([:], "[:]")
assertInspect([['bob':'drools', 'james':'geronimo']], '[["bob":"drools", "james":"geronimo"]]')
assertInspect([5, ["bob", "james"], ["bob":"drools", "james":"geronimo"], "cheese"], '[5, ["bob", "james"], ["bob":"drools", "james":"geronimo"], "cheese"]')
void testCPlusPlusStylePrinting() {
def endl = "\n"
System.out << "Hello world!" << endl
void testSprintf() {
if ('java.version'[2] >= '5') {
// would be nice to use JDK 1.6 DecimalFormatSymbols
def decimalSymbol = NumberFormat.instance.format(1.5) - '1' - '5'
assert sprintf('%5.2f', 12 * 3.5) == "42${decimalSymbol}00"
assert sprintf('%d + %d = %d' , [1, 2, 1+2] as Integer[]) == '1 + 2 = 3'
assert sprintf('%d + %d = %d' , [2, 3, 2+3] as int[]) == '2 + 3 = 5'
assert sprintf('%d + %d = %d' , [3, 4, 3+4] as long[]) == '3 + 4 = 7'
assert sprintf('%d + %d = %d' , [4, 5, 4+5] as byte[]) == '4 + 5 = 9'
assert sprintf('%d + %d = %d' , [5, 6, 5+6] as short[]) == '5 + 6 = 11'
def floatExpr = sprintf('%5.2f + %5.2f = %5.2f' , [3, 4, 3+4] as float[])
assertEquals " 3${decimalSymbol}00 + 4${decimalSymbol}00 = 7${decimalSymbol}00", floatExpr
def doubleExpr = sprintf('%5.2g + %5.2g = %5.2g' , [3, 4, 3+4] as double[])
// TODO: work out why decimalSymbol is not used here (at least for FR and RU)
assertEquals " 3.0 + 4.0 = 7.0", doubleExpr
assert sprintf('hi %s' , 'there') == 'hi there'
assert sprintf('%c' , 0x41) == 'A'
assert sprintf('%x' , 0x41) == '41'
assert sprintf('%o' , 0x41) == '101'
assert sprintf('%h' , 0x41) == '41'
assert sprintf('%b %b' , [true, false] as boolean[]) == 'true false'
void testSprintfExceptionPropagation() {
if ('java.version'[2] >= '5') {
sprintf('%2.4f', {3})