blob: 2ad90cb3360c63388ca5ee7930b8dda310d6a6ad [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy
class IntegerOperationTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def x
def y
def z
void testPlus() {
x = 2 + 2
assert x == 4
y = x + 1
assert y == 5
z = y + x + 1 + 2
assert z == 12
void testCharacterPlus() {
Character c1 = 1
Character c2 = 2
x = c2 + 2
assert x == 4
x = 2 + c2
assert x == 4
x = c2 + c2
assert x == 4
y = x + c1
assert y == 5
y = c1 + x
assert y == 5
z = y + x + c1 + 2
assert z == 12
z = y + x + 1 + c2
assert z == 12
z = y + x + c1 + c2
assert z == 12
void testMinus() {
x = 6 - 2
assert x == 4
y = x - 1
assert y == 3
void testCharacterMinus() {
Character c1 = 1
Character c2 = 2
Character c6 = 6
x = c6 - 2
assert x == 4
x = 6 - c2
assert x == 4
x = c6 - c2
assert x == 4
y = x - c1
assert y == 3
void testMultiply() {
x = 3 * 2
assert x == 6
y = x * 2
assert y == 12
void testDivide() {
x = 80 / 4
assert x == 20.0 , "x = " + x
y = x / 2
assert y == 10.0 , "y = " + y
void testIntegerDivide() {
x = 52.intdiv(3)
assert x == 17 , "x = " + x
y = x.intdiv(2)
assert y == 8 , "y = " + y
y = 11
y = y.intdiv(3)
assert y == 3
void testMod() {
x = 100 % 3
assert x == 1
y = 11
y %= 3
assert y == 2
void testAnd() {
x = 1 & 3
assert x == 1
x = 1.and(3)
assert x == 1
void testOr() {
x = 1 | 3
assert x == 3
x = 1 | 4
assert x == 5
x = 1.or(3)
assert x == 3
x = 1.or(4)
assert x ==5
void testShiftOperators() {
x = 8 >> 1
assert x == 4
assert x instanceof Integer
x = 8 << 2
assert x == 32
assert x instanceof Integer
x = 8L << 2
assert x == 32
assert x instanceof Long
x = -16 >> 4
assert x == -1
x = -16 >>> 4
assert x == 0xFFFFFFF
//Ensure that the type of the right operand (shift distance) is ignored when calculating the
//result. This is how java works, and for these operators, it makes sense to keep that behavior.
x = Integer.MAX_VALUE << 1L
assert x == -2
assert x instanceof Integer
x = new Long(Integer.MAX_VALUE).longValue() << 1
assert x == 0xfffffffe
assert x instanceof Long
//The left operand (shift value) must be an integral type
try {
x = 8.0F >> 2
fail("Should catch UnsupportedOperationException");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {
//The right operand (shift distance) must be an integral type
try {
x = 8 >> 2.0
fail("Should catch UnsupportedOperationException");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException uoe) {