blob: 251cf1555a8ce5be9bfa1dd0e1bd6775d5f53ec0 [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright 2006-2007 Graeme Rocher
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package groovy.util
import java.beans.Introspector
import java.beans.BeanInfo
* <p>
* ConfigSlurper is a utility class for reading configuration files defined in the form of Groovy
* scripts. Configuration settings can be defined using dot notation or scoped using closures
* <pre><code>
* grails.webflow.stateless = true
* smtp {
* = ''
* mail.auth.user = 'server'
* }
* resources.URL = "http://localhost:80/resources"
* </pre></code>
* <p>Settings can either be bound into nested maps or onto a specified JavaBean instance. In the case
* of the latter an error will be thrown if a property cannot be bound.
* @author Graeme Rocher
* @since 1.1
* <p/>
* Created: Jun 19, 2007
* Time: 3:53:48 PM
class ConfigSlurper {
private static final ENV_METHOD = "environments"
static final ENV_SETTINGS = '__env_settings__'
//private BeanInfo bean
//private instance
GroovyClassLoader classLoader = new GroovyClassLoader()
String environment
private envMode = false
ConfigSlurper() { }
* Constructs a new ConfigSlurper instance using the given environment
* @param env The Environment to use
ConfigSlurper(String env) {
this.environment = env
* Parses a ConfigObject instances from an instance of java.util.Properties
* @param The java.util.Properties instance
ConfigObject parse(Properties properties) {
ConfigObject config = new ConfigObject()
for(key in properties.keySet()) {
def tokens = key.split(/\./)
def current = config
def currentToken
def last
def lastToken
for(token in tokens) {
last = current
lastToken = token
current = current."${token}"
if(!(current instanceof ConfigObject)) break
if(current instanceof ConfigObject) {
if(last[lastToken]) {
def flattened = last.flatten()
flattened.each { k2, v2 -> last[k2] = v2 }
last[lastToken] = properties.get(key)
else {
last[lastToken] = properties.get(key)
current = config
return config
* Parse the given script as a string and return the configuration object
* @see ConfigSlurper#parse(groovy.lang.Script)
ConfigObject parse(String script) {
return parse(classLoader.parseClass(script))
* Create a new instance of the given script class and parse a configuration object from it
* @see ConfigSlurper#parse(groovy.lang.Script)
ConfigObject parse(Class scriptClass) {
return parse(scriptClass.newInstance())
* Parse the given script into a configuration object (a Map)
* @param script The script to parse
* @return A Map of maps that can be navigating with dot de-referencing syntax to obtain configuration entries
ConfigObject parse(Script script) {
return parse(script, null)
* Parses a Script represented by the given URL into a ConfigObject
* @param scriptLocation The location of the script to parse
* @return The ConfigObject instance
ConfigObject parse(URL scriptLocation) {
return parse(classLoader.parseClass(scriptLocation.text).newInstance(), scriptLocation)
* Parses the passed groovy.lang.Script instance using the second argument to allow the ConfigObject
* to retain an reference to the original location other Groovy script
* @param script The groovy.lang.Script instance
* @param location The original location of the Script as a URL
* @return The ConfigObject instance
ConfigObject parse(Script script, URL location) {
def config = location ? new ConfigObject(location) : new ConfigObject()
def mc = script.class.metaClass
def prefix = ""
Stack stack = new Stack()
mc.getProperty = { String name ->
def result
def current
if(stack) current = stack.peek()
else {
current = config
if(current[name]) {
result = current[name]
else {
result = new ConfigObject()
current[name] = result
return result
mc.invokeMethod = { String name, args ->
def result
if(args.length == 1 && args[0] instanceof Closure) {
if(name == ENV_METHOD) {
try {
envMode = true
finally {
envMode = false
else if(envMode) {
if(name == environment) {
def co = new ConfigObject()
config[ENV_SETTINGS] = co
try {
envMode = false
} finally {
envMode = true
else {
def co = new ConfigObject()
if(stack) {
stack.peek()[name] = co
else {
config[name] = co
else if(args.length == 2 && args[1] instanceof Closure) {
try {
prefix = name +'.'
def conf = stack ? stack.peek() : config
conf[name] = args[0]
} finally { prefix = "" }
else {
MetaMethod mm = mc.getMetaMethod(name, args)
if(mm)result = mm.invoke(delegate, args)
else {
throw new MissingMethodException(name, getClass(), args)
script.metaClass = mc
def setProperty = { String name, value ->
def current
if(stack) current = stack.peek()
else {
current = config
current[prefix+name] = value
script.binding = new ConfigBinding(setProperty)
def envSettings = config.remove(ENV_SETTINGS)
if(envSettings) {
return config
* Since Groovy Script don't support overriding setProperty, we have to using a trick with the Binding to provide this
* functionality
class ConfigBinding extends Binding {
def callable
ConfigBinding(Closure c) {
this.callable = c
void setVariable(String name, Object value) {
callable(name, value)