blob: db1e195443b8bc6674a0836863523929cc6d7599 [file] [log] [blame]
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% -- tabular, good for html output
\newcommand{\keywordSummaryHeader}[1]{\begin{tabular}{ll} #1 \end{tabular}}
\newcommand{\keywordSummary}[2]{{\bf #1} & #2 \\}
\newcommand{\operatorSummaryHeader}[1]{\begin{tabular}{ll} #1 \end{tabular}}
\newcommand{\operatorSummary}[2]{ #1 & {\bf #2} \\}
%\newcommand{\methodDetailHeader}[1]{\begin{tabular}{rll} #1 \end{tabular}}
%\newcommand{\methodDetail}[3]{#1 & #2 & #3 \\}
% -- tabbing, good for pdf output
%\newcommand{\keywordSummaryHeader}[1]{\begin{tabbing} jez \= jez-repeated-for-tab-settings-only \kill #1 \end{tabbing}}
%\newcommand{\keywordSummary}[2]{#1 \\ \> #2 \\}
\newcommand{\methodDetailHeader}[1]{\begin{tabbing} jezje \= jez-repeated-for-tab-settings-only \kill #1 \end{tabbing}}
\newcommand{\methodDetail}[4]{#1\>{\bf #2}#3\\{\scriptsize #4}\\}
\newcommand{\methodSummaryHeader}[1]{\begin{tabbing} jezj \= jez-repeated-for-tab-settings-only \kill #1 \end{tabbing}}
\newcommand{\methodSummary}[4]{#1\>{\bf #2}#3\\}
\newcommand{\toolDetailHeader}[1]{\begin{tabbing} je \= jez-repeated-for-tab-settings-only \kill #1 \end{tabbing}}
\newcommand{\toolDetail}[4]{#1\>{\bf #2}#3\\{\scriptsize #4}\\}
\scalebox{0.35}{\includegraphics{one-groovy-logo.mps}} & {\large\textbf{Groovy}} \\
& {\large\textbf{Reference}} \\
& {\large\textbf{Summary}}
{\em Fourth Edition\/} (May 2007)
\vskip 0.05 in
Italics are used, where possible, to show differences to Java
\vskip 0.15 in
\keywordSummary{{\em as} }{ import {\em type\/} as {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{ }{ {\em expr\/} as {\em type\/}}
\keywordSummary{assert }{ assert {\em expr expr?\/}}
\keywordSummary{break }{ break}
\keywordSummary{case }{ switch {\em expr\/} case {\em expr stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{catch }{ try {\em stmt*\/} catch {\em type id stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{class }{ {\em mod*\/} class {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{continue }{ continue}
\keywordSummary{{\em def} }{ def {\em methodDeclaration\/}}
\keywordSummary{ }{ def {\em variableDeclaration\/}}
\keywordSummary{default }{ switch {\em expr\/} case default{\em stmt*\/} }
\keywordSummary{else }{ if {\em expr stmt*\/} else if {\em expr stmt*\/}}
% todo - enum
\keywordSummary{extends }{ {\em mod*\/} class {\em id\/} extends {\em type\/}}
% todo - syntax supports "generic" extends, but has no effect in groovy 1.0
\keywordSummary{finally }{ try {\em stmt*} finally {\em stmt*}}
%\keywordSummary{for }{ for {\em expr*};{\em expr};{\em expr} {\em stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{{\em for} }{ for {\em id\/} in {\em id stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{if }{ if {\em expr stmt*\/} else if {\em expr stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{{\em in} }{ for {\em id\/} in {\em id stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{ }{ if {\em id\/} in {\em collection stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{implements }{ {\em mod*\/} class {\em id\/} implements {\em type*}}
\keywordSummary{import }{ import {\em type\/}}
\keywordSummary{instanceof }{ {\em expr\/} instanceof {\em type}}
\keywordSummary{interface }{ {\em mod*\/} interface {\em id\/}}
%\keywordSummary{{\em mixin} }{ {\em mod*\/} mixin {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{new }{ new {\em type\/} }
\keywordSummary{package }{ package {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{return }{ return {\em expr?/} }
% not sure if 'super' and 'this' are worth including here?
\keywordSummary{switch }{ switch {\em expr\/} case {\em expr stmt*\/} }
\keywordSummary{throw }{ throw {\em expr\/} }
\keywordSummary{throws }{ {\em methodDeclaration} throws {\em type\/} }
\keywordSummary{try }{ try {\em stmt*\/} catch {\em type id stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{while }{ while {\em expr\/} {\em stmt*\/}}
% quiet on statics, static imports etc (if they want to use statics, make em look! bwha ha ha)
\keywordSummary{abstract }{ abstract class {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{Annotations }{ @Annotation}
\keywordSummary{Annotations }{ @Annotation(x = 3, y = 5)}
\keywordSummary{final }{ final int {\em id\/} = 42}
%todo - native
\keywordSummary{private }{ private String mySecret}
\keywordSummary{protected }{ protected List foo}
\keywordSummary{public }{ public Date newYear}
\keywordSummary{static }{ static int {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{strictfp }{ strictfp float {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{synchronized }{ synchronized myMethod()}
\keywordSummary{transient }{ transient long distance}
\keywordSummary{volatile }{ volatile int diamond}
\subsection{Lists and Maps}
\keywordSummary{ }{ {\em type\/}[] {\em id\/} = new {\em type\/}[{\em size\/}]}
\keywordSummary{ }{ List people = [fred, barney] }
\keywordSummary{ }{ Map wilma = [friend:betty, age:unknown] }
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} = {\em expr\/} }{ assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \& {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-and}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} \&= {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-and assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} = ~ {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-not} %todo - doesn't render
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textbar\/ {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-or}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} \textbar\/= {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-or assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textgreater\textgreater\textgreater\/ {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-shift-right}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} \textgreater\textgreater\textgreater=\/ {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-shift-right assign}
%\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \wedge {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-exclusive-or}
%\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \wedge\/= {\em expr\/} }{ bitwise-exclusive-or assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textless=\textgreater\/ {\em expr\/} }{ {\em compare to\/}}
\operatorSummary{ $--$ {\em id\/} }{ pre-decrement}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} $/$ {\em expr\/} }{ division}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} $/=$ {\em expr\/} }{ division assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} == {\em expr\/} }{ equal}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} $>=$ {\em expr\/} }{ greater or equal}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} $>$ {\em expr\/} }{ greater than}
\operatorSummary{ $++$ {\em id\/} }{ pre-increment}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \&\& {\em expr\/} }{ logical-and}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} $<=$ {\em expr\/} }{ less or equal}
\operatorSummary{ ! {\em expr\/} }{ logical-not}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textbar\textbar\/ {\em expr\/} }{ logical-or}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textless\/ {\em expr\/} }{ less}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} .\& {\em expr\/} }{ {\em member-pointer\/}}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} - {\em expr\/} }{ minus}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} -= {\em expr\/} }{ minus assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \% {\em expr\/} }{ modulus}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} \%= {\em expr\/} }{ modulus assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} != {\em expr\/} }{ not equal}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} ?. {\em expr\/} }{ {\em optional dot\/}}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} + {\em expr\/} }{ plus}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} += {\em expr\/} }{ plus assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} $++$ }{ post-decrement}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} $++$ }{ post-increment}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} ? {\em expr\/} : {\em expr\/} }{ ternary if/else}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} ..\textless {\em expr\/} }{ {\em range exclusive\/}}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} .. {\em expr\/} }{ {\em range inclusive\/}}
\operatorSummary{ /{\em regex\/}/ }{ {\em regex literal\/}}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} =~ /{\em regex\/}/}{ {\em regex find\/}} %todo - tilde doesn't render
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} ==~ /{\em regex\/}/}{ {\em regex match\/}} %todo - tilde doesn't render
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} .@ {\em expr\/} }{ {\em select slot\/}}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textless\textless\/ {\em expr\/} }{ shift-left}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textless\textless=\/ {\em expr\/} }{ shift-left-assign}
\operatorSummary{ * {\em cltn\/} }{ {\em spread arg\/}}
\operatorSummary{ {\em cltn\/} *. {\em expr\/} }{ {\em spread dot\/}}
\operatorSummary{ *: {\em map \/} }{ {\em spread-map arg\/}}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textgreater\textgreater\/ {\em expr\/} }{ shift-right}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} \textgreater\textgreater=\/ {\em expr\/} }{ shift-right-assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} * {\em expr\/} }{ multiply}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} *= {\em expr\/} }{ multiply assign}
\operatorSummary{ {\em expr\/} ** {\em expr\/} }{ to-the-power-of}
\operatorSummary{ {\em id\/} **= {\em expr\/} }{ to-the-power-of assign}
\operatorSummary{ `{\em string\/}' }{ {\em string literal\/}}
\operatorSummary{ ``{\em string\/}" }{ string literal}
\operatorSummary{ ` ` `{\em string\/}' ' ' }{ {\em multi-line-string literal\/}}
\operatorSummary{ ``````{\em string\/}""" }{ {\em multi-line-string literal\/}}
\operatorSummary{ $-$ {\em id\/} }{ unary-minus}
\operatorSummary{ $+$ {\em id\/} }{ unary-plus}
\operatorSummary{ {\em type\/} ... {\em id\/} }{ variable parameters}
%todo - perhaps put index operators here, i.e. foo[1]
% not supported in groovy yet
% "public @interface Foo{}"
% "public @interface Foo{int bar() default 123}"
% \subsection{Types}
% \keywordSummaryHeader{
% \keywordSummary{boolean }{ true {\em or\/} false}
% \keywordSummary{byte }{ -128 to 127}
% \keywordSummary{char }{ u0000 to uFFFF }
% \keywordSummary{double }{ $\pm 4.9E^{-324}$ to $\pm 1.8E^{+308}$}
% \keywordSummary{float }{ $\pm 1.4E^{-45}$ to $\pm 3.4E^{+38}$}
% \keywordSummary{int }{ -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647}
% \keywordSummary{long }{ -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 }
% \keywordSummary{ }{ to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807}
% \keywordSummary{short }{ -32,768 to 32,767}
% \keywordSummary{void }{ }
% todo - exponents e.g. 1.2e-10
% todo - hex digits e.g. 0xCaFe
% todo - big decimal/int literals e.g. 9.8g and 9g
% todo - float and double literals e.g. 34.4f and 53.5d
% todo - long literals e.g. 12l
% }
\vskip 0.5 in
\section{Groovy JDK}
% based upon DefaultGroovyMethods r1.114
\subsection{Collections and properties}
{\scriptsize {\em Note: cltn in this sense {\em can\/} include lists, sets, matchers, strings, charSeqs and arrays\/}}
% a.getAt(b) and a.putAt(b,c) are equiv to a[b] and a[b] = c respectiv.
%\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ getAt}{(index\textbar indices\textbar range) }{ obtains objects at specified {\em indicies\/} or in {\em range\/}}
%\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ getAt}{(property) }{ obtains {\em property\/} from each object in collection}
%\methodDetail{ obj. }{ putAt}{(idx, value) }{ put {\em value\/} at position {\em idx\/} }
%\methodDetail{ obj. }{ putAt}{(propertyName, value) }{ put {\em value\/} in the {\em propertyName\/} }
\methodDetail{ cltn }{[}{index\textbar indices\textbar range\textbar property {\bf ]}}{ obtains objects at specified location}
\methodDetail{ obj }{[}{index\textbar property{\bf ] =} value }{ put {\em value\/} at location }
\methodDetail{ cltn }{ \textless\textless}{ obj }{ append obj to collection}
\methodSummary{ cltn }{ $+$}{ obj }{ append obj to collection}
%\methodDetail{ cltn }{ $+$}{ cltn }{ append collection to collection}
\methodSummary{ list }{ $-$}{ cltn }{ remove items from list}
\methodDetail{ cltn }{ $*$}{ num }{ repeat items in collection a number of times}
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
% no count() or getAt(range) for matchers!
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ getProperties}{() }{ obtain Map of properties on {\em obj\/}}
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ getMetaPropertyValues}{() }{ obtain List of meta properties on {\em obj\/}}
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ count}{(obj) * }{ counts number of occurances of {\em obj\/} in collection}
\methodSummary{ map. }{ get}{(key, defaultValue) * }{ try to get {\em key \/} from map, otherwise put {\em defaultValue\/} in map and return }
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ size}{() * }{ returns size of an array or string }
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ collect}{() \{closure\} * }{ new collection of {\em closure \/} transformed items }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ each}{() \{closure\} * }{ iterate through object applying {\em closure\/} }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ eachWithIndex}{() \{closure\} }{ iterate through object with a counter applying {\em closure\/} }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ find}{() \{closure\} * }{ find first item picked by {\em closure \/} condition }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ findAll}{() \{closure\} * }{ returns all items picked by {\em closure\/} condition }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ findIndexOf}{() \{closure\} }{ return first index that matches condition {\em closure\/} }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ grep}{(regex\textbar range\textbar etc..) * }{ returns all matching items }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ inject}{(value) \{closure\} }{ returns closure( closure( closure(value,item0) ,item1) ,item2) ... }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ max}{([comparator]) \{closure\} * }{ returns the maximum value found in the collection }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ min}{([comparator]) \{closure\} * }{ returns the minimum value found in the collection }
\methodDetail{ list. }{ reverseEach}{() \{closure\} }{ iterate backwards through list applying {\em closure\/}}
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ sort}{([comparator]) * }{ sorts collection into a list, optionally using a {\em comparator\/}}
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ sort}{() \{closure\} * }{ sorts collection into a list using closure as comparator}
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ asImmutable}{() }{ create an immutable collection }
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ asSynchronized}{() }{ create a synchronized collection }
\methodSummary{ list. }{ flatten}{() }{ flattens list }
\methodDetail{ list. }{ intersect}{(cltn) }{ returns intersection of list and collection }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ join}{(separator) * }{ concatenate all the elements of {\em cltn\/} into a string }
\methodDetail{ list. }{ pop}{() * }{ remove and return last item from list }
%todo: what happened to push() :-)
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ reverse}{() }{ reverses order of collection or string }
\methodDetail{ map. }{ subMap}{(keys) }{ returns a map of the given keys }
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ toList}{() }{ turns any collection into a list }
\vskip 0.75 in
\methodDetail{ str }{ $++$}{ }{ increment the number at end of string}
\methodDetail{ str }{ $--$}{ }{ reduce the number at end of string}
\methodSummary{ str }{ $+$}{ obj }{ concatenate {\em str\/} and {\em obj\/} together}
\methodDetail{ str }{ $-$}{ obj }{ remove the first {\em obj\/} from {\em str\/}}
%\methodDetailHeader{ num }{ + str }{ concatenate str to the end of num }
\methodSummary{ str }{ \textless\textless}{ value }{ }
%\methodDetail{ strBuff }{ \textless\textless}{ value }{ }
%center and centre :-) !!!!
\methodDetail{ str. }{ padRight}{(size,[padding]) }{ left justifies string padded out to {\em size\/}}
\methodDetail{ str. }{ center}{(size, [padding]) }{ centers a string padded out to {\em size\/}}
% name change for padLeft?
\methodDetail{ str. }{ padLeft}{(size,[padding]) }{ right justifies string padded out to {\em size\/}}
\methodDetail{ str. }{ contains}{(str2) * }{ true if {\em str} contains {\em str2}}
\methodDetail{ str. }{ eachMatch}{(regex) \{closure\} * }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each match of the specified {\em regex\/} }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ toCharacter}{() }{ }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ toList}{() }{ }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ toLong}{() }{ }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ toURL}{() }{ }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ tokenize}{([token]) * }{ }
%todo: unify method names
{\scriptsize {\em Note: url in this sense {\em can\/} include urls, files, streams and readers\/}}
\methodDetail{ dir. }{ eachFile}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each file in {\em dir\/}}
\methodDetail{ dir. }{ eachFileRecurse}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each file in {\em dir\/} recursively}
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
\methodSummary{ url. }{ eachByte}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each byte in {\em file\/}}
\methodDetail{ url. }{ eachLine}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each line of input}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newInputStream}{() }{ obtain Stream to read from {\em file\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newReader}{([charset]) }{ obtain Reader from {\em file}}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ readBytes}{() }{ read bytes from {\em file\/}}
\methodDetail{ in. }{ readLine}{() }{ read a single, whole line from {\em in\/}}
\methodDetail{ file. }{ readLines}{() }{ obtain List of lines from {\em file}}
\methodDetail{ url. }{ getText}{([charset]) }{ fetch all available text from resource }
\methodDetail{ file. }{ splitEachLine}{(regEx) \{closure\} }{ read in each line of {\em file\/}, apply {\em closure\/} to data delimited by {\em regEx\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ withInputStream}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to a new InputStream on {\em file\/}, then close}
\methodDetail{ url. }{ withReader}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to {\em in\/}, then close {\em in\/}}
%\methodDetail{ in. }{ withStream}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to {\em in\/}, then close {\em in\/}}
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
\methodDetail{ out }{ \textless\textless}{ obj }{ append {\em obj\/} to stream, process or socket}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ append}{(text, [charset]) }{ append {\em text\/} at end of {\em file\/} with {\em charset\/} encoding}
%\methodSummary{ file. }{ asWritable}{([charset]) * }{ wrap {\em file\/} as Writable }
\methodSummary{ bytes. }{ encodeBase64}{() }{ wraps {\em file\/} in Writable with contents encoded as Base64}
\methodSummary{ str. }{ decodeBase64}{() }{ unwraps bytes from Base64 encoded {\em str\/}}
\methodDetail{ in. }{ filterLine}{([out]) \{closure\} }{ read from {\em in\/} and write each line to {\em out\/} only if {\em closure\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newOutputStream}{() }{ obtain Stream to write to {\em file\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newPrintWriter}{([charset]) }{ obtain PrintWriter to {\em file\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newWriter}{([charset],[append]) }{ obtain Writer to {\em file\/}}
% todo: transformChar(out) could be more in line with eachByte?
\methodSummary{ in. }{ transformChar}{(out) \{closure\} }{ read {\em in\/} and apply {\em closure\/} to each character being written {\em out\/}}
\methodDetail{ in. }{ transformLine}{(out) \{closure\} }{ read {\em in\/} and apply {\em closure\/} to each line being written {\em out\/}}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ withOutputStream}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to a new OutputStream on {\em file\/}, then close}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ withPrintWriter}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to a new PrintWriter on {\em file\/}, then close}
\methodSummary{ out. }{ withStream}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to {\em out\/}, then close {\em out\/}}
\methodSummary{ skt. }{ withStreams}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to [in,out], then close them}
\methodSummary{ out. }{ withWriter}{([charset]) \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to {\em out\/} using {\em charset\/}, then close {\em out\/}}
\methodDetail{ file. }{ withWriterAppend}{(charset) \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to a new appending Writer on {\em file\/}, then close}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ write}{(text, [charset]) * }{ write {\em text\/} to {\em file\/} using {\em charset\/}}
\methodSummary{ out. }{ writeLine}{(line) }{ write {\em line\/} and append a newline}
\methodSummary{ date }{ $++$}{ }{ add one day to the date }
\methodSummary{ date }{ $--$}{ }{ subtract one day from the date }
\methodSummary{ date }{ $+$}{ days }{ add {\em days\/} to the date }
\methodSummary{ date }{ $-$}{ days }{ subtract {\em days\/} from the date }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ dump}{() * }{ returns a detailed dump string of {\em obj\/}}
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ inspect}{() * }{ returns the groovy expression used to create this instance of {\em obj}}
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ invokeMethod}{(method, args) * }{ invokes {\em method\/} on {\em obj\/} }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ print}{(obj) * }{ print an object }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ print}{(out) * }{ print this object to {\em out} }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ println}{(object) * }{ print an object and then terminate line }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ println}{(out) * }{ print this object to {\em out} and then terminate line }
\methodDetail{ num. }{ step}{(endNum, stepNum) \{closure\} }{ iterates {\em closure\/} starting at this number, stepping up to {\em endNum} }
\methodDetail{ num. }{ times}{() \{closure\} * }{ iterates {\em closure\/} num times }
%todo: upTo() instead of upto()
\methodDetail{ num. }{ upto}{(endNum) \{closure\} }{ iterates {\em closure\/} starting at this number, up to {\em endNum} }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ use}{(categoryClass) \{closure\} * }{ attach {\em closure\/} to specified class }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ use}{(categoryClassList) \{closure\} * }{ attach {\em closure\/} to specified classes }
\methodSummary{ ps. }{ waitForOrKill}{(milliSecs) }{ wait for process to finish, or stop after specified {\em milliSecs} }
\methodSummary{ ps. }{ getText}{() }{ }
%Static methods shown with \em
\methodSummary{ Thd.}{ {\em start}}{() \{closure\} }{ }
\methodSummary{ Thd.}{ {\em startDaemon}}{() \{closure\} }{ }
\methodSummary{ Mtr.}{ {\em getLastMatcher}}{() }{ }
\section{Groovy Developers Kit}
\subsection{Groovy SQL}
% sql = Sql.newInstance(
%\methodSummary{ }{ newInstance}{(url,[props],[driver]) }
\methodSummary{ }{ Sql}{(datasource\textbar connection\textbar sql)}{ }
\methodSummary{ }{ newInstance}{(url,[user],[pass],[driver]) }{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ call}{(str,[params]) }{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ eachRow}{(str,[params]) \{closure\}}{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ execute}{(str,[params]) }{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ executeUpdate}{(str,[params]) }{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ close}{() }{ }
\begin{tabbing} jezjezjezjezjez \= jez-repeated-for-tab-settings-only \kill
{\bf Closures}\>
{\scriptsize implicit/explicit}\\
\verb+ { println it }+\\
\verb+ { x, y -> println(x * y) }+\\
{\bf Dynamic Members}\>
{\scriptsize }\\
{\bf Construct and call setters}\>
{\scriptsize }\\
\verb+ new Foo(bar:123, mooky:'red')+\\
{\bf Builder}\>
{\scriptsize Markup, Node, StreamingMarkup, DOM, }\\
{\scriptsize Ant, JavaDoc, Swt, JFace, Swing}\\
\verb+farm = new NodeBuilder().farm(){animal(type:'pig')}+\\
{\bf GPath} \>
{\scriptsize walks the tree}\\
%\section{Sample Groovy Builder}
%{\scriptsize Builders are provided to construct these tree structures: {\em Markup, Node, StreamingMarkup, DOM, Ant, JavaDoc, Swt, JFace, Swing}}
%builder = new NodeBuilder()
%farm ='livestock', acres:30) {
% animal(type:'pig')
% animal(type:'sheep')
% tractor(wheelbase:90)
%assert farm.animal.collect{it['@type']}.contains('pig')
%\section{Sample Groovy code}
%package com.example
%import org.example.Cow
% * This is a sample of Groovy
% */
%class HighlandCow extends Cow {
% void mooAtPeople() {
% sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:foo:bar")
% sql.eachRow("select * from PERSON") {
% println("Och-Aye ${it.firstname}")
% }
% }
\subsection{Ant tasks}
\subsection{Command Line Tools}
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ groovy }{ [options] Telson.groovy [args] }{ interpret and execute specified groovy script }
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ groovyc }{ [options] Darv.groovy }{ compiles specified groovy script }
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ groovysh }{ }{ begins an interactive groovy session }
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ groovyConsole }{ }{ begins a GUI based groovy session }
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ java2groovy }{ }{ rough source code translation of Java into Groovy}
%\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ grok }{ }{ groovy javadoc }
Copyright \copyright\ 2004, 2007 Jeremy Rayner