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1 Templates in Groovy
The template framework in Groovy consists of a TemplateEngine abstract base class that engines must
implement and a Template interface that the resulting templates they generate must implement.
Included with
Groovy is the SimpleTemplateEngine that allows you to use JSP-like scriptlets, script, and EL expressions in
your template in order to generate parametrized text. Here is an example of using the system:
import groovy.text.Template
import groovy.text.SimpleTemplateEngine
text = 'Dear \"${firstname} ${lastname}\",\nSo nice to meet you in <% print city %>.\nSee you in ${month},\n${signed}'
binding = ["firstname":"Sam", "lastname":"Pullara", "city":"San Francisco", "month":"December", "signed":"Groovy-Dev"]
engine = new SimpleTemplateEngine()
template = engine.createTemplate(text)
result = 'Dear "Sam Pullara",\nSo nice to meet you in San Francisco.\nSee you in December,\nGroovy-Dev'
assert result == template.toString()
Though its possible to plug in any kind of template engine dialect, we can share the same API to invoke templates.
e.g. we could create a Velocity / FreeMarker flavour TemplateEngine implemenation which could reuse GPath and auto-recompile to bytecode.