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1 Quick Start Guide to Groovy
Groovy classes compile down to Java bytecode and so there's a 1-1 mapping between a Groovy class and a Java class.
Indeed each Groovy class can be used inside normal Java code - since it is a Java class too.
Probably the easiest way to get groovy is to try working with collections. In Groovy List (java.util.List) and Map (java.util.Map)
are both first class objects in the syntax. So to create a List of objects you can do the following...
list = [1, 2, 'hello', new java.util.Date()]
assert list.size() == 4
assert list.get(2) == 'hello'
Notice that everything is an object (or that auto-boxing takes place when working with numbers). To create maps...
map = ['name':'James', 'location':'London']
assert map.size() == 2
assert map.get('name') == 'James'
Iterating over collections is easy...
list = [1, 2, 3]
for (i in list) { println i }
Once you have some collections you can then use some of the new collection helper methods or try working with closures... 1.1 Working with closures
Closures are similar to Java's inner classes, except they are a single method which is invokable, with arbitrary parameters.
A closure can have as many parameters as you wish...
closure = { param | println("hello ${param}") }"world!")
closure = { greeting, name | println(greeting + name) }"hello ", "world!")
If no parameter(s) is(are) specified before the | symbol then a default named parameter, called 'it' can be used. e.g.
closure = { println "hello " + it }"world!")
Using closures allows us to process collections (arrays, maps, strings, files, SQL connections and so forth) in a clean way.
Here are a number of helper methods available on collections & strings... 1.1.1 each
iterate via a closure
[1, 2, 3].each { item | print "${item}-" }
1.1.1 collect
collect the return value of calling a closure on each item in a collection
value = [1, 2, 3].collect { it * 2 }
assert value == [2, 4, 6]
1.1.1 find
finds first item matching closure predicate
value = [1, 2, 3].find { it > 1 }
assert value == 2
1.1.1 findAll
finds all items matching closure predicate
value = [1, 2, 3].findAll { it > 1 }
assert value == [2, 3]
1.1.1 inject
allows you to pass a value into the first iteration and then
pass the result of that iteration into the next iteration and so
on. This is ideal for counting and other forms of processing
value = [1, 2, 3].inject('counting: ') { str, item | str + item }
assert value == "counting: 123"
value = [1, 2, 3].inject(0) { count, item | count + item }
assert value == 6
In addition there's 2 new methods for doing boolean logic on some collection...
1.1.1 every
returns true if all items match the closure predicate
value = [1, 2, 3].every { it < 5 }
assert value
value = [1, 2, 3].every { item | item < 3 }
assert ! value
1.1.1 any
returns true if any item match the closure predicate
value = [1, 2, 3].any { it > 2 }
assert value
value = [1, 2, 3].any { item | item > 3 }
assert value == false
Other helper methods include 1.1.1 max / min
returns the max/min values of the collection - for Comparable objects
value = [9, 4, 2, 10, 5].max()
assert value == 10
value = [9, 4, 2, 10, 5].min()
assert value == 2
value = ['x', 'y', 'a', 'z'].min()
assert value == 'a'
1.1.1 join
concatenates the values of the collection together with a string value
value = [1, 2, 3].join('-')
assert value == '1-2-3'
Also the 'yield' style of creating iterators, available in Python and
Ruby via the yield statement, is available. The only difference is
rather than using a yield statement, we're just using closures.
class Foo {
myGenerator(Closure yield) {"A")"B")"C")
static void main(args) {
foo = new Foo()
for (x in foo.myGenerator) {
println x
foo = new Foo()
for (x in foo.myGenerator) {
The use of Closure in the method prototype is optional. If we have
syntax sugar for invoking closures as if they are method calls, then
the generator method could look even more like the python/ruby
equivalent. Especially if parentheses are optional...
class Foo {
myGenerator(yield) {
yield "A"
yield "B"
static void main(args) {
foo = new Foo()
foo.myGenerator { println "Called with ${it}" }