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1 GroovyMarkup
Groovy has native support for various markup languages from XML, HTML,
SAX, W3C DOM, Ant tasks, Swing user interfaces and so forth.
This is all accomplished via the following syntax...
someBuilder = new NodeBuilder()
someBuilder.people(kind:'folks', groovy:true) {
person(x:123, name:'James', cheese:'edam') {
person(x:234, name:'bob', cheese:'cheddar') {
Whichever kind of builder object is used, the syntax is the same. What
the above means is that the someBuilder object has a method called
'people' invoked with 2 parameters... * a Map of arguments ['kind':'folks', 'groovy':true]
* a Closure object which when invoked will call 2 methods on the
builder called 'person', each taking 2 parameters, a map of values and
a closure...
So we can easily represent any arbitrary nested markup with ease using
a simple concise syntax. No pointy brackets! :)
Whats more is this is native Groovy syntax; so you can mix and match
this markup syntax with any other Groovy features (iteration,
branching, method calls, variables, expressions etc). e.g.
// lets create a form with a label & text field for each property of a bean
swing = new SwingBuilder()
widget = swing.frame(title:'My Frame') {
panel() {
for (entry in someBean) {
button(text:'OK', actionPerformed:{ println("I've been clicked with event ${it}") })
1.1 Trees, DOMs, beans and event processing
The really neat thing about GroovyMarkup is that its just a syntax
which maps down to method calls. So it can easily support the building
of any arbitary object structure - so it can build any DOMish model, a
bean structure, JMX MBeans, PicoComponents, Swing front ends, Ant tasks
etc. Whats more since its just normal method invocations it can
naturally map to SAX event processing too.
Out of the box Groovy comes with a few different markup builders you
can use * NodeBuilder - creates a tree of Node instances which can be
easily navigated in Groovy using an XPath-like syntax
* DOMBuilder - creates a W3C DOM document from the markup its given
* SAXBuilder - fires SAX events into a given SAX ContentHandler
* MarkupBuilder - outputs XML / HTML markup to some PrintWriter for
things like implementing servlets or code generation
* AntBuilder - fires off Ant tasks using familiar markup for
processing build tasks
* SwingBuilder - creates rich Swing user interfaces using a simple markup
1.1 Examples
Here's a simple example which shows how you could iterate through some SQL result set
and output a dynamic XML document containing the results in a custom format using GroovyMarkup
// lets output some XML builder (could be SAX / DOM / TrAX / text)
xml = new NodeBuilder()
xml.customers() {
loc = 'London'
sql.eachRow("select * from customer where location = ${loc}) {
// lets process each row by emitting some markup
xml.customer(, type:'Customer', foo:someVariable)) {
location(id:it.location_id, name:it.location_name)
The interesting thing about the above is that the XML technology used at the other end
could be push-event based (SAX) or pull-event based (StAX) or a DOM-ish API (W3C, dom4j, JDOM,
EXML, XOM) or some JAXB-ish thing (XMLBeans, Castor) or just beans or just good old text files.
e.g. a pull parser could literally pull the data out of the database - or the data could be pushed
into data some structure or piped straight to a file using IO or async NIO.
The use of GroovyMarkup means developers can hide the XML plumbing and focus on tackling the real problems we're trying to solve.
To see more examples of using GroovyMarkup try looking at our unit test cases
* {link:XML unit tests|}
* {link:Ant unit tests|}
* {link:Swing demos|}
There is more {link:detail on markup here|} .