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1 Collections
Groovy has native language support for collections, lists, maps and arrays.
1.1 Lists
You can create lists as follows. Notice that \[] is the empty list expression.
list = [5, 6, 7, 8]
assert list.get(2) == 7
assert list instanceof java.util.List
emptyList = []
assert emptyList.size() == 0
assert emptyList.size() == 1
Each list expression creates an implemenation of the {api:java.util.List}.
1.1 Ranges
Ranges allow you to create a list of sequential values. These can be used as Lists since
{link:Range|} extends {api:java.util.List}.
Ranges defined with the ~~..~~ notation are inclusive (that is the list contains the from and to value).
Ranges defined with the ~~...~~ notation are exclusive, they include the first value but not the last value.
// an inclusive range
range = 5..8
assert range.size() == 4
assert range.get(2) == 7
assert range instanceof java.util.List
assert range.contains(5)
assert range.contains(8)
// lets use an exclusive range
range = 5...8
assert range.size() == 3
assert range.get(2) == 7
assert range instanceof java.util.List
assert range.contains(5)
assert ! range.contains(8)
Note that ranges are implemented efficiently, creating a lightweight Java object containing a from and to value.
Ranges can be used for any Java object which implements {api:java.lang.Comparable} and implements the increment() and decrement()
methods. e.g. you can use Strings in a range
// an inclusive range
range = 'a'..'d'
assert range.size() == 4
assert range.get(2) == 'c'
assert range instanceof java.util.List
assert range.contains('a')
assert range.contains('d')
assert ! range.contains('e')
Ranges can be used to iterate using the for statement.
for (i in 1..10) {
println "Hello ${i}"
1.1 Maps
Maps can be created using the following syntax. Notice that \[:] is the empty map expression.
map = ["name":"Gromit", "likes":"cheese", "id":1234]
assert map.get("name") == "Gromit"
assert map.get("id") == 1234
assert map instanceof java.util.Map
emptyMap = [:]
assert emptyMap.size() == 0
emptyMap.put(5, "foo")
assert emptyMap.size() == 1
assert emptyMap.get(5) == "foo"
Maps also act like beans so you can use the property notation to get/set items inside the Map
provided that the keys are Strings which are valid Groovy identifiers.
map = ["name":"Gromit", "likes":"cheese", "id":1234]
assert == "Gromit"
assert == 1234
emptyMap = [:]
assert emptyMap.size() == 0 = 5
assert emptyMap.size() == 1
assert == 5
1.1 Subscript operators
You can index into Strings, Lists, arrays, Maps, regexs and such like using the subscript expression.
text = "nice cheese gromit!"
x = text[2]
assert x == "c"
assert x.class == String
sub = text[5..10]
assert sub == 'cheese'
Notice that you can use ranges to extract part of a List/array/String/regex. You can also use a list of indexes too.
list = 100..200
sub = list[1, 3, 20..25, 33]
assert sub == [101, 103, 120, 121, 122, 123, 124, 125, 133]
You can update items using the subscript operator too
list = ["a", "b", "c"]
list[2] = "d"
list[0] = list[1]
list[3] = 5
assert list == ["b", "b", "d", 5]
You can use negative indices to count from the end of the List, array, String etc.
text = "nice cheese gromit!"
x = text[-1]
assert x == "!"
name = text[-7..-2]
assert name == "gromit"
Also if you use a backwards range (the starting index is greater than the end index) then the answer is reversed.
text = "nice cheese gromit!"
name = text[3..1]
assert name == "eci"