blob: 467b63df15ab4ede885c182fc4d6c57f6c232e68 [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy.xml.dom
import groovy.xml.*
import org.codehaus.groovy.sandbox.markup.*
class DOMTest extends GroovyTestCase {
def benchmark = false
void testDOMParser() {
def xml = new StringReader("<html><head><title class='mytitle'>Test</title></head><body><p class='mystyle'>This is a test.</p></body></html>")
def doc = DOMBuilder.parse(xml)
def html = doc.documentElement
if (!benchmark) assertCorrect html
void testDOMBuilder() {
def html = DOMBuilder.newInstance().
html {
head {
title (class:"mytitle", "Test")
body {
p (class:"mystyle", "This is a test.")
if (!benchmark) assertCorrect html
void testStreamingDOMBuilder_FAILS() { if (notYetImplemented()) return
def doc = new StreamingDOMBuilder().bind{
html {
head {
title (class:"mytitle", "Test")
body {
p (class:"mystyle", "This is a test.")
if (!benchmark) { assertCorrect doc.documentElement }
private def assertCorrect(html) {
use (DOMCategory) {
assert html.head.title.collect{ it.text() } == ['Test']
assert html.head.title[0].text() == 'Test'
assert html.body.p[0].text() == 'This is a test.'
assert html.find { it.tagName == 'body' }.tagName == 'body'
assert html.getElementsByTagName('*').findAll{ it.'@class' != '' }.size() == 2
// should fail outside category
shouldFail (MissingPropertyException) { html.head }
static void main(args) {
// Relative results:
// Test 05 May 2004 14 Oct 2006
// Parser: 1.0 1.0
// Builder: 1.05 2.90
// Streaming: 0.77 0.20
def x = args.size() == 0 ? 1000 : Integer.parseInt(args[0])
def mydomtest = new DOMTest()
def standard = 0
mydomtest.benchmark = true
[{ mydomtest.testDOMParser() },
{ mydomtest.testDOMBuilder() },
{ mydomtest.testStreamingDOMBuilder_FAILS() }].eachWithIndex { testMethod, index ->
// Run the method once to fill any caches and to load classes
def start = System.currentTimeMillis()
def lastIndex
for (i in 1..x) {
lastIndex = i
def elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start
def result = lastIndex * 1000 / elapsed
standard = (standard == 0 ? result : standard)
def factor = result/standard
def relative = 1/factor
println "${index}: ${factor}x relative=${relative} (${result} trees/s)"