blob: c8940439eb3f49e14e23eb47950eadd566334f22 [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy.inspect;
import junit.framework.TestCase;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.*;
public class InspectorTest extends TestCase implements Serializable {
public String someField = "only for testing";
public static final String SOME_CONST = "only for testing";
public InspectorTest(String name) {
public void testCtor() {
new Inspector(new Object());
try {
new Inspector(null);
fail("should have thown IllegalArgumentException");
} catch (Exception expected) {
public void testClassProps() {
Inspector insp = new Inspector(this);
String[] classProps = insp.getClassProps();
assertEquals("package groovy.inspect",classProps[Inspector.CLASS_PACKAGE_IDX]);
assertEquals("public class InspectorTest",classProps[Inspector.CLASS_CLASS_IDX]);
assertEquals("implements Serializable ",classProps[Inspector.CLASS_INTERFACE_IDX]);
assertEquals("extends TestCase",classProps[Inspector.CLASS_SUPERCLASS_IDX]);
assertEquals("is Primitive: false, is Array: false, is Groovy: false",classProps[Inspector.CLASS_OTHER_IDX]);
public void testMethods() {
Inspector insp = new Inspector(new Object());
Object[] methods = insp.getMethods();
assertEquals(10, methods.length);
String[] names = {"hashCode","getClass","wait","wait","wait","equals","notify","notifyAll","toString","java.lang.Object"};
assertNameEquals(names, methods);
String[] details = {"JAVA","public final","Object","void","wait","long, int","InterruptedException"};
assertContains(methods, details);
// ctors are not considered static !
String[] ctorDetails = {"JAVA","public","Object","Object","java.lang.Object","",""};
assertContains(methods, ctorDetails);
public void testStaticMethods() {
Inspector insp = new Inspector(this);
Object[] methods = insp.getMethods();
for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) {
String[] strings = (String[]) methods[i];
if(strings[1].indexOf("static") > -1) return; // ok, found one static method
fail("there should have been at least one static method in this TestCase, e.g. 'fail'.");
public void testMetaMethods() {
Inspector insp = new Inspector(new Object());
Object[] metaMethods = insp.getMetaMethods();
assertEquals(34, metaMethods.length);
String[] names = { "sleep", "sleep", "println", "println", "println", "find", "print", "print", "each", "invokeMethod", "asType",
"inspect", "is", "isCase", "identity", "getAt", "putAt", "dump", "getMetaPropertyValues", "getProperties",
"use", "use", "use", "printf", "printf", "eachWithIndex", "every", "any", "grep", "collect", "collect", "findAll",
"findIndexOf", "iterator", "asType"
assertNameEquals(names, metaMethods);
String[] details = {"GROOVY","public","Object","void","println","Object","n/a"};
assertContains(metaMethods, details);
public void testStaticMetaMethods() {
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("").matcher("");
Inspector insp = new Inspector(matcher);
Object[] metaMethods = insp.getMetaMethods();
String[] details = {"GROOVY","public static","Matcher","Matcher","getLastMatcher","","n/a"};
assertContains(metaMethods, details);
public void testFields() {
Inspector insp = new Inspector(this);
Object[] fields = insp.getPublicFields();
assertEquals(2, fields.length);
String[] names = { "someField","SOME_CONST" };
assertNameEquals(names, fields);
String[] details = {"JAVA","public","InspectorTest","String","someField","\"only for testing\""};
assertContains(fields, details);
public void testProperties() {
Inspector insp = new Inspector(this);
Object[] properties = insp.getPropertyInfo();
assertEquals(2, properties.length);
String[] names = {"class","name" };
assertNameEquals(names, properties);
String[] details = {"GROOVY", "public", "n/a", "Class", "class", "class groovy.inspect.InspectorTest"};
assertContains(properties, details);
private void assertNameEquals(String[] names, Object[] metaMethods) {
Set metaSet = new HashSet();
for (int i = 0; i < metaMethods.length; i++) {
String[] strings = (String[]) metaMethods[i];
Set nameSet = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(names));
assertEquals(nameSet, metaSet);
private void assertContains(Object[] candidates, String[] sample) {
String sampleBuffer = concat(sample);
for (int i = 0; i < candidates.length; i++) {
String[] entry = (String[]) candidates[i];
if (sampleBuffer.equals(concat(entry))) return;
fail("should have found sample: " + sampleBuffer);
private void assertUnique(Collection sortedMembers){
if (sortedMembers.size() < 2) return;
Comparator comp = new Inspector.MemberComparator();
Iterator iter = sortedMembers.iterator();
Object last =;
while (iter.hasNext()) {
Object element =;
if (0 ==, element)){
fail("found duplication for element "+element);
last = element;
private String concat(String[] details) {
StringBuffer detailBuffer = new StringBuffer();
for (int i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
detailBuffer.append(" ");
return detailBuffer.toString();