blob: 72b9363a30a98c97f4b3caaec69ac517778e4985 [file] [log] [blame]
* was: Tests the use of new def methods in Groovy: eachProperty(), eachPropertyName(), and
* allProperties().
* New Method: getMetaPropertyValues
* Method name has changed: getProperties
* Remove: eachProperty(), eachPropertyName() use properties.each {key,value -> } instead
* @author john stump
* @author dierk koenig
* @version $Revision$
class Property2Test extends GroovyTestCase {
void testEachPropertyName() {
def foo = new Foo()
// these are the properties that should be there
def props = ['name', 'count', 'location', 'blah'] { name, value ->
//println "looking for ${prop} in ${props}"
// todo: GROOVY-996
// We should see protected properties, but not private ones.
assert name != "invisible"
// remove this one from the list
props = props - [name]
// make sure there are none left over
//println "count left in props list is ${props.count()}"
assert props.count() == 0
void testMetaPropertyValuesFromObject() {
def foo = new Foo()
def metaProps = foo.metaPropertyValues
assert metaProps[0] instanceof PropertyValue
assertNotNull metaProps[0].name
assertNotNull metaProps[0].value
assertNotNull metaProps[0].type
void testEachProperty() {
def foo = new Foo()
// these are the properties and their values that should be there
def props = ['name':'James', 'count':1, 'location':'London', 'blah':9] { name, value ->
//println "looking for ${} in ${props}"
// todo: GROOVY-996
// We should see protected properties, but not private ones.
assert name != "invisible"
def pvalue = props[name]
if(pvalue != null)
assert pvalue == value
// remove this one from the map
// make sure there are none left over
//println "count left in props map is ${props.size()}"
assert props.size() == 0
// make sure allProperties() works with expando objects too
void testAllPropertiesExpando() {
def foo = new Expando() = 'John'
foo.location = 'Colorado'
foo.count = 23
foo.blah = true
// these are the properties that should be there
def props = ['name', 'count', 'location', 'blah'] { name, value -> props -= [name] }
// there should be none left
//println props
assert props.size() == 0