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\newcommand{\keywordSummaryHeader}[1]{\begin{tabular}{ll} #1 \end{tabular}}
\newcommand{\keywordSummary}[2]{{\bf #1} & #2 \\}
%\newcommand{\methodDetailHeader}[1]{\begin{tabular}{rll} #1 \end{tabular}}
%\newcommand{\methodDetail}[3]{#1 & #2 & #3 \\}
% -- tabbing, good for pdf output
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\newcommand{\methodSummaryHeader}[1]{\begin{tabbing} jezj \= jez-repeated-for-tab-settings-only \kill #1 \end{tabbing}}
\newcommand{\methodSummary}[4]{#1\>{\bf #2}#3\\}
\newcommand{\toolDetailHeader}[1]{\begin{tabbing} je \= jez-repeated-for-tab-settings-only \kill #1 \end{tabbing}}
\newcommand{\toolDetail}[4]{#1\>{\bf #2}#3\\{\scriptsize #4}\\}
\scalebox{0.35}{\includegraphics{one-groovy-logo.mps}} & {\large\textbf{Groovy}} \\
& {\large\textbf{Reference}} \\
& {\large\textbf{Summary}}
\vskip 1.8in
%todo: black line
\vskip 0.25 in
{\em Second Edition\/} (September 2004)
This card is intended primarily for use by Groovy language programmers. It
contains basic language information summarized from the online
documentation ( The card will be updated from
time to time. However the above manual and others cited on the card
are the authoritative reference sources and will be first to reflect changes.
To distinguish them from instructions carried over from the Java Language,
the names of instructions essentially new with Groovy are shown
in italics.
Comments about this publication may be sent to the address below.
\vskip 2 in
Groovy Technical Publications Systems
\keywordSummary{{\em as} }{ import {\em type\/} as {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{assert }{ assert {\em expr expr?\/}}
\keywordSummary{break }{ break {\em lbl?\/}}
\keywordSummary{case }{ switch {\em expr\/} case {\em expr stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{catch }{ try {\em stmt*\/} catch {\em type id stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{class }{ {\em mod*\/} class {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{continue }{ continue {\em lbl?\/}}
\keywordSummary{{\em def} }{ def {\em methodDeclaration\/}}
\keywordSummary{default }{ switch {\em expr\/} case default{\em stmt*\/} }
\keywordSummary{do }{ do {\em stmt*\/} while {\em expr\/}}
\keywordSummary{else }{ if {\em expr stmt*\/} else if {\em expr stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{extends }{ {\em mod*\/} class {\em id\/} extends {\em type\/}}
\keywordSummary{finally }{ try {\em stmt*} finally {\em stmt*}}
\keywordSummary{for }{ for {\em expr*};{\em expr};{\em expr} {\em stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{{\em for} }{ for {\em id\/} in {\em id stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{if }{ if {\em expr stmt*\/} else if {\em expr stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{{\em in} }{ for {\em id\/} in {\em id stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{implements }{ {\em mod*\/} class {\em id\/} implements {\em type*}}
\keywordSummary{import }{ import {\em type\/}}
\keywordSummary{instanceof }{ {\em expr\/} instanceof {\em type}}
\keywordSummary{interface }{ {\em mod*\/} interface {\em id\/}}
%\keywordSummary{{\em mixin} }{ {\em mod*\/} mixin {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{new }{ new {\em type\/} }
\keywordSummary{package }{ package {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{{\em property} }{ {\em mod*\/} property {\em type?\/} {\em id\/}}
\keywordSummary{return }{ return {\em expr?/} }
\keywordSummary{switch }{ switch {\em expr\/} case {\em expr stmt*\/} }
\keywordSummary{throw }{ throw {\em expr\/} }
\keywordSummary{throws }{ {\em methodDeclaration} throws {\em type\/} }
\keywordSummary{try }{ try {\em stmt*\/} catch {\em type id stmt*\/}}
\keywordSummary{while }{ do {\em stmt*\/} while {\em expr\/}}
\keywordSummary{ }{ while {\em expr\/} {\em stmt*\/}}
% \subsection{Types}
% \keywordSummaryHeader{
% \keywordSummary{boolean }{ true {\em or\/} false}
% \keywordSummary{byte }{ -128 to 127}
% \keywordSummary{char }{ u0000 to uFFFF }
% \keywordSummary{double }{ $\pm 4.9E^{-324}$ to $\pm 1.8E^{+308}$}
% \keywordSummary{float }{ $\pm 1.4E^{-45}$ to $\pm 3.4E^{+38}$}
% \keywordSummary{int }{ -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647}
% \keywordSummary{long }{ -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 }
% \keywordSummary{ }{ to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807}
% \keywordSummary{short }{ -32,768 to 32,767}
% \keywordSummary{void }{ }
% }
\vskip 0.5 in
\section{Groovy JDK}
% based upon DefaultGroovyMethods r1.114
\subsection{Collections and properties}
{\scriptsize {\em Note: cltn in this sense {\em can\/} include lists, sets, matchers, strings, charSeqs and arrays\/}}
% a.getAt(b) and a.putAt(b,c) are equiv to a[b] and a[b] = c respectiv.
%\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ getAt}{(index\textbar indices\textbar range) }{ obtains objects at specified {\em indicies\/} or in {\em range\/}}
%\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ getAt}{(property) }{ obtains {\em property\/} from each object in collection}
%\methodDetail{ obj. }{ putAt}{(idx, value) }{ put {\em value\/} at position {\em idx\/} }
%\methodDetail{ obj. }{ putAt}{(propertyName, value) }{ put {\em value\/} in the {\em propertyName\/} }
\methodDetail{ cltn }{[}{index\textbar indices\textbar range\textbar property {\bf ]}}{ obtains objects at specified location}
\methodDetail{ obj }{[}{index\textbar property{\bf ] =} value }{ put {\em value\/} at location }
\methodDetail{ cltn }{ \textless\textless}{ obj }{ append obj to collection}
\methodSummary{ cltn }{ $+$}{ obj }{ append obj to collection}
%\methodDetail{ cltn }{ $+$}{ cltn }{ append collection to collection}
\methodSummary{ list }{ $-$}{ cltn }{ remove items from list}
\methodDetail{ cltn }{ $*$}{ num }{ repeat items in collection a number of times}
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
% no count() or getAt(range) for matchers!
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ getProperties}{() }{ obtain Map of properties on {\em obj\/}}
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ getMetaPropertyValues}{() }{ obtain List of meta properties on {\em obj\/}}
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ count}{(obj) * }{ counts number of occurances of {\em obj\/} in collection}
\methodSummary{ map. }{ get}{(key, defaultValue) * }{ try to get {\em key \/} from map, otherwise put {\em defaultValue\/} in map and return }
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ size}{() * }{ returns size of an array or string }
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ collect}{() \{closure\} * }{ new collection of {\em closure \/} transformed items }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ each}{() \{closure\} * }{ iterate through object applying {\em closure\/} }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ eachWithIndex}{() \{closure\} }{ iterate through object with a counter applying {\em closure\/} }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ find}{() \{closure\} * }{ find first item picked by {\em closure \/} condition }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ findAll}{() \{closure\} * }{ returns all items picked by {\em closure\/} condition }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ findIndexOf}{() \{closure\} }{ return first index that matches condition {\em closure\/} }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ grep}{(regex\textbar range\textbar etc..) * }{ returns all matching items }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ inject}{(value) \{closure\} }{ returns closure( closure( closure(value,item0) ,item1) ,item2) ... }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ max}{([comparator]) \{closure\} * }{ returns the maximum value found in the collection }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ min}{([comparator]) \{closure\} * }{ returns the minimum value found in the collection }
\methodDetail{ list. }{ reverseEach}{() \{closure\} }{ iterate backwards through list applying {\em closure\/}}
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ sort}{([comparator]) * }{ sorts collection into a list, optionally using a {\em comparator\/}}
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ sort}{() \{closure\} * }{ sorts collection into a list using closure as comparator}
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ asImmutable}{() }{ create an immutable collection }
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ asSynchronized}{() }{ create a synchronized collection }
\methodSummary{ list. }{ flatten}{() }{ flattens list }
\methodDetail{ list. }{ intersect}{(cltn) }{ returns intersection of list and collection }
\methodDetail{ cltn. }{ join}{(separator) * }{ concatenate all the elements of {\em cltn\/} into a string }
\methodDetail{ list. }{ pop}{() * }{ remove and return last item from list }
%todo: what happened to push() :-)
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ reverse}{() }{ reverses order of collection or string }
\methodDetail{ map. }{ subMap}{(keys) }{ returns a map of the given keys }
\methodSummary{ cltn. }{ toList}{() }{ turns any collection into a list }
\vskip 0.75 in
\methodDetail{ str }{ $++$}{ }{ increment the number at end of string}
\methodDetail{ str }{ $--$}{ }{ reduce the number at end of string}
\methodSummary{ str }{ $+$}{ obj }{ concatenate {\em str\/} and {\em obj\/} together}
\methodDetail{ str }{ $-$}{ obj }{ remove the first {\em obj\/} from {\em str\/}}
%\methodDetailHeader{ num }{ + str }{ concatenate str to the end of num }
\methodSummary{ str }{ \textless\textless}{ value }{ }
%\methodDetail{ strBuff }{ \textless\textless}{ value }{ }
%center and centre :-) !!!!
\methodDetail{ str. }{ padRight}{(size,[padding]) }{ left justifies string padded out to {\em size\/}}
\methodDetail{ str. }{ center}{(size, [padding]) }{ centers a string padded out to {\em size\/}}
% name change for padLeft?
\methodDetail{ str. }{ padLeft}{(size,[padding]) }{ right justifies string padded out to {\em size\/}}
\methodDetail{ str. }{ contains}{(str2) * }{ true if {\em str} contains {\em str2}}
\methodDetail{ str. }{ eachMatch}{(regex) \{closure\} * }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each match of the specified {\em regex\/} }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ toCharacter}{() }{ }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ toList}{() }{ }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ toLong}{() }{ }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ toURL}{() }{ }
\methodSummary{ str. }{ tokenize}{([token]) * }{ }
%todo: unify method names
{\scriptsize {\em Note: url in this sense {\em can\/} include urls, files, streams and readers\/}}
\methodDetail{ dir. }{ eachFile}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each file in {\em dir\/}}
\methodDetail{ dir. }{ eachFileRecurse}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each file in {\em dir\/} recursively}
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
\methodSummary{ url. }{ eachByte}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each byte in {\em file\/}}
\methodDetail{ url. }{ eachLine}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to each line of input}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newInputStream}{() }{ obtain Stream to read from {\em file\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newReader}{([charset]) }{ obtain Reader from {\em file}}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ readBytes}{() }{ read bytes from {\em file\/}}
\methodDetail{ in. }{ readLine}{() }{ read a single, whole line from {\em in\/}}
\methodDetail{ file. }{ readLines}{() }{ obtain List of lines from {\em file}}
\methodDetail{ url. }{ getText}{([charset]) }{ fetch all available text from resource }
\methodDetail{ file. }{ splitEachLine}{(regEx) \{closure\} }{ read in each line of {\em file\/}, apply {\em closure\/} to data delimited by {\em regEx\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ withInputStream}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to a new InputStream on {\em file\/}, then close}
\methodDetail{ url. }{ withReader}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to {\em in\/}, then close {\em in\/}}
%\methodDetail{ in. }{ withStream}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to {\em in\/}, then close {\em in\/}}
\methodDetail{ }{ }{ }{ }
\methodDetail{ out }{ \textless\textless}{ obj }{ append {\em obj\/} to stream, process or socket}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ append}{(text, [charset]) }{ append {\em text\/} at end of {\em file\/} with {\em charset\/} encoding}
%\methodSummary{ file. }{ asWritable}{([charset]) * }{ wrap {\em file\/} as Writable }
\methodSummary{ bytes. }{ encodeBase64}{() }{ wraps {\em file\/} in Writable with contents encoded as Base64}
\methodSummary{ str. }{ decodeBase64}{() }{ unwraps bytes from Base64 encoded {\em str\/}}
\methodDetail{ in. }{ filterLine}{([out]) \{closure\} }{ read from {\em in\/} and write each line to {\em out\/} only if {\em closure\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newOutputStream}{() }{ obtain Stream to write to {\em file\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newPrintWriter}{([charset]) }{ obtain PrintWriter to {\em file\/}}
%\methodDetail{ file. }{ newWriter}{([charset],[append]) }{ obtain Writer to {\em file\/}}
% todo: transformChar(out) could be more in line with eachByte?
\methodSummary{ in. }{ transformChar}{(out) \{closure\} }{ read {\em in\/} and apply {\em closure\/} to each character being written {\em out\/}}
\methodDetail{ in. }{ transformLine}{(out) \{closure\} }{ read {\em in\/} and apply {\em closure\/} to each line being written {\em out\/}}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ withOutputStream}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to a new OutputStream on {\em file\/}, then close}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ withPrintWriter}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to a new PrintWriter on {\em file\/}, then close}
\methodSummary{ out. }{ withStream}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to {\em out\/}, then close {\em out\/}}
\methodSummary{ skt. }{ withStreams}{() \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to [in,out], then close them}
\methodSummary{ out. }{ withWriter}{([charset]) \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to {\em out\/} using {\em charset\/}, then close {\em out\/}}
\methodDetail{ file. }{ withWriterAppend}{(charset) \{closure\} }{ apply {\em closure\/} to a new appending Writer on {\em file\/}, then close}
\methodSummary{ file. }{ write}{(text, [charset]) * }{ write {\em text\/} to {\em file\/} using {\em charset\/}}
\methodSummary{ out. }{ writeLine}{(line) }{ write {\em line\/} and append a newline}
\methodSummary{ date }{ $++$}{ }{ add one day to the date }
\methodSummary{ date }{ $--$}{ }{ subtract one day from the date }
\methodSummary{ date }{ $+$}{ days }{ add {\em days\/} to the date }
\methodSummary{ date }{ $-$}{ days }{ subtract {\em days\/} from the date }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ dump}{() * }{ returns a detailed dump string of {\em obj\/}}
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ inspect}{() * }{ returns the groovy expression used to create this instance of {\em obj}}
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ invokeMethod}{(method, args) * }{ invokes {\em method\/} on {\em obj\/} }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ print}{(obj) * }{ print an object }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ print}{(out) * }{ print this object to {\em out} }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ println}{(object) * }{ print an object and then terminate line }
\methodSummary{ obj. }{ println}{(out) * }{ print this object to {\em out} and then terminate line }
\methodDetail{ num. }{ step}{(endNum, stepNum) \{closure\} }{ iterates {\em closure\/} starting at this number, stepping up to {\em endNum} }
\methodDetail{ num. }{ times}{() \{closure\} * }{ iterates {\em closure\/} num times }
%todo: upTo() instead of upto()
\methodDetail{ num. }{ upto}{(endNum) \{closure\} }{ iterates {\em closure\/} starting at this number, up to {\em endNum} }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ use}{(categoryClass) \{closure\} * }{ attach {\em closure\/} to specified class }
\methodDetail{ obj. }{ use}{(categoryClassList) \{closure\} * }{ attach {\em closure\/} to specified classes }
\methodSummary{ ps. }{ waitForOrKill}{(milliSecs) }{ wait for process to finish, or stop after specified {\em milliSecs} }
\methodSummary{ ps. }{ getText}{() }{ }
%Static methods shown with \em
\methodSummary{ Thd.}{ {\em start}}{() \{closure\} }{ }
\methodSummary{ Thd.}{ {\em startDaemon}}{() \{closure\} }{ }
\methodSummary{ Mtr.}{ {\em getLastMatcher}}{() }{ }
\section{Groovy Developers Kit}
\subsection{Groovy SQL}
% sql = Sql.newInstance(
%\methodSummary{ }{ newInstance}{(url,[props],[driver]) }
\methodSummary{ }{ Sql}{(datasource\textbar connection\textbar sql)}{ }
\methodSummary{ }{ newInstance}{(url,[user],[pass],[driver]) }{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ call}{(str,[params]) }{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ eachRow}{(str,[params]) \{closure\}}{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ execute}{(str,[params]) }{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ executeUpdate}{(str,[params]) }{ }
\methodSummary{ sql. }{ close}{() }{ }
\begin{tabbing} jezjezjez \= jez-repeated-for-tab-settings-only \kill
{\bf Builder}\>
{\scriptsize Markup, Node, StreamingMarkup, DOM, }\\
{\scriptsize Ant, JavaDoc, Swt, JFace, Swing}\\
\verb+farm = new NodeBuilder().farm(){animal(type:'pig')}+\\
{\bf GPath} \>
{\scriptsize walks the tree}\\
%\section{Sample Groovy Builder}
%{\scriptsize Builders are provided to construct these tree structures: {\em Markup, Node, StreamingMarkup, DOM, Ant, JavaDoc, Swt, JFace, Swing}}
%builder = new NodeBuilder()
%farm ='livestock', acres:30) {
% animal(type:'pig')
% animal(type:'sheep')
% tractor(wheelbase:90)
%assert farm.animal.collect{it['@type']}.contains('pig')
\section{Sample Groovy code}
package com.example
import org.example.Cow
* This is a sample of Groovy
class HighlandCow extends Cow {
void mooAtPeople() {
sql = Sql.newInstance("jdbc:foo:bar")
sql.eachRow("select * from PERSON") {
println("Och-Aye ${it.firstname}")
\subsection{Ant task}
<taskdef name="groovyc"
<groovyc destdir="${build.classes.dir}"
<classpath refid="my.classpath"/>
\subsection{Command Line Tools}
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ groovy }{ [options] cheese.groovy [args] }{ interpret and execute specified groovy script }
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ groovyc }{ [options] cheese.groovy }{ compiles specified groovy script }
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ groovysh }{ }{ begins an interactive groovy session }
\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ groovyConsole }{ }{ begins a GUI based groovy session }
%\toolDetail{ \textgreater }{ grok }{ }{ groovy javadoc }
Copyright \copyright\ 2004 Jeremy Rayner
\verb!$Revision$, $Date$.!