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package builder
import cli.CliBuilderTestCase
import groovy.cli.TypedOption
import groovy.cli.commons.CliBuilder
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
class CliBuilderTest extends CliBuilderTestCase {
String getImportCliBuilder() { 'import groovy.cli.commons.CliBuilder\n' }
// don't expect toString values to be the same, so test per CliBuilder implementation
void testAnnotationsInterfaceToString() {
doTestAnnotationsInterfaceToString('usage', '''\
usage: groovy Greeter
-a,--audience <arg> greeting audience
-h,--help display usage
void testTypeChecked_showingSingleHyphenForLongOptSupport() {
def cli = new CliBuilder()
TypedOption<String> name = cli.option(String, opt: 'n', longOpt: 'name', 'name option')
TypedOption<Integer> age = cli.option(Integer, longOpt: 'age', 'age option')
def argz = "--name John -age 21 and some more".split()
def options = cli.parse(argz)
String n = options[name]
int a = options[age]
assert n == 'John' && a == 21
assert options.arguments() == ['and', 'some', 'more']