blob: 7f76839c3f8d00dbee704bf592e1d38d38181dd7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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package groovy.lang;
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.ListIterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
* Provides unit tests for the {@link EmptyRange} class.
public class EmptyRangeTest extends GroovyTestCase {
* The 'from' value for the {@link Range}.
private static final Integer AT = 17;
* The {@link Range} to test.
private Range range = null;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void setUp() throws Exception {
range = new EmptyRange(AT);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#getFrom()}.
public void testGetFrom() {
assertEquals("wrong 'from' value", AT, range.getFrom());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#getTo()}.
public void testGetTo() {
assertEquals("wrong 'from' value", AT, range.getTo());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#isReverse()}.
public void testIsReverse() {
assertFalse("empty range reversed", range.isReverse());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#inspect()}.
public void testInspect() {
assertEquals("wrong 'inspect' value", AT + "..<" + AT, range.inspect());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#inspect()()} with a range with a <code>null</code> 'at' value.
public void testInspectNullAt() {
final Range nullAtRange = new EmptyRange(null);
assertEquals("wrong inspect value", "null..<null", nullAtRange.inspect());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#toString()}.
public void testToString() {
assertEquals("wrong string value", AT + "..<" + AT, range.toString());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#toString()} with a range with a <code>null</code> 'at' value.
public void testToStringNullAt() {
final Range nullAtRange = new EmptyRange(null);
assertEquals("wrong string value", "null..<null", nullAtRange.toString());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#size()}.
public void testSize() {
assertEquals("wrong size", 0, range.size());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#clear()}.
public void testClear() {
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#isEmpty()}.
public void testIsEmpty() {
assertTrue("range not empty", range.isEmpty());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#toArray()}.
public void testToArray() {
assertArrayEquals(new Object[0], range.toArray());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#get(int)}.
public void testGet() {
try {
fail("got value from empty range");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#remove(int)}.
public void testRemoveInt() {
try {
fail("removed value from empty range");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#add(int, java.lang.Object)}.
public void testAddIntObject() {
try {
range.add(0, 12);
fail("added value to empty range");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#indexOf(java.lang.Object)}.
public void testIndexOf() {
assertEquals("found value in empty range", -1, range.indexOf(AT));
assertEquals("found null in empty range", -1, range.indexOf(null));
assertEquals("found string in empty range", -1, range.indexOf("hello"));
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#lastIndexOf(java.lang.Object)}.
public void testLastIndexOf() {
assertEquals("found value in empty range", -1, range.lastIndexOf(AT));
assertEquals("found null in empty range", -1, range.lastIndexOf(null));
assertEquals("found string in empty range", -1, range.lastIndexOf("hello"));
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#add(java.lang.Object)}.
public void testAddObject() {
try {
fail("added value to empty range");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#contains(java.lang.Object)}.
public void testContains() {
assertFalse("empty range contains a value", range.contains(AT));
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#remove(java.lang.Object)}.
public void testRemoveObject() {
try {
fail("removed value from empty range");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#addAll(int, java.util.Collection)}.
public void testAddAllIntCollection() {
try {
range.addAll(0, new ArrayList());
fail("added values to empty range");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#addAll(java.util.Collection)}.
public void testAddAllCollection() {
try {
range.addAll(new ArrayList());
fail("added values to empty range");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#containsAll(java.util.Collection)}.
public void testContainsAll() {
final List list = new ArrayList();
assertTrue("range contains all elements of an empty list", range.containsAll(list));
assertFalse("range contains all elements of single element list", range.containsAll(list));
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#removeAll(java.util.Collection)}.
public void testRemoveAll() {
try {
range.removeAll(new ArrayList());
fail("removed values from an empty range");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#retainAll(java.util.Collection)}.
public void testRetainAll() {
try {
range.retainAll(new ArrayList());
fail("retained values in an empty range");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#iterator()}.
public void testIterator() {
final Iterator iterator = range.iterator();
assertFalse("iterator has next value", iterator.hasNext());
try {;
fail("got next value in an empty range");
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Tests removing via an iterator.
public void testIteratorRemove() {
try {
final Iterator iterator = range.iterator();
fail("removed via iterator");
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#subList(int, int)}.
public void testSubList() {
final List list = range.subList(0, 0);
assertTrue("list not empty", list.isEmpty());
try {
range.subList(0, 1);
fail("got sub list in an empty range");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#listIterator()}.
public void testListIterator() {
final ListIterator iterator = range.listIterator();
assertFalse("iterator has next value", iterator.hasNext());
assertFalse("iterator has previous value", iterator.hasPrevious());
try {;
fail("got next value in an empty range");
} catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#listIterator(int)}.
public void testListIteratorInt() {
final ListIterator iterator = range.listIterator(0);
assertFalse("iterator has next value", iterator.hasNext());
assertFalse("iterator has previous value", iterator.hasPrevious());
try {
fail("got list iterator at index 1");
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#set(int, java.lang.Object)}.
public void testSet() {
try {
range.set(0, AT);
fail("got set value 0");
} catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {
assertTrue("expected exception thrown", true);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#toArray(java.lang.Object[])}.
public void testToArrayObjectArray() {
final Integer[] actual = (Integer[]) range.toArray(new Integer[0]);
assertArrayEquals(new Integer[0], actual);
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#step(int, groovy.lang.Closure)}.
public void testStepIntClosure() {
final List callLog = new ArrayList();
final Closure closure = new NumberRangeTestCase.RecordingClosure(callLog);
range.step(1, closure);
assertEquals("wrong number of calls to closure", 0, callLog.size());
* Test method for {@link groovy.lang.EmptyRange#step(int)}.
public void testStepInt() {
List result = range.step(1);
assertTrue("too many elements", result.isEmpty());
// make sure a new list is returned each time
result = range.step(1);
assertTrue("too many elements", result.isEmpty());