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package groovy
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
* Various tests for Strings.
class StringTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testString() {
def s = "abcd"
assert s.length() == 4
assert 4 == s.length()
// test polymorphic size() method like collections
assert s.size() == 4
s = s + "efg" + "hijk"
assert s.size() == 11
assert "abcdef".size() == 6
void testStringPlusNull() {
def y = null
def x = "hello " + y
assert x == "hello null"
void testNextPrevious() {
def x = 'a'
def y =
assert y == 'b'
def z = 'z'.previous()
assert z == 'y'
z = 'z'
def b =
assert b != 'z'
assert b > z
assert z.charAt(0) == 'z'
assert b.charAt(0) == '{'
void testApppendToString() {
def name = "Gromit"
def result = "hello " << name << "!"
assert result.toString() == "hello Gromit!"
void testApppendToStringBuffer() {
def buffer = new StringBuffer()
def name = "Gromit"
buffer << "hello " << name << "!"
assert buffer.toString() == "hello Gromit!"
void testApppendAndSubscipt() {
def result = 'hello' << " Gromit!"
result[1..4] = 'i'
assert result.toString() == "hi Gromit!"
void testSimpleStringLiterals() {
assertLength("\n", 1)
assertLength("\"", 1)
assertLength("\'", 1)
assertLength("\\", 1)
assertContains("\${0}", 4, "{0}")
y", 2, "xy")
assertLength('\n', 1)
assertLength('\'', 1)
assertLength('\\', 1)
assertContains('${0}', 4, '{0}')
y', 2, 'xy')
void testMinusRemovesFirstOccurenceOfString() {
assert "abcdeabcd" - 'bc' == 'adeabcd'
void testMinusEscapesRegexChars() {
assert "abcdeab.d.f" - '.d.' == 'abcdeabf'
void testMultilineStringLiterals() {
assertContains(""""x""", 2, '"x');
assertContains("""""x""", 3, '""x');
y""", 3, 'x\ny');
\n""", 3, '\n\n\n');
assertContains(''''x''', 2, "'x");
assertContains('''''x''', 3, "''x");
y''', 3, 'x\ny');
\n''', 3, '\n\n\n');
void testRegexpStringLiterals() {
assert "foo" == /foo/
assert '\\$$' == /\$$/
// Backslash before newline or slash disappears (all others are preserved):
assert "/\\*" == /\/\*/
def path = /C:\Windows\System32\//.replaceAll(/\\${''}/, '/')
assert path == 'C:/Windows/System32/'
assert "" == /\
void testMultilineRegexpStringContainingNormalRegexp() {
def script = /
'foo' ==~ \/f.o\/
assert new GroovyShell().evaluate(script)
void testMultilineRegexpXml() {
def xml = /
assert "\n<xml>\nfoo\n</xml>\n" == xml
void testMultilineSlashyRegexpEscaping() {
def str = ' and'
def re = /(?x) # to enable whitespace and comments
( # capture the hostname in $1
(?: # these parens for grouping only
(?! [-_]) # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash
[\w-]+ # hostname component
\. # and the domain dot
)+ # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times
[A-Za-z] # next must be a letter
[\w-]+ # now trailing domain part
) # end of $1 capture
def finder = (str =~ re)
def out = str
def adr = finder[it][0]
out = out.replaceAll(adr, "$adr[${adr.size()}]")
assert out == '[19] and[19]'
void testDollarSlashyFirstCharEscaping() {
def VAR = 'foo'
def result = $/$/VAR/$
assert result == '/VAR'
result = $/$$VAR/$
assert result == '$VAR'
result = $/$VAR/$
assert result == 'foo'
void testMultilineDollarSlashyRegexpEscaping() {
def str = ' and'
def re = $/(?x) # to enable whitespace and comments
( # capture the hostname in $1
(?: # these parens for grouping only
(?! [-_]) # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash
[\w-]+ # hostname component
\. # and the domain dot
)+ # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times
[A-Za-z] # next must be a letter
[\w-]+ # now trailing domain part
) # end of $1 capture
def finder = (str =~ re)
def out = str
def adr = finder[it][0]
out = out.replaceAll(adr, "$adr[${adr.size()}]")
assert out == '[19] and[19]'
void testBoolCoerce() {
// Explicit coercion
assertFalse((Boolean) "")
assertTrue((Boolean) "content")
// Implicit coercion in statements
String s = null
if (s) {
fail("null should have evaluated to false, but didn't")
s = ''
if (s) {
fail("'' should have evaluated to false, but didn't")
s = 'something'
if (!s) {
fail("'something' should have evaluated to false, but didn't")
void testDollarEscaping() {
def text = $/a/b\c$$ $//$
assert text == 'a/b\\c$ /'
text = $/$$//$
assert text == '$/'
text = $/$$$$//$
assert text == '$$/'
text = $/$$$$$//$
assert text == '$$/'
def s1 = $/abc\\/$
def s2 = $/def\/$
def s3 = $/ghi/$
assert s1 == 'abc\\\\' && s2 == 'def\\' && s3 == 'ghi'
void testSplit() {
def text = "hello there\nhow are you"
def splitted = text.split().toList()
assert splitted == ['hello', 'there', 'how', 'are', 'you']
void testSplitEmptyText() {
def text = ""
def splitted = text.split().toList()
assert splitted == []
void testReadLines() {
assert "a\nb".readLines() == ['a', 'b']
assert "a\rb".readLines() == ['a', 'b']
assert "a\r\nb".readLines() == ['a', 'b']
assert "a\n\nb".readLines() == ['a', '', 'b']
void testReplace() {
assert "".replace("", "") == ""
assert "".replace("", "r") == "r"
assert "a".replace("", "r") == "rar"
assert "a".replace("b", "c") == "a"
assert "a".replace("a", "c") == "c"
assert "aa".replace("a", "c") == "cc"
assert "ab".replace("b", "c") == "ac"
assert "ba".replace("b", "c") == "ca"
assert "aaa".replace("b", "c") == "aaa"
assert "aaa".replace("a", "c") == "ccc"
assert "aba".replace("b", "c") == "aca"
assert "baa".replace("b", "c") == "caa"
assert "aab".replace("b", "c") == "aac"
assert "aa.".replace(".", "c") == "aac"
assert 'aba'.replace('b', '$') == 'a$a'
assert 'aba'.replace('b', '\\') == 'a\\a'
assert 'a\\a'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'axa'
assert '\\'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'x'
assert '\\\\'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'xx'
assert '\\z\\'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'xzx'
assert 'a\\\\Ea'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'axxEa'
assert '\\Qa\\\\Ea'.replace('\\', '$') == '$Qa$$Ea'
assert 'a\\((z))\\Qa'.replace('\\', 'x') == 'ax((z))xQa'
assert (/\Q\E\\\Q\E/).replace(/\Q\E\\\Q\E/, 'z') == 'z'
void testNormalize() {
assert "a".normalize() == "a"
assert "\n".normalize() == "\n"
assert "\r".normalize() == "\n"
assert "\r\n".normalize() == "\n"
assert "a\n".normalize() == "a\n"
assert "a\r".normalize() == "a\n"
assert "a\r\n".normalize() == "a\n"
assert "a\r\n\r".normalize() == "a\n\n"
assert "a\r\n\r\n".normalize() == "a\n\n"
assert "a\nb\rc\r\nd".normalize() == "a\nb\nc\nd"
assert "a\n\nb".normalize() == "a\n\nb"
assert "a\n\r\nb".normalize() == "a\n\nb"
void testDenormalize() {
def LS = System.getProperty('line.separator')
assert "\n".denormalize() == LS
assert "\r".denormalize() == LS
assert "\r\n".denormalize() == LS
assert "a\n".denormalize() == "a${LS}"
assert "a\r".denormalize() == "a${LS}"
assert "a\r\n".denormalize() == "a${LS}"
assert "a\r\n\r".denormalize() == "a${LS}${LS}"
assert "a\r\n\r\n".denormalize() == "a${LS}${LS}"
assert "a\nb\rc\r\nd".denormalize() == "a${LS}b${LS}c${LS}d"
assert "a\n\nb".denormalize() == "a${LS}${LS}b"
assert "a\n\r\nb".denormalize() == "a${LS}${LS}b"
assert 'a\nb\r\nc\n\rd'.denormalize() == "a${LS}b${LS}c${LS}${LS}d"
void innerNormalizationFileRoundTrip(String s) {
def f = File.createTempFile("groovy.StringTest", ".txt")
def sd = s.denormalize()
assert sd == f.text
assert s == f.text
def rt = (s.denormalize()).normalize()
assert s.normalize() == rt
if (!s.contains('\r')) assert s == rt
void doNormalizationFileRoundTrip(String s) {
[s, s.replace('\n', '\r'), s.replace('\n', '\r\n'), s.replace('\n', '\n\n')].each {
void testNormalizationFileRoundTrip() {
doNormalizationFileRoundTrip("a line 1\nline 2")
doNormalizationFileRoundTrip("a line 1\nline 2\n")
void testSplitEqualsTokenize() {
def text = """
A text with different words and
numbers like 3453 and 3,345,454.97 and
special characters %&)( and also
everything mixed together 45!kw?
def splitted = text.split().toList()
def tokenized = text.tokenize()
assert splitted == tokenized
private assertLength(s, len) {
if (s.length() != len) println "*** length != $len: $s"
assert s.length() == len
private assertContains(s, len, subs) {
assertLength(s, len)
if (s.indexOf(subs) < 0) println "*** missing $subs: $s"
assert s.indexOf(subs) >= 0
void testExpandUnexpand() {
assert '\t\tabc\tdef\n12345\t67\t '.expand().unexpand() == '\t\tabc\tdef\n12345\t67\t '
assert '1234567\t8\t '.expand() == '1234567 8 '
assert ' x '.unexpand() == ' x\t '
assert ' x \n'.unexpand() == ' x\t \n'
void "test JDK14 Escape-S should be replaced by space"() {
assert 'ab\scd\s'.size() == 6
assert 'ab\scd\s'.bytes == [97, 98, 32, 99, 100, 32]
assert "ab\scd\s".size() == 6
assert "ab\scd\s".bytes == [97, 98, 32, 99, 100, 32]
void "test JDK14 Escape-S should not impact slashy or dollar-slashy strings"() {
assert /ab\scd\s/.size() == 8
assert /ab\scd\s/.bytes == [97, 98, 92, 115, 99, 100, 92, 115]
assert $/ab\scd\s/$.size() == 8
assert $/ab\scd\s/$.bytes == [97, 98, 92, 115, 99, 100, 92, 115]
void "test JDK14 Escape-S multi-line example"() {
// control case (existing functionality)
String colors = '''\
red \n\
green \n\
blue \n\
assert colors.readLines()*.size() == [6, 6, 6]
colors = '''\
red \s
blue \s
assert colors.readLines()*.size() == [6, 6, 6]