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* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
* distributed with this work for additional information
* regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file
* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package groovy
import groovy.test.GroovyTestCase
import groovy.transform.NamedParam
import groovy.transform.NamedParams
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import static groovy.NamedParameterHelper.myJavaMethod
final class NamedParameterTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testPassingNamedParametersToMethod() {
someMethod(name:"gromit", eating:"nice cheese", times:2)
protected void someMethod(args) {
assert == "gromit"
assert args.eating == "nice cheese"
assert args.times == 2
assert args.size() == 3
void testNamedParameterSpreadOnSeveralLines() {
someMethod( name:
"nice cheese",
void testNamedParameterSpreadOnSeveralLinesWithCommandExpressions() {
someMethod name:
"nice cheese",
void testNamedParamsAnnotation() {
assert myJavaMethod(foo: 'FOO', bar: 'BAR') == 'foo = FOO, bar = BAR'
assert myJavaMethod(bar: 'BAR') == 'foo = null, bar = BAR'
assert myJavaMethod(foo: 'FOO', bar: 25, 42) == 'foo = FOO, bar = 25, num = 42'
assert myJavaMethod(foo: 'FOO', 142) == 'foo = FOO, bar = null, num = 142'
assert myMethod(foo: 'FOO', bar: 'BAR') == 'foo = FOO, bar = BAR'
assert myMethod(bar: 'BAR') == 'foo = null, bar = BAR'
assert myMethod(foo: 'FOO', bar: 35,242) == 'foo = FOO, bar = 35, num = 242'
assert myMethod(foo: 'FOO', 342) == 'foo = FOO, bar = null, num = 342'
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import static groovy.NamedParameterTest.myMethod
int getAnswer() { 42 }
def method() {
assert myMethod(foo: 'FOO', bar: 'BAR') == 'foo = FOO, bar = BAR'
assert myMethod(bar: 'BAR') == 'foo = null, bar = BAR'
assert myMethod(foo: 'FOO', bar: 45, 442) == 'foo = FOO, bar = 45, num = 442'
assert myMethod(foo: 'FOO', 542) == 'foo = FOO, bar = null, num = 542'
assert myMethod(foo: 'string', bar: answer, 666) == 'foo = string, bar = 42, num = 666' // GROOVY-10027
void testMissingRequiredName() {
def message = shouldFail '''
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import static groovy.NamedParameterTest.myMethod
def method() {
myMethod(foo: 'FOO')
assert message.contains("required named param 'bar' not found")
void testUnknownName() {
def message = shouldFail '''
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import static groovy.NamedParameterTest.myMethod
def method() {
myMethod(bar: 'BAR', baz: 'BAZ')
assert message.contains("unexpected named arg: baz")
// GROOVY-10027
void testFlowType() {
assertScript '''
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import static groovy.NamedParameterTest.myMethod
def method(arg) {
if (arg instanceof Integer) {
myMethod(foo: 'x', bar: arg, 123)
assert method(42) == 'foo = x, bar = 42, num = 123'
void testInvalidType1() {
def message = shouldFail '''
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import static groovy.NamedParameterTest.myMethod
def method() {
myMethod(foo:42, -1)
assert message.contains("argument for named param 'foo' has type 'int' but expected 'java.lang.String'")
void testInvalidType2() {
def message = shouldFail '''
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import static groovy.NamedParameterTest.myMethod
def method() {
int answer = 42
myMethod(foo:answer, -1)
assert message.contains("argument for named param 'foo' has type 'int' but expected 'java.lang.String'")
// GROOVY-10027
void testInvalidType3() {
def message = shouldFail '''
import groovy.transform.TypeChecked
import static groovy.NamedParameterTest.myMethod
int getAnswer() { 42 }
def method() {
myMethod(foo:answer, -1)
assert message.contains("argument for named param 'foo' has type 'int' but expected 'java.lang.String'")
static String myMethod(@NamedParams([
@NamedParam(value = "foo"),
@NamedParam(value = "bar", type = String, required = true)
]) Map params) {
"foo = $, bar = $"
static String myMethod(@NamedParams([
@NamedParam(value = "foo", type = String, required = true),
@NamedParam(value = "bar", type = Integer)
]) Map params, int num) {
"foo = $, bar = $, num = $num"