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package groovy
* @author Michael Baehr
* @author Paul King
* @author Tim Yates
class UniqueOnCollectionWithComparatorTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testUniqueOnIterator() {
def list = [-1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1]
def comparator = new ClosureComparator({a, b -> Math.abs(a) <=> Math.abs(b)})
def it = list.iterator().unique(comparator)
assert it instanceof Iterator
def result = it.toList()
assert result == [-1, 0]
void testUniqueWithComparatorList() {
def list = [-1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1]
def comparator = new ClosureComparator({a, b -> Math.abs(a) <=> Math.abs(b)})
assert list.unique(comparator) == [-1, 0]
void testUniqueWithComparatorSet() {
def set = [-1, 0, 1] as Set
def comparator = new ClosureComparator({a, b -> Math.abs(a) <=> Math.abs(b)})
assert set.unique(comparator).size() == 2
/** GROOVY-4742 */
void testImmutableUniqueWithComparatorList() {
def list = [-1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1]
def comparator = new ClosureComparator({a, b -> Math.abs(a) <=> Math.abs(b)})
def result = list.unique(false, comparator)
assert result == [-1, 0]
assert list == [-1, 0, 1, 1, 0, -1]
/** GROOVY-4742 */
void testImmutableUniqueWithComparatorSet() {
def set = [-1, 0, 1] as Set
def comparator = new ClosureComparator({a, b -> Math.abs(a) <=> Math.abs(b)})
def result = set.unique(false, comparator).size()
assert result == 2
assert set == [-1, 0, 1] as Set
/** GROOVY-4742 */
void testImmutableUniqueWithComparator() {
def comparator = [ compare:{ p1, p2 -> p1.lname <=> p2.lname ?: p1.fname <=> p2.fname } ] as Comparator
def a = [fname:"John", lname:"Taylor"]
def b = [fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor"]
def c = [fname:"Tom", lname:"Cruz"]
def d = [fname:"Clark", lname:"Taylor"]
def list = [a, b, c, d]
List list2 = list.unique(false, comparator)
assert( list2 != list && list2 == [a, b, c] )