blob: 2ac090d254998b25bd8fee732e1c93a09f0f06e5 [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy
class MapTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testMap() {
def m = [1:'one', '2':'two', 3:'three']
assert m.size() == 3
assert m.get(1) == 'one'
assert m.get('2') == 'two'
assert m.get(3) == 'three'
assert m.containsKey(1)
assert m.containsKey('2')
assert m.containsKey(3)
assert m.containsValue('one')
assert m.containsValue('two')
assert m.containsValue('three')
assert m.keySet().size() == 3
assert m.values().size() == 3
assert m.keySet().contains(1)
assert m.values().contains('one')
assert m.size() == 1
assert m.get('1') == null
assert m.get('2') == null
m.put('cheese', 'cheddar')
assert m.size() == 2
assert m.containsKey("cheese")
assert m.containsValue("cheddar")
if ( m.containsKey("cheese") ) {
// ignore
else {
assert false , "should contain cheese!"
if ( m.containsKey(3) ) {
// ignore
else {
assert false , "should contain 3!"
void testEmptyMap() {
def m = [:]
assert m.size() == 0
assert !m.containsKey("cheese")
m.put("cheese", "cheddar")
assert m.size() == 1
assert m.containsKey("cheese")
void testMapMutation() {
def m = [ 'abc' : 'def', 'def' : 134, 'xyz' : 'zzz' ]
assert m['unknown'] == null
assert m['def'] == 134
m['def'] = 'cafebabe'
assert m['def'] == 'cafebabe'
assert m.size() == 3
assert m['def'] == null
assert m.size() == 2
def foo = m['def'] = 5
assert m['def'] == 5
assert foo == 5
void testMapLeftShift(){
def map = [a:1, b:2]
def other = [c:3]
def entry = [d:4].iterator().toList()[0]
map += other
assert map == [a:1, b:2, c:3]
map << entry
assert map == [a:1, b:2, c:3, d:4]
void testFindAll(){
assert [a:1] == ['a':1, 'b':2].findAll {it.value == 1}
assert [a:1] == ['a':1, 'b':2].findAll {it.key == 'a'}
assert [a:1] == ['a':1, 'b':2].findAll {key,value -> key == 'a'}
assert [a:1] == ['a':1].findAll {true}
assert [:] == ['a':1].findAll {false}
void testPutAllCollectionMapEntry() {
def map1 = [a:1, b:2]
def map2 = [c:3, d:4]
def map3 = [3:'c', 4:'d']
def control = map1 + map2
assert map1 == control
map1 = [a:1, b:2]
map1.putAll(map3.entrySet().collect{ [it.value, it.key] as MapEntry })
assert map1 == control
map1 = [a:1, b:2]
def values = [3, 4]
def keys = ['c', 'd']
def items = [keys, values].transpose()
map1.putAll(items.collect{ it as MapEntry })
assert map1 == control
void testPlusCollectionMapEntry() {
def map1 = [a:1, b:2]
def map2 = [c:3, d:4]
def map3 = [3:'c', 4:'d']
def control = map1 + map2
assert control == map1 + map2.entrySet()
assert map1 == [a:1, b:2]
assert control == map1 + map3.entrySet().collect{ [it.value, it.key] as MapEntry }
assert map1 == [a:1, b:2]
map1 = [a:1, b:2]
def values = [3, 4]
def keys = ['c', 'd']
def items = [keys, values].transpose()
assert control == map1 + items.collect{ it as MapEntry }
assert map1 == [a:1, b:2]
void testMapSort(){
def map = [a:100, c:20, b:3]
def mapByValue = map.sort{ it.value }
assert mapByValue.collect{ it.key } == ['b', 'c', 'a']
def mapByKey = map.sort{ it.key }
assert mapByKey.collect{ it.value } == [100, 3, 20]
void testMapAdditionProducesCorrectValueAndPreservesOriginalMaps() {
def left = [a:1, b:2]
def right = [c:3]
assert left + right == [a:1, b:2, c:3], "should contain all entries from both maps"
assert left == [a:1, b:2] && right == [c:3], "LHS/RHS should not be modified"
void testMapAdditionGivesPrecedenceOfOverlappingValuesToRightMap() {
def left = [a:1, b:1]
def right = [a:2]
assert left + right == [a:2, b:1], "RHS should take precedence when entries have same key"
void testMapAdditionPreservesOriginalTypeForCommonCases() {
def other = [c: 3]
assert ([a: 1, b: 2] as Properties) + other == [a:1, b:2, c:3] as Properties
assert ([a: 1, b: 2] as Hashtable) + other == [a:1, b:2, c:3] as Hashtable
assert ([a: 1, b: 2] as LinkedHashMap) + other == [a:1, b:2, c:3] as LinkedHashMap
assert ([a: 1, b: 2] as TreeMap) + other == [a:1, b:2, c:3] as TreeMap
void testFlattenUsingClosure() {
def map = [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: [e: 4, f: 5]]
def findingNestedMapValues = { it.value instanceof Map ? it.value.entrySet() : it }
def result = [:].putAll(map.entrySet().flatten(findingNestedMapValues))
assert result == [a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, e: 4, f: 5]
void testTreeMapEach() {
TreeMap map = [c:2, b:3, a:1]
String result1 = "", result2 = ""
map.each{ k, v -> result1 += "$k$v " }
assert result1 == "a1 b3 c2 "
map.reverseEach{ e -> result2 += "$e.key$e.value " }
assert result2 == "c2 b3 a1 "
void testMapWithDefault() {
def m = [:].withDefault {k -> k * 2}
m[1] = 3
assert m[1] == 3
assert m[2] == 4
assert [1: 3, 2: 4] == m
assert m == [1: 3, 2: 4]
void testMapIsCaseWithGrep() {
def predicate = [apple:true, banana:true, lemon:false, orange:false, pear:true]
def fruitList = ["apple", "apple", "pear", "orange", "pear", "lemon", "banana"]
def expected = ["apple", "apple", "pear", "pear", "banana"]
assert fruitList.grep(predicate) == expected
void testMapIsCaseWithSwitch() {
switch ('foo') {
case [foo: true, bar: false]: assert true; break
default: assert false
switch ('bar') {
case [foo: true, bar: false]: assert false; break
default: assert true