blob: e6ab0accb67794d063419093c2346e633ec96565 [file] [log] [blame]
package groovy
* @author <a href="">James Strachan</a>
* @version $Revision$
class ClosureMethodCallTest extends GroovyTestCase {
void testCallingClosureWithMultipleArguments() {
def foo
def closure = { a, b -> foo = "hello ${a} and ${b}".toString() }
closure("james", "bob")
assert foo == "hello james and bob""sam", "james")
assert foo == "hello sam and james"
void testClosureCallMethodWithObjectArray() {
// GROOVY-2266
def args = [1] as Object[]
def closure = {x -> x[0]}
assert == 1
void testClosureWithStringArrayCastet() {
def doSomething={ list -> list }
String[] x=["hello", "world"]
String[] y=["hello", "world"]
assert doSomething(x as String[]) == x
assert doSomething( y ) == y
void testClosureAsLocalVar() {
def local = { Map params -> params.x * params.y }
assert local(x : 2, y : 3) == 6
void testClosureDirectly() {
assert { Map params -> params.x * params.y }(x : 2, y : 3) == 6
def attribute
void testClosureAsAttribute() {
attribute = { Map params -> params.x * params.y }
assert attribute(x : 2, y : 3) == 6
void testSystemOutPrintlnAsAClosure() {
def closure = System.out.&println
closure("Hello world")