blob: f3e1015485766745c23ec25b9f37fc4b9c6e5b3b [file] [log] [blame]
package transforms.local
* Demonstrates how a local transformation works.
* @author Hamlet D'Arcy
def greet() {
println "Hello World"
@WithLogging //this should trigger extra logging
def greetWithLogging() {
println "Hello World"
// this prints out a simple Hello World
// this prints out Hello World along with the extra compile time logging
// The rest of this script is asserting that this all works correctly.
// redirect standard out so we can make assertions on it
def standardOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.setOut(new PrintStream(standardOut));
assert "Hello World" == standardOut.toString("ISO-8859-1").trim()
// reset standard out and redirect it again
standardOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
System.setOut(new PrintStream(standardOut));
def result = standardOut.toString("ISO-8859-1").split('\n')
assert "Starting greetWithLogging" == result[0].trim()
assert "Hello World" == result[1].trim()
assert "Ending greetWithLogging" == result[2].trim()