blob: d08cf5c127344f59838ea428ecd659250d20cc98 [file] [log] [blame]
boolean isUsingBintray = rootProject.hasProperty('bintrayUser') && rootProject.bintrayUser &&
rootProject.hasProperty('bintrayPassword') && rootProject.bintrayPassword
if (isUsingBintray) {
logger.lifecycle 'Deployment environment set to Bintray'
allprojects {
apply plugin: 'maven'
apply from: "${rootProject.projectDir}/gradle/pomconfigurer.gradle"
configurations {
if (!isUsingBintray) {
dependencies {
deployerJars 'org.apache.maven.wagon:wagon-webdav:1.0-beta-2'
uploadArchives {
repositories {
mavenDeployer {
configuration = configurations.deployerJars
pom pomConfigureClosure
if (!isUsingBintray) {
def credentials = [
userName: System.getProperty('groovy.deploy.username'),
password: System.getProperty('groovy.deploy.password')
repository(id:'',url: uri('dav:'), authentication: credentials)
snapshotRepository(id:'',url: uri('dav:'), authentication: credentials)
install {
repositories {
mavenInstaller {
pom pomConfigureClosure
artifacts {
archives jar
archives sourceJar
archives javadocJar
archives groovydocJar
[uploadArchives, install]*.with {
// dependency on jarAllAll should in theory be replaced with jar, jarWithIndy but
// in practice, it is faster
dependsOn([jarAllAll, sourceJar, javadocJar, groovydocJar])
doFirst {
if (rootProject.useIndy()) {
new GradleException('You cannot use uploadArchives or install task with the flag [indy] turned'
+' on because the build handles indy artifacts by itself in that case.')
def archive = jar.archivePath
def indyJar = new File(archive.parent,['.')-1]+'-indy.jar')
if (indyJar.exists()) {
project.artifacts.add('archives', indyJar)
// the root project generates an alternate 'groovy-all' artifact
[uploadArchives, install]*.with {
dependsOn([sourceAllJar, javadocAllJar, groovydocAllJar])
doFirst {
project.artifacts.add('archives', jarAll)
project.artifacts.add('archives', sourceAllJar)
project.artifacts.add('archives', javadocAllJar)
project.artifacts.add('archives', groovydocAllJar)
def archive = jarAll.archivePath
def indyJar = new File(archive.parent,['.')-1]+'-indy.jar')
if (indyJar.exists()) {
project.artifacts.add('archives', indyJar)
ext.pomAll = {
addFilter('groovy') { artifact, file ->
addFilter('all') { artifact, file ->'groovy-all')
// regular pom
def groovypom = pom('groovy',pomConfigureClosure)
// pom for 'all'
def allpom = pom('all', pomConfigureClosure)
allpom.artifactId = 'groovy-all'
modules().each { sp ->
sp.install.repositories.mavenInstaller.pom.whenConfigured { subpom ->
// add dependencies of other modules
sp.uploadArchives.repositories.mavenDeployer.pom.whenConfigured { subpom ->
// add dependencies of other modules
allpom.whenConfigured { p ->
p.dependencies.removeAll(p.dependencies.findAll {
it.groupId == 'org.codehaus.groovy' ||
(['asm', 'asm-util', 'asm-analysis', 'asm-tree', 'asm-commons', 'antlr', 'commons-cli'].contains(it.artifactId))
install {
// make sure dependencies poms are built *before* the all pom
repositories {
mavenInstaller pomAll
uploadArchives {
// make sure dependencies poms are built *before* the all pom
repositories {
mavenDeployer pomAll