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* Copyright 2008-2009 the original author or authors.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.codehaus.groovy.transform
import gls.CompilableTestSupport
* @author Paul King
class ImmutableTransformTest extends GroovyShellTestCase {
void testImmutable() {
def objects = evaluate("""
enum Coin { HEAD, TAIL }
@Immutable class Bar {
String x, y
Coin c
Collection nums
[new Bar(x:'x', y:'y', c:Coin.HEAD, nums:[1,2]),
new Bar('x', 'y', Coin.HEAD, [1,2])]
assertEquals objects[0].hashCode(), objects[1].hashCode()
assertEquals objects[0], objects[1]
assertTrue objects[0]"Unmodifiable")
void testImmutableClonesListAndCollectionFields() {
def objects = evaluate("""
def myNums = [1, 2]
@Immutable class Bar {
List nums
Collection otherNums
def myBar = new Bar(nums:myNums, otherNums:myNums)
myNums << 3
[myNums, myBar]
assertNotSame(objects[0], objects[1].nums)
assertNotSame(objects[0], objects[1].otherNums)
assertNotSame(objects[1].nums, objects[1].otherNums)
assertEquals 3, objects[0].size()
assertEquals 2, objects[1].nums.size()
assertEquals 2, objects[1].otherNums.size()
assertTrue objects[1]"Unmodifiable")
assertTrue objects[1]"Unmodifiable")
void testImmutableField() {
def person = evaluate("""
@Immutable class Person {
boolean married
new Person(married:false)
shouldFail(ReadOnlyPropertyException) {
person.married = true
void testImmutableListProp() {
def objects = evaluate("""
@Immutable class HasList {
String[] letters
List nums
def letters = 'A,B,C'.split(',')
def nums = [1, 2]
[new HasList(letters:letters, nums:nums),
new HasList(letters, nums)]
assertEquals objects[0].hashCode(), objects[1].hashCode()
assertEquals objects[0], objects[1]
assert objects[0].letters.size() == 3
assert objects[0].nums.size() == 2
void testImmutableAsMapKey() {
assertScript """
@Immutable final class HasString {
String s
def k1 = new HasString('xyz')
def k2 = new HasString('xyz')
def map = [(k1):42]
assert map[k2] == 42
void testImmutableWithOnlyMap() {
assertScript """
@Immutable final class HasMap {
Map map
new HasMap([:])
void testImmutableWithPrivateStaticFinalField() {
assertScript """
@Immutable class Foo {
private static final String BAR = 'baz'
assert new Foo().BAR == 'baz'
void testImmutableWithInvalidPropertyName() {
def msg = shouldFail(MissingPropertyException) {
assertScript """
@Immutable class Simple { }
new Simple(missing:'Name')
assert msg.contains('No such property: missing for class: Simple')
void testImmutableWithHashMap() {
assertScript """
@Immutable final class HasHashMap {
HashMap map = [d:4]
assert new HasHashMap([a:1]).map == [a:1]
assert new HasHashMap(c:3).map == [c:3]
assert new HasHashMap(map:[b:2]).map == [b:2]
assert new HasHashMap(null).map == [d:4]
assert new HasHashMap().map == [d:4]
assert new HasHashMap([:]).map == [:]
assert new HasHashMap(map:5, c:3).map == [map:5, c:3]
assert new HasHashMap(map:null).map == null
assert new HasHashMap(map:[:]).map == [:]
void testImmutableEquals() {
assertScript """
@Immutable class This { String value }
@Immutable class That { String value }
class Other { }
assert new This('foo') == new This("foo")
assert new This('f${"o"}o') == new This("foo")
assert new This('foo') != new This("bar")
assert new This('foo') != new That("foo")
assert new This('foo') != new Other()
assert new Other() != new This("foo")
void testExistingToString() {
assertScript """
@Immutable class Foo {
String value
@Immutable class Bar {
String value
String toString() { 'zzz' + _toString() }
@Immutable class Baz {
String value
String toString() { 'zzz' + _toString() }
def _toString() { 'xxx' }
def foo = new Foo('abc')
def bar = new Bar('abc')
def baz = new Baz('abc')
assert bar.toString() == 'zzz' + foo.toString().replaceAll('Foo', 'Bar')
assert baz.toString() == 'zzzxxx'
void testExistingEquals() {
assertScript """
@Immutable class Foo {
String value
@Immutable class Bar {
String value
// doesn't follow normal conventions - for testing only
boolean equals(other) { value == 'abc' || _equals(other) }
@Immutable class Baz {
String value
// doesn't follow normal conventions - for testing only
boolean equals(Baz other) { value == 'abc' || _equals(other) }
def _equals(other) { false }
def foo1 = new Foo('abc')
def foo2 = new Foo('abc')
def foo3 = new Foo('def')
assert foo1 == foo2
assert foo1 != foo3
def bar1 = new Bar('abc')
def bar2 = new Bar('abc')
def bar3 = new Bar('def')
def bar4 = new Bar('def')
assert bar1 == bar2
assert bar1 == bar3
assert bar3 != bar1
def baz1 = new Baz('abc')
def baz2 = new Baz('abc')
def baz3 = new Baz('def')
def baz4 = new Baz('def')
assert baz1 == baz2
assert baz1 == baz3
assert baz3 != baz1
assert baz3 != baz4
void testExistingHashCode() {
assertScript """
@Immutable class Foo {
String value
@Immutable class Bar {
String value
// doesn't follow normal conventions - for testing only
int hashCode() { value == 'abc' ? -1 : _hashCode() }
@Immutable class Baz {
String value
// doesn't follow normal conventions - for testing only
int hashCode() { value == 'abc' ? -1 : _hashCode() }
def _hashCode() { -100 }
def foo1 = new Foo('abc')
def foo2 = new Foo('abc')
assert foo1.hashCode() == foo2.hashCode()
def bar1 = new Bar('abc')
def bar2 = new Bar('def')
def bar3 = new Bar('def')
assert bar1.hashCode() == -1
assert bar2.hashCode() == bar3.hashCode()
def baz1 = new Baz('abc')
def baz2 = new Baz('def')
assert baz1.hashCode() == -1
assert baz2.hashCode() == -100
void testPrivateFieldAssignedViaConstructor() {
assertScript '''
@Immutable class Numbers {
private int a1 = 1
private int b1 = -1
private int c1
private final int a2 = 2
private final int b2 = -2
private final int c2
private static int a3 = 3
private static int b3 = -3
private static int c3
private static final int a4 = 4
private static final int b4 = -4
private static final int c4 = 4
def n1 = new Numbers(b1:1, b3:3, c1:1, c2:2, c3:3)
assert [1..4, 'a'..'c'].combinations().collect{ num, let -> n1."$let$num" } ==
[1, 2, 3, 4, 1, -2, 3, -4, 1, 2, 3, 4]
void testPrivateFinalFieldAssignedViaConstructorShouldCauseError() {
shouldFail(ReadOnlyPropertyException) {
evaluate '''
@Immutable class Numbers {
private final int b2 = -2
def n1 = new Numbers(b2:2)
void testStaticsAllowed_ThoughUsuallyBadDesign() {
// design here is questionable as getDescription() method is not idempotent
assertScript '''
@Immutable class Person {
String first, last
static species = 'Human'
String getFullname() {
"$first $last"
String getDescription() {
"$fullname is a $species"
def spock = new Person('Leonard', 'Nimoy')
assert spock.species == 'Human'
assert spock.fullname == 'Leonard Nimoy'
assert spock.description == 'Leonard Nimoy is a Human'
spock.species = 'Romulan'
assert spock.species == 'Romulan'
Person.species = 'Vulcan'
assert spock.species == 'Vulcan'
assert spock.fullname == 'Leonard Nimoy'
assert spock.description == 'Leonard Nimoy is a Vulcan'