blob: 213ba572c0b5d0cced9c729f3100bfc556731bd3 [file] [log] [blame]
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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* distributed with this work for additional information
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* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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package groovy.sql
import java.sql.SQLException
import javax.sql.DataSource
import java.sql.Connection
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.InvokerHelper
import static groovy.sql.SqlTestConstants.*
* Unit test of Sql cache feature
class SqlCacheTest extends GroovyTestCase {
Sql sql
Connection wrappedCon
Connection con
DataSource ds
int prepareStatementExpectedCall
int prepareStatementCallCounter
int createStatementExpectedCall
int createStatementCallCounter
void setUp() {
ds = DB_DATASOURCE.newInstance(
(DB_DS_KEY): DB_URL_PREFIX + getMethodName(),
user: DB_USER,
password: DB_PASSWORD)
con = ds.connection
def methodOverride = [
createStatement: {Object[] args ->
assert !createStatementExpectedCall || createStatementCallCounter <= createStatementExpectedCall
InvokerHelper.invokeMethod(con, 'createStatement', args)
prepareStatement: {Object[] args ->
assert !prepareStatementExpectedCall || prepareStatementCallCounter <= prepareStatementExpectedCall
InvokerHelper.invokeMethod(con, 'prepareStatement', args)
wrappedCon = ProxyGenerator.INSTANCE.instantiateDelegate(methodOverride, [Connection], con)
sql = new Sql(wrappedCon)
sql.execute("create table PERSON ( id INTEGER, firstname VARCHAR(10), lastname VARCHAR(10) )")
sql.execute("create table FOOD ( id INTEGER, type VARCHAR(10), name VARCHAR(10))")
sql.execute("create table PERSON_FOOD ( personid INTEGER, foodid INTEGER)")
// now let's populate the datasets
def people = sql.dataSet("PERSON")
people.add(id: 1, firstname: "James", lastname: "Strachan")
people.add(id: 2, firstname: "Bob", lastname: "Mcwhirter")
people.add(id: 3, firstname: "Sam", lastname: "Pullara")
people.add(id: 4, firstname: "Jean", lastname: "Gabin")
people.add(id: 5, firstname: "Lino", lastname: "Ventura")
def food = sql.dataSet("FOOD")
food.add(id: 1, type: "cheese", name: "edam")
food.add(id: 2, type: "cheese", name: "brie")
food.add(id: 3, type: "cheese", name: "cheddar")
food.add(id: 4, type: "drink", name: "beer")
food.add(id: 5, type: "drink", name: "coffee")
def person_food = sql.dataSet("PERSON_FOOD")
person_food.add(personid: 1, foodid: 1)
person_food.add(personid: 1, foodid: 4)
person_food.add(personid: 2, foodid: 2)
person_food.add(personid: 3, foodid: 5)
person_food.add(personid: 4, foodid: 1)
person_food.add(personid: 4, foodid: 2)
person_food.add(personid: 4, foodid: 3)
person_food.add(personid: 99, foodid: 99)
prepareStatementCallCounter = 0
void tearDown() {
* Validation of ConnectionWrapper expectation.
void testValidateWrappedConnectionStatementCall() {
prepareStatementCallCounter = 0
prepareStatementExpectedCall = 1
try {
wrappedCon.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM PERSON")
wrappedCon.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM PERSON")
fail("Exception must be raised")
} catch (AssertionError e) {
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 2
void testCachePreparedStatements() {
prepareStatementCallCounter = 0
prepareStatementExpectedCall = 3
sql.cacheStatements { ->
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 3 // 3 diff statements
void testCacheConnection() {
prepareStatementCallCounter = 0
sql.cacheConnection {
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 13
void testNotCacheStatements() {
prepareStatementCallCounter = 0
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 13
private invokeQuery() {
sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON", []) { person ->
sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON_FOOD WHERE personid = ?", []) { food ->
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM FOOD WHERE id = ?", [food.foodid])
* We here use a wrapper for counting java.sql.Connection.prepareStatement(java.lang.String)
* calls.
* When caching is on, same request must not cause a new prepareStatement call :
* prepareStatementCallCounter must not be increased.
* When caching is off, same request causes a new prepareStatement call :
* prepareStatementCallCounter must be increased.
void testManuallyControlledCaching() {
sql.cacheStatements = true
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 1
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 1
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM FOOD WHERE id = ?", [3])
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 2
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 2
// Stop caching
sql.cacheStatements = false
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 3
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 4
// Statements
sql.cacheStatements = true
createStatementCallCounter = 0
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON")
assert createStatementCallCounter == 1
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON")
assert createStatementCallCounter == 1
* @see #testManuallyControlledCaching()
void testNoCaching() {
// preparedStatements
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 1
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert prepareStatementCallCounter == 2
// Statements
createStatementCallCounter = 0
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON")
assert createStatementCallCounter == 1
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON")
assert createStatementCallCounter == 2
* When caching is on, data source connection must be kept and not released.
* Use a wrapped delegate for counting javax.sql.DataSource.getConnection() calls.
* When caching is off, javax.sql.DataSource.getConnection() must be called each time.
void testManuallyControlledCachingWithDataSource() {
def connectionCallNumber = 0
def methodOverride = [getConnection:{connectionCallNumber++; ds.getConnection()}]
DataSource wrappedDs = ProxyGenerator.INSTANCE.instantiateDelegate(methodOverride, [DataSource], ds)
sql = new Sql(wrappedDs)
sql.cacheStatements = true
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert connectionCallNumber == 1
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert connectionCallNumber == 1
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM FOOD WHERE id = ?", [3])
assert connectionCallNumber == 1
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
// Stop caching
sql.cacheStatements = false
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert connectionCallNumber == 2
sql.firstRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON WHERE lastname NOT like ? ", ['%a%'])
assert connectionCallNumber == 3
void testExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingStatements() {
checkExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingStatements(new Exception('test.exception'))
void testSQLExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingStatements() {
checkExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingStatements(new SQLException('test.exception'))
private checkExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingStatements(Throwable t) {
try {
sql.cacheStatements {
sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON", []) {
throw t
fail('Exception must be raised !')
} catch (Exception e) {
assert e.message == t.message
assert !sql.cacheStatements
void testExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingConnection() {
checkExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingConnection(new Exception('test.exception'))
void testSQLExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingConnection() {
checkExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingConnection(new SQLException('test.exception'))
private checkExceptionIsNotSwallowedCachingConnection(Throwable t) {
try {
sql.cacheConnection {
sql.eachRow("SELECT * FROM PERSON", []) {
throw t
fail('Exception must be raised !')
} catch (Exception e) {
assert e.message == t.message
assert !sql.cacheStatements