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* Unit tests for static type checking : default groovy methods.
class DefaultGroovyMethodsSTCTest extends StaticTypeCheckingTestCase {
void testEach() {
assertScript '''
['a','b'].each { // DGM#each(Object, Closure)
println it // DGM#println(Object,Object)
assertScript '''
['a','b'].eachWithIndex { it, i ->// DGM#eachWithIndex(Object, Closure)
println it // DGM#println(Object,Object)
void testStringToInteger() {
assertScript '''
String name = "123"
name.toInteger() // toInteger() is defined by DGM
void testVariousAssignmentsThenToInteger() {
assertScript '''
class A {
void foo() {}
def name = new A()
name = 1
name = '123'
name.toInteger() // toInteger() is defined by DGM
void testMethodsOnPrimitiveTypes() {
assertScript '''
1.times { it }
assertScript '''
true.equals { it }
void testShouldAcceptMethodFromDefaultDateMethods() {
assertScript '''
def s = new Date()
println s.year
println s.format("yyyyMMdd")
// GROOVY-5568, GROOVY-10815
void testPropertySemantics1() {
assertScript '''
String test(InputStream input) {
input.text // IOGroovyMethods#getText(InputStream)
assert test(new ByteArrayInputStream('foo'.bytes)) == 'foo'
assertScript '''
def chars = new StringBuilder('foo').chars // StringGroovyMethods#getChars(CharSequence)
assert chars == new char[] {'f','o','o'}
assertScript '''
def a = Character.valueOf((char) 'a')
assert a.letter // DefaultGroovyMethods#isLetter(Character)
assertScript '''
class Pogo { String name } // Groovy type
Pogo pogo = new Pogo(name:'Frank Grimes')
def props = // DefaultGroovyMethods#getProperties(Object)
assert props.keySet() == ['name','class'] as Set
// GROOVY-10075
void testPropertySemantics2() {
// see org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.m12n.TestStringExtension
assertScript '''
List<String> strings = ['x','y','z']
assert strings.getSequence() == 'x'
assert strings.getString() == 'x'
//assert strings.sequence == 'x'
//assert strings.string == 'x'
shouldFailWithMessages '''
List<Number> numbers = [1, 2, 3]
'Cannot call <CS extends java.lang.CharSequence> org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.m12n.TestStringExtension#getSequence(java.util.List<CS>) with arguments [java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Number>]',
'Cannot call org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.m12n.TestStringExtension#getString(java.util.List<java.lang.String>) with arguments [java.util.ArrayList<java.lang.Number>]',
'No such property: sequence for class: java.util.ArrayList',
'No such property: string for class: java.util.ArrayList'
// GROOVY-5584
void testEachOnMap() {
assertScript '''
import org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.DefaultGroovyMethods
def mn = node.rightExpression.getNodeMetaData(DIRECT_METHOD_CALL_TARGET)
assert mn
assert mn instanceof ExtensionMethodNode
assert mn.declaringClass == MAP_TYPE
def en = mn.extensionMethodNode
assert en.declaringClass == make(DefaultGroovyMethods)
assert en.parameters[0].type == MAP_TYPE
def x = [a:1, b:3].each { k, v -> "$k$v" }
// GROOVY-6961
void testCollectMany() {
assertScript '''
class ListCompilerAndReverser {
static List<Integer> revlist(List<List<String>> list) {
list.collectMany { strings ->
strings.collect {
} sort { int it ->
assert ListCompilerAndReverser.revlist([["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5", "6"], ["7", "8", "9"]]) == [9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
// GROOVY-11073
void testArrayMaxOverloadSelection() {
assertScript '''import static org.codehaus.groovy.runtime.ArrayGroovyMethods.max
double[][] array2d = [ new double[0], new double[1], new double[2] ]
def theMax = max(array2d, { array1d -> array1d.length })
assert theMax instanceof double[]
assert theMax.length == 2
assertScript '''
double[][] array2d = [ new double[0], new double[1], new double[2] ]
def theMax = array2d.max{ array1d -> array1d.length }
assert theMax instanceof double[]
assert theMax.length == 2
// GROOVY-7283
void testArrayMinMaxSupportsOneAndTwoArgClosures() {
assertScript '''
Date now = new Date()
Date then = now + 7
def dates = [now, then] as Date[]
assert dates.min() == now
assert dates.max() == then
assert dates.min{ d -> d.time } == now
assert dates.max{ d1, d2 -> d2.time <=> d1.time } == now
// GROOVY-7283
void testListWithDefault() {
assertScript '''
def list = [].withDefault{ it.longValue() }
// ^^ int parameter
list[0] = list[3]
assert list[0].class == Long
assert list[0] === 3L
// GROOVY-7952
void testIsGetterMethodAsProperty() {
assertScript '''
assert !'abc'.allWhitespace
// GROOVY-7976
void testSortMethodsWithComparatorAcceptingSubclass() {
assertScript '''
class SecondLetterComparator implements Comparator<? extends CharSequence> {
int compare(CharSequence cs1, CharSequence cs2) {
cs1.charAt(1) <=> cs2.charAt(1)
def orig1 = ['ant', 'rat', 'bug', 'dog']
def sorted1 = orig1.sort(false, new SecondLetterComparator())
assert orig1 == ['ant', 'rat', 'bug', 'dog']
assert sorted1 == ['rat', 'ant', 'dog', 'bug']
String[] orig2 = ['ant', 'rat', 'bug', 'dog']
def sorted2 = orig2.sort(false, new SecondLetterComparator())
assert orig2 == ['ant', 'rat', 'bug', 'dog']
assert sorted2 == ['rat', 'ant', 'dog', 'bug']
orig2.sort(new SecondLetterComparator())
assert orig2 == ['rat', 'ant', 'dog', 'bug']
def orig3 = [ant:5, rat:10, bug:15, dog:20]
def sorted3 = orig3.sort(new SecondLetterComparator())
assert orig3 == [ant:5, rat:10, bug:15, dog:20]
assert sorted3*.value == [10, 5, 20, 15]
// GROOVY-7976, GROOVY-7992
void testSortMethodsWithComparatorAcceptingSuperclass() {
assertScript '''
List<Number> numbers = [2,1,3]
numbers.sort(new Comparator<Object>() {
int compare(o1, o2) {
o1.toString() <=> o2.toString()
assert numbers == [1,2,3]
// GROOVY-7992
void testMaxWithComparatorAcceptingSuperclass() {
assertScript '''
List<Number> numbers = [1,2,3]
// Cannot assign value of type Object to variable of type Number
Number highest = numbers.max(new Comparator<Object>() {
int compare(o1, o2) {
o1.hashCode() <=> o2.hashCode()
assert highest == 3
// GROOVY-8205
void testEachOnEnumValues() {
assertScript '''
enum Functions {
A, B, C
def m() {
def results = []
Functions.values().each { results << }
def m2() {
def results = [:]
Functions.values().eachWithIndex { val, idx -> results[idx] = }
assert m() == ['A', 'B', 'C']
assert m2() == [0: 'A', 1: 'B', 2: 'C']
// GROOVY-11070
void testArrayGetAt1() {
String array = 'int[] array = [0, 1, 2, 3]'
assertScript array + '''
assert array?.getAt( 0) == 0
assert array?.getAt( 3) == 3
assert array?.getAt(-1) == 3
assert array?.getAt(-2) == 2
assert array?.getAt(-3) == 1
assert array?.getAt(-4) == 0
shouldFail ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, array + '''
assert array?.getAt(4)
shouldFail ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, array + '''
assert array?.getAt(-5)
void testArrayGetAt2() {
assertScript '''
Serializable m() {
String[] arr = ['1','2','3']
assert m() == '2'
void testArrayPutAt1() {
assertScript '''
Serializable[] arr = ['abc']
arr.putAt(0, new Integer(1))
assertScript '''
Serializable[] arr = ['abc']
arr.putAt(0, 1)
void testArrayPutAt2() {
shouldFailWithMessages '''
String[] arr = ['abc']
arr.putAt(0, new Object())
'#putAt(T[], int, U) with arguments [java.lang.String[], int, java.lang.Object]'
shouldFailWithMessages '''
Serializable[] arr = ['abc']
arr.putAt(0, new groovy.xml.XmlSlurper())
'#putAt(T[], int, U) with arguments [[], int, groovy.xml.XmlSlurper]'
void testListGetAtNext() {
assertScript '''
def list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for (i in 1..2) {
assert list == [1, 2, 2, 3]
// GROOVY-8840
void testListGetAtGetAtNext() {
assertScript '''
def test() {
def list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
List<Integer> other = [1]
// ^^^^^^^^ puts T on operand stack, not int/Integer
assert test() == [0, 2, 2, 3]
void testListGetAtGetAtNext2() {
assertScript '''
def test() {
def list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
List<Integer> other = [1]
assert test() == [0, 2, 2, 3]
void testListGetAtFirstNext() {
assertScript '''
def test() {
def list = [0, 1, 2, 3]
List<Integer> other = [1]
assert test() == [0, 2, 2, 3]
// GROOVY-9420
void testMapGetVsGetAt() {
assertScript '''
void check(String val) {
assert val == 'bar'
Object getKey() {
return 'foo'
void test() {
Map<String, String> map = [foo: 'bar']
def one = map.get(key)
def two = map[key]
// GROOVY-9529
void testMapGetAtVsObjectGetAt() {
assertScript '''
interface X extends Map<Object, Object> {}
interface Y extends X {}
class C extends HashMap<Object, Object> implements Y {}
Y newMap() {
new C().tap {
put('foo', 'bar')
void test() {
def map = newMap()
assert map['foo'] == 'bar'
// GROOVY-6668, GROOVY-8212
void testMapGetAtVsObjectGetAt2() {
assertScript '''
Map<String, String> map = [key:'val']
// no value type inference
assert map.getAt('key') == 'val'
assert map.getAt("${'key'}") == 'val'
// yes value type inference
assert map['key'].toUpperCase() == 'VAL'
assert map["${'key'}"].toUpperCase() == 'VAL'
assert map.get('key').toUpperCase() == 'VAL'
assert map.get("${'key'}")?.toUpperCase() == null // get(Object); no coerce
// GROOVY-6668, GROOVY-8212
void testMapPutAtVsObjectPutAt() {
assertScript '''
Map<String, String> map = [:]
map['key'] = 'val'
assert map.remove('key') == 'val'
map["${'key'}"] = 'val'
assert map.remove('key') == 'val'
assert map.remove('key') == 'val'
assert map.remove('key') == 'val'
shouldFailWithMessages '''
Map<String, String> map = [:]
'Cannot call java.util.LinkedHashMap#put(java.lang.String, java.lang.String) with arguments [groovy.lang.GString, java.lang.String]'